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Brenda Aloff Seminar 20 - 22 Feb 09


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Ok .... who here were at the Brenda Aloff's seminar this past few days? I didn't stop to ask "who was a DOLer" .... and now I'm curious. :)

It was an absolutely fantastic weekend. A tonne of info from Brenda, combined with a "show and tell" of HOW to apply behaviour modification and training exercises.

Trish (Kelpie-i) along with Dale (Kepala) did an awesome job of making the days run smoothly, having everyone feel very welcome and 'at home' .... and keeping us fed to over full with great food (yum!! .... more devonshire teas, please - shame there weren't any scones, cream and jam left over, or I would have absconded with a plate of them all for myself :D).

Brenda was entertaining, a lovely person and the days were over before you knew it. I can't believe that a whole 4 days have gone by so quickly.

Thank you Trish and Dale for making the weekend with Brenda possible and of course Brenda, for sharing your boundless knowledge with us. And also thank you to the group who were there - they were a really good 'bunch' and asked some really good questions.

Oh ..... and I can't forget Laura - thank you to you and your lovely folks for having me over for dinner, which was very morish, to say the least. Hhhmmm .... could have done a doggy bag for that too :(.

Edited by Erny
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Ok .... who here were at the Brenda Aloff's seminar this past few days? I didn't stop to ask "who was a DOLer" .... and now I'm curious. :D

OK. Hands up from me. I was there.

Absolutely fantastic four days! Well worth the trip down from Newcastle for me! Shall need the time to process the information and reread her books. Now can't wait to pick up my dog from the kennels and start trying some of Brenda's protocols with her!

Brenda was such an informative, practical, hands on person, welcoming questions and she had a great sense of humour too. I would love to have her spend more time here and just try to soak in more of her knowledge and bring her home for a consult! It was really interesting to see her do the private consults yesterday. Thank you too, to all the people who got up in front of us all to work their dogs with Brenda, you made it all so much more real for us.

I'm in awe of the facilities at Kepala and the catering was fantastic. I echo Erny's thanks to Dale and Trish for organising it - Brenda did say she might consider coming out again next year, so get working on it guys!!

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Thanks Erny and Jigsaw....it was a very adrenaline filled 4 days and whilst I didn't get to hear all of Brenda's seminar (coz I was rushing around all over the place :rofl: ), what I did catch of it was sensational!

I am glad you both enjoyed it and got something out of it. Nothing worse than spending a heap of money going to a seminar and not really gaining any benefit from it!

The private consult day was fantastic as you got to see everything Brenda spoke about over the first 3 days actually come into play. Especially when Laura and Indy (dog reactive) had their session.

It was refreshing to see an International trainer actually get in there and work all the dogs, rather than just preach to people without showing any actual proof of what they are preaching.

Go Brenda!! :thumbsup:

I'm sure there were other DOLers there....so c'mon...who were you!!

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I was there, what a great 3 days. How Brenda kept up that enthusiasm and sense of humour for that length of time was amazing. She must have been so tired today.

Loved the demos and a huge thanks to the people who put them selves up there, must have been very nerve wracking.

I could have sat there for another day quite easily.

Ditto the catering and organisation great job Trish and Dale. People are always friendly at Kepala I have found.

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I was there...

I know who you were :D (although I keep forgetting that this is your DOL user name :laugh:). It was good to see you Jane, although the times for 'catch up' were fast .... and I think we all ended up too mind tired to chatter too much the further we got into the weekend LOL.

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Interested to hear what was considered new with "treatment" of aggression?

LL, no such thing as "treatment" for aggression, just management strategies, teaching of new skills, re-socialisation and desensitisation techniques.

Management of an aggressive dog is a lifetime exercise and as such, Brenda provided the auditors with all the techniques and strategies required to deal and manage the problem so that you can effectively "mask" it and also "add to" the dog's conditioned responses to the triggers.

Can i ask what techniques Brenda uses?

Cosmolo, Brenda uses a mixture of R+ and R-. Lots of pressure on/off exercises not too dissimilar to horse training techniques which work amazingly on dogs. For some exercises she uses food and others she doesn't which was extremely refreshing to see the good balance of techniques. IMO, she is the only trainer who was able to effectively use the techniques she was teaching and actually see the results almost immediately. The exercises didn't require a heap of handler proficiency either which make them quite easy for a novice handler to apply.

She spoke about hind brain and front brain uses of the dog as well as recognising micro behaviours in dogs.

Edited by Kelpie-i
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Erny, I agree, trying to chat in the breaks was not that easy, the days went so fast. Queuing on the 'potty breaks' took up time too!

Kelpie I, great summary of the methods. I recognised so much of it from horse training too,

A couple of people mentioned a report, that would be so hard to do but she did mention a DVD of the seminar in time, whether that is available to no attendees I don't know.

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Yes Mr R & NR, to give a report would be extremely time consuming and approx 5000 pages long :thumbsup:

DVDs of the seminar, albeit condensed, will be available in a few months for purchase but priorty will be given to seminar attendees.

Brenda will be returning in 2010 so those of you who missed out will get the opportunity to see her.

I am also already organising the next guest speaker/seminar so watch this space !!!

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Brenda will be returning in 2010 so those of you who missed out will get the opportunity to see her.

Book me in again, K-i :thumbsup:. It's always good to go over things a second time at least, IMO.

I am also already organising the next guest speaker/seminar so watch this space !!!

Standing by :thumbsup:.

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I'll be right behind Erny and Mr R & NR in line waiting for Brenda's next trip out! Would love to know who's the next guest speaker! Any hints???

Kelpie-I that was a great summary of the seminar! I have a book full of notes that I can hopefully make sense of I want to transcribe onto the computer. I'll be looking forward to her DVDs. Gee I hope there's more than one DVD, there was so much info to take in!!

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Interested to hear what was considered new with "treatment" of aggression?

LL, no such thing as "treatment" for aggression, just management strategies, teaching of new skills, re-socialisation and desensitisation techniques.

Management of an aggressive dog is a lifetime exercise and as such, Brenda provided the auditors with all the techniques and strategies required to deal and manage the problem so that you can effectively "mask" it and also "add to" the dog's conditioned responses to the triggers.

Thankyou. I remember studies where dogs were bred for poor temperatment. Non curable.

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