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Ridgeback X Puppy Urgently Looking For A Home


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I have posted this in Rescue but I feel it may get more "air time" here. I hope Troy won't mind :rolleyes: :laugh:

  Kelpie-i said:
This little girl is 10-12 weeks old and somehow made her way onto our doorstep on Monday night. We live on 16 acres so how she made her way onto our property is beyond me!

She is absolutely adorable and would make someone a lovely companion. Very human orientated puppy and I believe will make for a very nice obedience dog.

We think she may be ridgeback x and by the looks of it will be a med-tall dog.

She is currently in Diggers Rest (Vic). I am unable to keep her unfortunately as I already have 4 dogs, therefore am looking for the perfect new home for her as a matter of urgency.

If anyone is wanting to either foster her or give her a home, please contact me on 0412 523 998 or PM me.


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Haha Kelpie, she knew what door to knock on.

She looks like a real sweety, good luck finding her the perfect home.

She most certainly did PAX. She sniffed out a sucker a mile away!!

I just learned from our neighbour that she too had a puppy land on her doorstep on Monday night, the description is identical to the one we have here. We are certain it must have been her sister.

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