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Hey all,

We've just returned from the ADAA Grand Prix and although we didn't come away with the results I was hoping for there were some really encouraging signs to come out of it.

Xena managed the 24 weave pole challenge in 6.72 and 6.79 seconds for her two runs - I was pretty happy with that since she's only ever seen 24 poles once before.

She also got one gamblers card and another games card. The gamble I was especially happy with. Aside from that we didn't do all that well in the results dept, but she ran very nicely in some attrocious conditions (either hot or wet depending on the day) and got better and better as the weekend went on. In her last run on the weekend she managed 15 obstacles in just on 23 seconds - including the dog walk and weavers - I was pretty happy with that.

CK ran nicely all weekend and got better as we went, but still decided there was no way he was going to weave in the ring. I think the extra layer of pressure is still a little too much for him so it's back to making sure that he loves weavers before putting him back int he ring again.

All in all pretty happy with both dogs - and they ran brilliantly at training last night as well (Yes, CK did weave well - arrrrrrrrrgh!!!)


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  Agility Dogs said:
Hey all,

We've just returned from the ADAA Grand Prix and although we didn't come away with the results I was hoping for there were some really encouraging signs to come out of it.

Xena managed the 24 weave pole challenge in 6.72 and 6.79 seconds for her two runs - I was pretty happy with that since she's only ever seen 24 poles once before.

She also got one gamblers card and another games card. The gamble I was especially happy with. Aside from that we didn't do all that well in the results dept, but she ran very nicely in some attrocious conditions (either hot or wet depending on the day) and got better and better as the weekend went on. In her last run on the weekend she managed 15 obstacles in just on 23 seconds - including the dog walk and weavers - I was pretty happy with that.

CK ran nicely all weekend and got better as we went, but still decided there was no way he was going to weave in the ring. I think the extra layer of pressure is still a little too much for him so it's back to making sure that he loves weavers before putting him back int he ring again.

All in all pretty happy with both dogs - and they ran brilliantly at training last night as well (Yes, CK did weave well - arrrrrrrrrgh!!!)


Well done Tony, Xena and CK.

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OK, I'll be the first Perthy to report on tonight's WA State Obedience Trial :(

I entered Ruby in Novice tonight, both our first time.

5-6 weeks ago, I was ready to pull the plug on entering the States/Nationals this weekend. Ruby just wasn't ready and I was stuck in a training hole with no idea how to get out. My saviour, Ptolomy, worked with us and convinced me to give it a go, and boy I'm glad I did!

We scored:

Heel Free: 35/40 :eek: ;) ;)

Stand For Exam: 0/30 :o

Recall: 38/40

Change of Position: 30/30

So yes, we bombed on the SFE, which I am not surprised about because she just isn't solid on that yet, but my aim for tonight was to get through the Heel Free without her running off to greet the judge! Not only did she stay with me, but she didn't lag, she didn't miss a single position, and we got a score I am very pleased with!! :rofl: So I came out of that ring so ecstatic that anyone would have thought I had passed :(

She did me proud with her stays as well (I did the stays regardless of failing ringwork because, well, I wanted to and that's my prerogative :mad). We've been having trouble with her sit stays of late, where she likes to lay down not very far into it :( She leaned down twice which could have ended in her laying down, but she recovered and held it :) Then, in the down stays, the dog next to her rolled around and then got up and got extremely close to Ruby's face. Ruby's tail was wagging furiously, ready to get up and play, but she held that down stay so very well!!! Dog in her face and all! Sooo proud!

So my highlights of the night were Heel Free and the stays - way to go, Ruby!!!!! :o

Now the real challenge is getting through the heel work 2 nights in a row :mad

Big thankyou to Ptolomy :rofl:

Sorry for the long brag, but this is yuuuge for me and my Crazy Labrador!!!! ;)

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Go Ruby - your mum should never have had any doubts about you, I always knew you could do well for her. Best of luck tonight RubyStar and you should be mighty proud of Ruby's performance. Sounds like all the training with Ptolomy has paid off.

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  RubyStar said:
OK, I'll be the first Perthy to report on tonight's WA State Obedience Trial :wave:

I entered Ruby in Novice tonight, both our first time.

5-6 weeks ago, I was ready to pull the plug on entering the States/Nationals this weekend. Ruby just wasn't ready and I was stuck in a training hole with no idea how to get out. My saviour, Ptolomy, worked with us and convinced me to give it a go, and boy I'm glad I did!

We scored:

Heel Free: 35/40 :confused::):cheer:

Stand For Exam: 0/30 :crazy:

Recall: 38/40

Change of Position: 30/30

So yes, we bombed on the SFE, which I am not surprised about because she just isn't solid on that yet, but my aim for tonight was to get through the Heel Free without her running off to greet the judge! Not only did she stay with me, but she didn't lag, she didn't miss a single position, and we got a score I am very pleased with!! :cheer: So I came out of that ring so ecstatic that anyone would have thought I had passed :sleep:

She did me proud with her stays as well (I did the stays regardless of failing ringwork because, well, I wanted to and that's my prerogative :(). We've been having trouble with her sit stays of late, where she likes to lay down not very far into it :cheer: She leaned down twice which could have ended in her laying down, but she recovered and held it :D Then, in the down stays, the dog next to her rolled around and then got up and got extremely close to Ruby's face. Ruby's tail was wagging furiously, ready to get up and play, but she held that down stay so very well!!! Dog in her face and all! Sooo proud!

So my highlights of the night were Heel Free and the stays - way to go, Ruby!!!!! :cheer:

Now the real challenge is getting through the heel work 2 nights in a row :sleep:

Big thankyou to Ptolomy :cheer:

Sorry for the long brag, but this is yuuuge for me and my Crazy Labrador!!!! :(

You were the happiest person at K9 last night which was so nice to see. :thanks::thanks:

You have put in some hard work over the last few weeks - all the distraction training at shopping centres, putting Ruby back in the car when things went pearshaped and each session I could see a HUGE improvement in her.

Well done mate - brag away - you deserve it

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We had out state obedience championships last night with some absolutely stunning rounds.

Caffy dusted agility dog Alex off and was sitting on 148/150 in open before stays - this dog is brilliant - but then the little bugger dropped during his sit stays. :cheer:

My travelling companion Deb and Broolyn scored their very first 200 and then took out winner of winners - well done mate :cheer:

Rivsky who is here on holidays from South Australia was really happy with Rivers round - yee har he did not only nice dumbbell work but he also did his change of positions - well done :cheer:

My kids - I was tickled pink with......

Bag features Blaize - came away with 195 in open after losing 4 for going to heel and standing :) yeah we train for that NOT!

Scoota won open with 196 and then put in what i think was his best work ever in the winner of winners round. I am usually his hardest critic - but was thrilled with what he did tonight. Little monster missed the down signal in UD.

Beans was my highlight with 192 in open. Not sure where she lost her 8 marks - but for the first time ever I came out of the ring and went WOW that was special :confused:

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Sounds like all the red dogs were firing last night. Well done everybody :confused: . Nice to hear that River's dumbbell and change of positions came off without a hitch especially after I watched the little bugger think about not returning with it last week at the trial and that he has stopped coming up with 101 ways to fail a COP :cheer: .

Fingers crossed for everybody tonight :).

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Well I just got back from a trial with Jedi in CCD... He did sooooooo well!

Heel 27/30

SFE 10/10

Recall 19/20

And then... In the last half a second of his down stay.... decided he had an itch. *sigh* Literally I was returning around him and he sat up and scratched.

Anyone want a keeshond? :confused:

Oh well, I got some really nice comments from the judge and the other triallers were devastated along with me. But geez it sucks!

Oh and congrats to everyone at State in WA!!

Edited because I ripped Jedi off by 1 mark. :) 27 for heel, not 26!

Edited by TerraNik
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Huge congrats to Ptolomy and Rivsky for last night! :confused: And to Deb and Caffy! Everyone did great, regardless of whether we qualified or not :cheer:

Congrats to TerraNik, that is so heartbreaking to hear he did that at the last second! :cheer::cheer:

I've uploaded my Novice round from last night to youtube if anybody is interested


Apologies that for most of it, we appear as a dot on the screen due to my crappy camera that doesn't zoom while filming! Doesn't help to have a light coloured dog, she blended into the grass and lights :)

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