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2009 Brags Thread


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Springdog well done! Thats excellent

Well i should put my brag in, I finally entered Ed in Novice at the Gippsland trials, and we got our first 2 passes on the Sat with 2nd in ring both trials (only 2 passes in each ring too)

Bombed out Sun and Mon morn and we pulled out Mon arvo, we were both a bit over it by that stage, and if I'm gonna get this last pass I wanna do it with full enthusiasm! :laugh: Had some lovely comments about him though, so his heads even bigger now (who woulda thought that possible!)

ETA Just saw Cosmolos brag too, awesome work! Love to see them prancing!

Fantastic!!! WTG Shoey!!!

Geez - I better get my butt into gear now that the bubba's have gone!!!

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Thanks! I soooo badly wanted to pass this class. I did think it was a bit greedy though after getting my PT the day before. I would like to pass some agility modules, a couple of weeks early, tomorrow but that is being super greedy!

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Well, we just got home from an obedience trial and young Gabby had just got her CDX title at a tender age of 22 months old. Today she got 198 and first place. For her title she got 196,197 and 198 all with first places. I am so proud of my baby. Now onto utility LOL



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Well, we just got home from an obedience trial and young Gabby had just got her CDX title at a tender age of 22 months old. Today she got 198 and first place. For her title she got 196,197 and 198 all with first places. I am so proud of my baby. Now onto utility LOL



WOW! Awesome result :rofl: Congratulations :(:thumbsup::rofl:

At 22 months, Zig would have been much more interested in licking his balls :D

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Well, we just got home from an obedience trial and young Gabby had just got her CDX title at a tender age of 22 months old. Today she got 198 and first place. For her title she got 196,197 and 198 all with first places. I am so proud of my baby. Now onto utility LOL



OMG that is awesome!! Way to go!!!!!! :):confused::laugh: Highly envious :vomit::)

At 22 months, Zig would have been much more interested in licking his balls :laugh:


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Well done Gabby and Xena!

I was coming in here to brag, but now it just seems pathetic after reading that :thumbsup:

My brag is that we're slowly making it back to the rings :laugh:

Had a UD run through with Leo today and it seems that he knows the tasks quite well :shrug:. So trialling in August may not be such a pipe dream after all :)

Kinta is back in the rings after puppies. I was mean and left all her toys and open packets of food scattered around the rings, but she gave me some brilliant heelwork and didn't even look at them :). I even pulled out the big guns and brought along her most FAVOURITE toys! LOL

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Well, we just got home from an obedience trial and young Gabby had just got her CDX title at a tender age of 22 months old. Today she got 198 and first place. For her title she got 196,197 and 198 all with first places. I am so proud of my baby. Now onto utility LOL



Congratulations again to both of you - can't wait to see how she does in UD :thumbsup:

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Xena that is just the most fabulous performance especially in such a young dog and speaks volumes about how much work and skill has gone in to her. Congrats.

Lp sounds like things are going well. Can't wait to see your two back out there again. I'm starting to think about having another crack at noivce myself, not expecting much though.

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Well, we just got home from an obedience trial and young Gabby had just got her CDX title at a tender age of 22 months old. Today she got 198 and first place. For her title she got 196,197 and 198 all with first places. I am so proud of my baby. Now onto utility LOL




Well done Danni & of course Gabby :laugh:

I remember seeing little Gabby in Ccd at Gawler,when I was over for a couple of trials last year.

I wish we had a few more obedience trials down here, we are lucky to get about 12 :wave:

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My Cash got his ET today :rofl: Little bugger pulled the whole 20ks though, my left hand is all puffy and swollen :laugh:

Heart rate dropped from 124 to 84 first leg, to 64 second leg then back up to 84 after the last leg.

Run out of dogs now for ETs, gonna have to start borrowing other peoples :)

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My Cash got his ET today :rofl: Little bugger pulled the whole 20ks though, my left hand is all puffy and swollen :love:

Heart rate dropped from 124 to 84 first leg, to 64 second leg then back up to 84 after the last leg.

Run out of dogs now for ETs, gonna have to start borrowing other peoples :laugh:

:) Go Cash! Congratulations on your second ET! When you said you were doing both dogs I didn't realise you were going nearly back to back. Well done!! :laugh:

Will I see you at Sunbury or Berwick? :party:

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Don't tempt me superminty :rofl: Congratulations :rofl:

A very happy Dally household tonight with Ziggy (Yarrowfell High Society) getting his final CCD pass at Hastings Dog Club today.........

97/100 and FIRST PLACE and TITLE :o Just put a bottle of bubbles in the fridge for when OH arrives home :shrug:

I was really pleased because the things we worked on since the last trial came off a treat. He lost 2 points in his heeling for a crooked sit/drop and 1 point in his recall for a crooked sit. Guess what we'll be working on now :cry: As a Hastings club member we also got the ribbon for highest club CCD score. Onwards and upwards :rofl:

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