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Throwing Up


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Hi guys,

Need some advice please. My 10 month old Beagle X, Jodie has throwm up twice in the last 45 minutes. She's not normally a spewer and I'm not sure if I am worrying for nothing. It seems like she has thrown up everything she has eaten today. She's still drinking and playing.

Should I call the emergency vet?

Am I a worry wart?

Please help!

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If she's happy, I wouldn't worry too much---she may have just eaten grass or something... keep her quiet- no food tonight.

If she starts to look hunched- or is restless.. or vomits/dry reaches again... then call the vet.

Rethinking- I just read this again

It seems like she has thrown up everything she has eaten today.

Could it be everything? Or is just dry food expanded with moisture, perhaps?

if it IS everything from the day- yes- a vet needs to be seen as there could be an obstruction....

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Provided your pup is lively and doesn't appear to be unwell in any other way, I wouldn't be too worried, just keep an eye on the situation. Most pups have upset tummy days wether because of new foods, too much food, or just eating things they shouldn't (not always dangerous things). I usually keep some apple sauce handy as this soothes upset tummies in dogs, even a tin of purred apples baby food seems to help. When the problem is at the other end, ie loose stools or constapation then I use steamed pumpkin which works pretty quickly. These remedies are only when the dog is showing no other ill effects, if a dog or pup appeared of colour or listless then I would not hesitaite in calling a vet. If you are really worried it is often better to call the vet even if its just for piece of mind, they will advice you if they need to see your pup.

Pups are like kids, they like to give you grey hairs.

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I would say providing the dog is still in good spirits then not to go to an emergency vet. If their belly is tucked up, and they are hunched and generally look down in the dumps, then yes go to the vet.

It could have just been something they've eaten that didn't sit right with them. Or it could have been some grass. I'm a little blase about spewing after dealing with Darcy :love:

Withold food until tonight and then try with something bland - chicken and rice is the norm approach.

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Agree with the others. If she was listless and not moving, looking generally sad, then I would rush her to the vet. The fact she is still happy and playing could be that she just ate something that didn't agree with her. Perhaps she gulped it down to fast and then ran around too quickly?

If she starts having diararroa (I can't spell that word) then I would definitely take her to the vet or if she slowed down, is panting and/or looking distressed.

Give her a break from feeding, then slowly introduce it and see what happens. If she continues to throw up after every meal, I'd take her to the vet.

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Thanks guys.

She threw up again after I posted last night. I kept her quiet and kept an eagle eye on her. OH told me this morning that when he got home from work yesterday she had attacked the foam from the sofa yesterday and eaten some of it (she's ripped the seat cushion apart, Grrrrrr). The sofa is a million years old so the foam is probly full of chemicals. Idiot dog!

I have a vet appointment today at 10:30am to get her checked over just in case. This bloody dog will eat anything!!!!

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Thanks guys.

She threw up again after I posted last night. I kept her quiet and kept an eagle eye on her. OH told me this morning that when he got home from work yesterday she had attacked the foam from the sofa yesterday and eaten some of it (she's ripped the seat cushion apart, Grrrrrr). The sofa is a million years old so the foam is probly full of chemicals. Idiot dog!

I have a vet appointment today at 10:30am to get her checked over just in case. This bloody dog will eat anything!!!!

How did you go at the vets?

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Thanks again guys for your concern.

We went to the vets and saw our regular vet, Dr Robbie. He knows my girls very well. When we went in the first thing he said to me "What has she eaten that she shouldn't have?" He said it with a smile and I had to giggle. I told him about the sofa and he couldn't help himself, he laughed. He gave her a really good look over and the whole time he was whispering in her ear that she's a very naughty and cheeky little girl but that it was ok because she's such a lovely puppy! :laugh: Yeah right I thought.

Anyway he cleared her and said she was fine. He gave Jodie and Jesie both a pigs ear and instructed them that they need to chew on the ear and not the sofa. She didn't throw up again yesterday which was good and she seems fine. Chasing my poor cats and annoying her big sister, Jesie

I tell you she does these things just to make me worry about her! Looks like the new sofa I was getting at the end of the year is on hold!

Bloody beagles!

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Dr Robbie is great. He is so happy all the time and makes my girls feel extra special when ever they visit. Because of him they both enjoy going to the vet. I have no drama's getting them there.

My cats are still a bit stand offish with him though. But then again my girl cat is a total snob! :laugh:

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Good news Claire :laugh:

Have you tried any of those sprays to keep the dogs away from things?

We have used one before and it worked, despite everything I thought! Maybe that might help with the foam intake :laugh:


Edited by huskyheaven
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