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Frozen Chicken Wings Question


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Might be a silly question but....

Is it safe to feed dogs frozen chicken wings / necks? I have read of others giving frozen wings and necks in Kongs or frozen in ice especially in hot weather.

Doesn’t it make the bones more brittle if they are frozen (and therefore dangerous)?

Told you it was a stupid question lol but wanted to make sure as I forgot to defrost my girls morning wing during the hot weather so popped it outside thinking it would defrost quickly and she ate it immediately.

She loves necks and wings but actually seems to prefer them frozen if given a choice.



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I feed mine frozen from time to time. Mostly if it is very warm or I haven't had time to defrost them. I have also used them for piggies who gulp down thawed ones. Being frozen seems to slow them down. Whether it is ok or not, I can't tell you, but my crew certainly haven't suffered any ill effects from it.

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What ellz said. Don't know if it's the right thing to do, but I do it sometimes. Thinking of giving frozen ones to my 20 week old BC now as his teething seems to be worrying him a bit at present - big teeth coming through, I think. He enjoyed a plain piece of ice the other day.

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I think maybe I worry too much sometimes or have WAY to much time to think now that all the kiddies are at school :rolleyes:

Always safer to ask first, act second :laugh:.

I give my boy frozen chicken wings from time to time too. Like another poster - if the weather is hot; when he was teething (cools the gums); if I've forgotten to defrost.

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