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Teaching Your Dog To Gait Faster


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My pup well not so much a pup now but still my baby!!! is 17 months old i have been showing her problem is shes lazy. When we go in the ring she gaits soooo slow that i'm beating her at a jog. This week i thought if i rode my bike and then she could go faster nope she still goes her own pace tail in the air happy as larry going her own speed.The problem in the ring is that i'm holding up the other dogs and its not a good look getting over taken in the ring plus not fair on the other dogs behind us. Anyone have any ideas.

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The question is can she actually gait faster?

Does she ever gait faster by herself? or breaks into the gallop?

If she breaks into a galop then Id say her reach and drive due to her structure isnt the best hence she is slower on the gait.

Perhaps show us the photos or a video.

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Our camera has died waiting to buy a new one bugga.. I have been told at shows that she has the correct angles front and rear i'm new to the show i would prefer obedience and the other dog sports. At home when shes running free she will gait heaps faster this is why i'm thinking its me doing something my next step is to take a toy and reward strongly fast gaiting at home have to admit its also not something that i train at home i kind of assumed they woud just do it naturally but maybe not

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She is a dalmatian. Only this week i have started to "train" her to heel at a really fast pace but my fast pace for obedience would be the same as the gait speed she likes. Sometimes i feel like giving up but then when i'm at the shows i enjoy myself but feel slack holding up others

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I think it's about you making sure the gaiting is fun and rewarding for her. Teaching her to 'show herself off' on the lead 'gaiting' will really help with speed. If there is no reward and no 'meaning' for the dog to do it, then that's when they look bored and gait slow :laugh:

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Only this week i have started to "train" her to heel at a really fast pace but my fast pace for obedience would be the same as the gait speed she likes.

I dont get it, you can outrun her in the show ring, but you cant outrun her in the fast pace when you heel?

Also what I dont understand is how can you not make her run faster when on the bike? Just ride faster, encourage her to keep up, you are letting her dictate the speed?

Surly you can ride fast enough for her to go into gallop. Do that then slightly slow down.

Encourage her with yor voice, toy food or whatever and show her that running faster is great fun, but when she slackens off you will check her.

The running needs to be fun as leopuppy said. Find what her motivator is and use it.

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Thanks for the advice i will go faster on the bike i end up dragging her along if i went faster than she wasnted to so yes i guess she is dictating the speed mmm maybe she is being bossy and me weak.... ok more fun and faster. I'll encourage her go fast i guess in a way i have stuffed her up as when she was younger if she did gallop i corrected her so now she thinks stuff this for a joke i have today off work so will go and give her ago Thanks magics mum

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Get someone to video you. It could be something as simple as your body language.

Do you look back at her when you are gaiting her? If so you could be unintentionally giving her a body block with your shoulder. Try looking striaght ahead while moving her, see if this helps. This will also help you run in a straight line. :birthday:


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Thankyou bear i think you got it for me i just ran her on a different lead no check chain and actually let my other dog ran around her so it was a bit of competition and she was flying yeah!!!! I know i can't do that in the show but just wanted to muck around and HAVE FUN But definately got to take the video to the next show and also video her at home i'm now definately convinced its me.

Magics Mum

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Thankyou bear i think you got it for me i just ran her on a different lead no check chain and actually let my other dog ran around her so it was a bit of competition and she was flying yeah!!!! I know i can't do that in the show but just wanted to muck around and HAVE FUN But definately got to take the video to the next show and also video her at home i'm now definately convinced its me.

Magics Mum


What sort of lead are you using? A metal/hard checkchain? If so try changing to a soft/nylon etc lead. :) It's amazing what a diffence it can make. :champagne:


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