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2009 Brags Thread


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  mercedes said:
  RubyStar said:
Congrats newfsie and mercedes! What was your score today, m? :o

Not as good today only 75 and I cant blame my very special girl, it was all my fault. I was a bit nervous and a little off as you would have read in teh Lab thread. I tried not to worry but :rofl:

never mind we will see what comes in the morning


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We had a great day out at WAAG's agility trial yesterday.

Xena was up first and got a card in Open A jumping which kept us in the Medallion Stakes round at the Grand Prix in October!! WOO HOO! Not bad for her first year down there.

We had a couple of ordinary runs during the day with just one fault in each because of my handling both times she knocked bars. But then we finished off with a pass in the Power and Speed game - you run the first part of the course (Power) untimed and all faults count towards your time in the second part of the course (jumping - Speed) which has to be run clean and within time.

Finally the big one I had hoped for - we got a quali in Intermediate jumping - she has not qualified for her SAAD (Senior Australian Agility Dog) which is roughly equivalent to Excellent Standard in ANKC trials. Now we can compete in the Advanced ring - more challenges for us!!

CK had a pretty good day as well, but we missed his one quali for the day in Elementary jumping. The upside is he hit both his contacts in Starters and then had fun on the jumping without Weavers course, but didn't quite make it for a card.

All in all very happy and looking good for Macksville!

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I am going to add a brag here for somebody who doesn't frequent this section of the boards but is active in the breed subforum and besides why not the brag is about my baby girls older half brother.

We had the SA State Agility Championships on the weekend and a friend of mine had bought 2 dogs over from WA - one of whom is Kenzie's half brother Flyte or Ch Winpara Soul Dragon CCD AD JDX ADO GD SPD ET .

He has only recently just moved into masters jumping and it was only his second trial. Well not only did he qualify in two of the lead up trials to the finals (3 qualification trials and a finals) but he also won the class with a very speedy performance.

He finished up the 2009 SA State Agility Champion Runner up in Masters Jumping and walked away with the 2009 SA State Agility Champion in Excellent Agiltiy.

His finals run in Masters Jumping was run at a rate close to 7m/sec - not bad for a show bred dog and a baby one at that. He only turns 3 shortly.

Hoping his half sister Kenzie has some of that speed (she already has his good looks :rofl: ).

Her other dog Brodie made it into the Masters Agility and Open Jumping final and had 2 nice finals runs with an unfortunate see-saw call in MA and a handler error in Open Jumping bringing over a bar. Good dog shame about the handler.

Congratulations Brodie, Flyte and Di :( .

Ness had an ok weekend with just a few minor hiccups - bugger of a dog doesn't seem to be in any great hurry to retire as she still needs one more MA and one more OA pass for her titles.

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Congratulations Di and Flyte and Brodie

I thought I put in my little brag from the State Agility Champs. My Border Collie Inka is the 2009 SA State Agility Champion Runner up in Masters Agility and also came third in both Open Jumping and Jumping Master. My other girl Xena who is 10.5 years old is the 2009 SA State Agility Champion Runner up in Open Agility. My other little girl Gabby who is 23 months old didnt do well in the finals but got in both novice agility and jumping finals. Also got her JD title over the weekend with 3 first places she did that with 2 weekend trials. She did have a brilliant weekend though with 3 first places in novice jumping and a first place in novice agility. One of her courses was 38 seconds and she did it in 17.1 seconds

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  xena98 said:
Congratulations Di and Flyte and Brodie

I thought I put in my little brag from the State Agility Champs. My Border Collie Inka is the 2009 SA State Agility Champion Runner up in Masters Agility and also came third in both Open Jumping and Jumping Master. My other girl Xena who is 10.5 years old is the 2009 SA State Agility Champion Runner up in Open Agility. My other little girl Gabby who is 23 months old didnt do well in the finals but got in both novice agility and jumping finals. Also got her JD title over the weekend with 3 first places she did that with 2 weekend trials. She did have a brilliant weekend though with 3 first places in novice jumping and a first place in novice agility. One of her courses was 38 seconds and she did it in 17.1 seconds


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  JulesP said:
Looking good Agility Dogs! Nice videos as usual. I love the look of the courses up there.

:hug: They flow really nicely - can be really tricky in parts, but even when they do get that way there is a flow for the dog if the handler gets it right. VERY few judges set courses with sequences that are hard on the dog physically so to speak - before they are allowed to let loose on the competitors with courses they are reviewed by a senior judge.

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  Agility Dogs said:
  JulesP said:
Looking good Agility Dogs! Nice videos as usual. I love the look of the courses up there.

:hug: They flow really nicely - can be really tricky in parts, but even when they do get that way there is a flow for the dog if the handler gets it right. VERY few judges set courses with sequences that are hard on the dog physically so to speak - before they are allowed to let loose on the competitors with courses they are reviewed by a senior judge.

Thanks I was really impressed with my girls though they worked well all weekend. Going up to the Riverland this weekend and see what happens my baby will be in both excellent agility and jumping so that will be interesting

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Congratulations all you agility dogs...........Funnily enough Annabelle my newf loves agility. But she is way too slow. But she will climb anything at any height and loves tunnels :laugh:

Agility gave her back her confidence after all her "bad times"...............Newfsie

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Im gonna say thank goodness for only living 10 min from the grounds!!

Yesterday was the Jimboomba Agility and Jumping Trial and we didn't leave till about 11.15pm lol... it was a long day but really good..

Novice Jumping: Well we didn't need that one but we DQed by taking the wrong jump silly me wasn't turning away from it.. but still a great run!!

Open Agility: DQ too :thumbsup: but we got our weaves and the see-saw!

Open Jumping: DQ Had a tunnel suck monster lol!!!

Novice Agility: Q & 2nd!! I had no clue I knew we Qed and as i was waiting for my open run I was watching the other dogs and was thinking man some of those BCs are doing well...

Startegic pairs: :cheer::cheer::laugh::eek: :D didn't Q but it was insane! We based the whole course around jock doing the weaves.. and watt happened he screwed them over!!! ;) Still alot of fun!!

Not long till Ekka now so we'll be in training for that! one more Q for AD!!! yay!!

Another huge congrats to Levi and Bindi again!! You guys keep getting better and better.. You're probably gonna overtake us at the rate your going!! :happydance:

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Well my brag from today is that we entered the agility ring for the first time since about.... Feburary this year :thumbsup:

I was really pleased with both dogs, some really nice runs usually handling faults from me that stuffed the dog up - well either that or not walking the course before running it :laugh:

Ended up with an open jumping pass - was chuffed with that - nice run by Leo and for a dog that used to struggle with distance is an achievement for us to say the least :thanks:

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  leopuppy04 said:
Well my brag from today is that we entered the agility ring for the first time since about.... Feburary this year :laugh:

I was really pleased with both dogs, some really nice runs usually handling faults from me that stuffed the dog up - well either that or not walking the course before running it :crossfingers:

Ended up with an open jumping pass - was chuffed with that - nice run by Leo and for a dog that used to struggle with distance is an achievement for us to say the least :champagne:

Hey well done LP - I seen you at a distance several times but never crossed paths to say hello :happydance:

We had a good day, two passes in Masters - one agility one jumping. :happydance:

I'm going through a stupid mistake phase - I manage to sqeeze one into every run I do lately. :champagne: Pity I can't just jam them all into one run for the day and leave the rest clear!! Better still, remove them all together. :thumbsup:

Edited by Jess.
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Haha - same here Jess - every time I saw you you were about to go into the ring!

i was exactly the same! dogs ran brilliantly but the handler was seriously dodgy!!!! I ran a FAB ex jumping round with Kinta and totally FC where I didn't need to, and as a result completely confused the poor sod :crossfingers:. Cost us the pass and the rest of the run was brilliant!!! I think kinta wanted to murder me :laugh:

You've got your Masters titles don't you?!?!!?!

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  leopuppy04 said:
I think kinta wanted to murder me :D

That's the good thing about our dogs - they don't really care about pieces of carboard or titles!! :rofl: Luckily for me, otherwise I'd be in big trouble! :confused:

  leopuppy04 said:
You've got your Masters titles don't you?!?!!?!

Darcy's got her JDM plus a few passes, still a couple to go for her ADM. She does alright considering her biggest handicap is her handler! :rofl:

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