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Poppy At The Bridge


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I hope when you got to the Bridge, Poppy, your old friend Nancy and your lovely dughter Trixie were there to show you the way. I worry because your passing was so unexpected, but I am sure they knew and were there for you.

You had what we thought were small cerebral haemorrhages last night, and it was obvious that you weren't going to have any quality of life. You had a great 12 1/2 years - running around the property, helping with the horses, notching up mouse numbers on your little belt, running through the grass and showing those other dogs how to bark at thunder and lightning.

You weren't the most obedient dog. You thought "come" was a suggestion, and you saw walks as an exercise in social skills - everyone you met needed to be properly greeted and inspected. You made new friends every time you went anywhere.

You were wonderful off the lead though, and food would always bring instant compliance. But you were the easiest little girl to live with, and that was the most important thing. If you are always in the right place at the right time, it doesn't matter if you please yourself, right? If you are in the right place before someone calls, you don't need to come when called.

I remember my long quest for a black and tan, and phoning your breeder.

Do you breed Cavaliers


Do you have any pups?


You wouldn't have a black and tan female, would you?


Can I come and see her?


I thought your breeder was probably retarded, after that conversation. Turned out that she had been told it would be nearly impossible to sell the black and tan, and she was in shock that someone was interested. She thought maybe I was retarded!!

I first saw you at 4 weeks old. You were so cute and friendly and self assured for such a baby.

You came home at 8 weeks, and promptly organised the household so it ran to your standards. Lead training was easy - you simply did as you liked! Baths were something which you endured with sighs and groans, pandering to the whims of your silly owner. But you had a lovely coat, and you shone like silk after your bath.

Then I decided to breed - you had lovely pups, and while you weren't a Crufts winner, you have given me a lovely line through your daughter, two grand-daughters and one great grand-daughter. Your pedigree wasn't to die for, but you had a lovely mouth, your patellas were excellent, and your little heart was a clear as bell up to the end. And you've passed those

attributes on. And your beautiful, fearless, even nature, and unfailng good humour. I never heard you growl, or saw you be cross or cranky with anyone.

In middle age, you happily moved onto small acreage, and traded your runs around the paddock for rides in the car, visits to friends, walks off leash along the creek, and running on the beach. Your cleaned up all the mice within a week or your arrival. You slowed down a bit around 10, but you were still pretty lively. Age related dry eye in one eye was a bit of a problem, but soon solved, and I think that's the only time you went to the vet, you were such a healthy girl. You never seemed to be getting any older.

And I guess, that maybe you would have preferred it to end like this, rather than be very old and grey, and tottery, because you never were always so healthy and happy. But I thought I'd have you for a few more years yet.

I'll sure miss you, little mate, with your little black face and big eyes with those cute tan eyebrows. I'll miss the way you rushed inside to clean up the cats' dinner, and the sight of your little black bum with the tan trousers waving, as you busily trotted into the kitchen, cats' dinner on your mind. I'll miss you meeting me at the gate when I get home from work, I'll miss you running up the drive to help when I put out the bin, or check the horses' water. I'll even miss your snoring. I wont be able to shout "shut up Poppy" and hope I fell asleep before you start again!!

I hope there are plenty of slow mice over the bridge, plenty of new people to meet and charm, and I hope you enjoyed your life with me as much as I enjoyed being your owner. I sure got lucky when I wanted a black and tan Cavalier.

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what a wonderful tribute for such a wonderful dog

RIP Poppy - go find my Poppy a blenheim cavalier at Rainbow Bridge, she sounds so much like you and she would have been 12 too. She'll look after you.

hugs to you Jed

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