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Gunky Eye


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My girl seems to have a slightly irritated eye at the moment, it's not overly bad but it is a bit gunky. I gave it a bath with some lukewarm water yesterday and that helped a bit. I know that there's a product you can add to the water that helps but can't for the life of me remember what it's called. Does anyone know what I can use to help clear this up? I will be taking her to a vet to get it checked out if it doesn't clear up quickly but wanted to try a home remedy first if I could.

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Luke warm tea bags. I have used camomile.

That's the one!!! Now I remember, whenever we had something irritating our eyes as kids mum would make up some calmomile tea and use that! I could remember the smell but couldn't remember the name! :mad:(

I don't think it's conjunctivitis as it's only one eye at the moment and she's been rubbing it a bit which leads me to think there might be something in there that's irritating it. I'll give the tea a shot and if it's not clearing up tomorrow I'll take her in for some ointment.

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