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Barking At Next Doors Bedroom Lights...

Tim & Tanya

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For the last 3-4 wks Bruno now 6mths has started to bark at night when the next door neighbours put a bedroom light on, I go mad at him and he stops however this doesn't teach him not to do it the next night.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated...

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Well you haven't taught him anything at all by "going mad" at him - except that when the neighbours lights come on something really scary must be about because mum/dad comes out and yells at the lights.

Firstly, stop "going mad" at him for being a dog, he really can't help it OK?

Is he an inside or outside dog. If inside and when you let him out he barks at the neighbours light if it's on, then go out with him (him on leash) and divert him from barking by praising him for not barking. Make it worth his while not to bark - and certainly don't raise your voice (bark in his eyes) to make him stop or you'll just tell him that when he barks you will bark too.

If he's an outside dog then confine him in an area where he can't see the neighbours lights then when they're on, go out, put him on a leash and take him somewhere he can see them - and divert him from barking by praising him for not barking. Make it worth his while not to bark - and certainly don't raise your voice (bark in his eyes) to make him stop or you'll just tell him that when he barks you will bark too.

Check what he can actually see when the neighbours lights are on - is there something which casts a shadow? Also have his eyes checked in case he has some sort of vision defect. Does he look directly at the lights or is he looking somewhere else?

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Well you haven't taught him anything at all by "going mad" at him - except that when the neighbours lights come on something really scary must be about because mum/dad comes out and yells at the lights.

Firstly, stop "going mad" at him for being a dog, he really can't help it OK?

Is he an inside or outside dog. If inside and when you let him out he barks at the neighbours light if it's on, then go out with him (him on leash) and divert him from barking by praising him for not barking. Make it worth his while not to bark - and certainly don't raise your voice (bark in his eyes) to make him stop or you'll just tell him that when he barks you will bark too.

If he's an outside dog then confine him in an area where he can't see the neighbours lights then when they're on, go out, put him on a leash and take him somewhere he can see them - and divert him from barking by praising him for not barking. Make it worth his while not to bark - and certainly don't raise your voice (bark in his eyes) to make him stop or you'll just tell him that when he barks you will bark too.

Check what he can actually see when the neighbours lights are on - is there something which casts a shadow? Also have his eyes checked in case he has some sort of vision defect. Does he look directly at the lights or is he looking somewhere else?

Thanks for that Sandra, he is an outside dog so will try what you have suggested.

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