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Hot Spots


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I have 2 Border Collies bitches that are suffering with "Hot Spots" It is spreading like wildfire. I have been to the vets and have them on antihistamens (sp?) and anti biotics and have been told to wash them every day in Malaseb and then dry them with the dryer. My vet said it is a bacterial infection and to keep them dry but with lonmg coats, rain and me working full time it all seems a little impossible to keep them dry.

I was recommended Medi Pulve powder. Has anybody used this?? Or is there something else someone may be able to recommend/


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I put Betadine on them and then get all the moisture out with Curash Powder.

I have heard some people having success with Listerine.

The most important thing is to keep it dry.

Thank you for your reply. It looks like I will have to pen them to keep them dry. The powder sounds like a fantastic idea so I will grab some tomorrow. :thumbsup:

Cheers and thanks again :laugh:

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you know Betadine is only already diluted Iodine??

Betadine is diluted for humans mainly because (I am one of them) quite a few are allergic to Iodine. I believe it is also one reason Iodine is hard to come by in Chemists.

Sorry.. with the horses we just buy the straight Iodine, then dilute it to what strength we need or use it straight depending on the wound etc. Being a liquid, can put in trigger spray or use it as a complete wash.

Vetadine Iodine Wash (500ml) $16.00 (250 ml $10)

A general purpose antiseptic wash, effective against a wide range of bacterial and fungal skin conditions.

That was from "The Vet Shed"

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ok i know some people are going to disagree with this but for me it has always worked.

I had a bitch that had hot spots all the time and i would treat with iodine. My vet advised i dry them out by dabbing them with methylated spirits. Yes it stings like hell but if you catch them early they clear up overnight. Must admit i only used it when the skin was showing the first signs of redness not if it has become gunky. Thankfully none of the dogs i have now get them.

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have been told to wash them every day in Malaseb and then dry them with the dryer.

I would only wash the parts you need to as Malaseb does tend to trash the coat if overused.

I always use Malaseb then leave on Pyohex conditioner if they are quite 'fresh'. This clears them up really quickly.

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Eqyss is not worth sh*t IMO as I spent over $60 on the shampoo and spray and it did f-all! My boy is scared enough of treatments so putting something like listerine on him would be incredibly painful and would result is a full on anxiety ridden dog.

I use to use Betadine/Curash and even that would sting and he would hate it. So pyohex shampoo wash to clean to pat dry and then if you wish use pyohex lotion twice on the first day, then once a day for three days and if needed after that once every second day! Also if very infect go to the vet and get neocort and anti-immflams and antiobiotics! :swear: Good Luck!

Ps my boy has had 30 + hot spots in his life and he is only 2 yrs and 2 day old.

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ok i know some people are going to disagree with this but for me it has always worked.

I had a bitch that had hot spots all the time and i would treat with iodine. My vet advised i dry them out by dabbing them with methylated spirits. Yes it stings like hell but if you catch them early they clear up overnight. Must admit i only used it when the skin was showing the first signs of redness not if it has become gunky. Thankfully none of the dogs i have now get them.

Yep - worked for Piper too.

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The main thing I use is a tube of stuff that I got from the vets. Works a treat.

I have used listerine as well.

I have a thing of iodine here though, so might give that a try as well next time one pops up.

I think you are referring to Ilium Neocort ointment. It is quite cheap to buy & I never used to shave the hair but just whack it on twice daily. When the hotspots are all cleared up you can wash the dog to remove any greasy residue, making sure of course to dry the dog properly.

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