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Peeing Puppy


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:) Leight has started to pee on the beds,1st mine,then my daughters and now Daniels,we take her outside,she does NOTHING for 20 more minets and then will come in a pee in frount of us !!!,what is going on here !!.

Last night it was Danels bed,after she did t,she got off (it was moring ) and peed again in frount of Hubby .

Firm "NO'es" are given,and she is left outside (no-more slaps) ........

What s hang ? any clues will be helpful

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Get a pee post from a pet shop and put it outside. Then wait for her to pee. If she's become used to peeing inside, she may not like the surface outside and hold her pee. Dogs usually prefer a particular surface to do their stuff on. So wait till she actually does it outside and praise her. Saying 'no' when she does it inside won't work. She won't know if you are reprimanding her for peeing or for peeing inside.

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Reading back through your posts you need some consistancy with this puppy. Sounds like the pup doesnt understand at all that outside is where you pee. What breed is Leaght? You said brown pup but what did you purchase?

1 - get some baby gates or teach everyone to keep the door shut. When your kids were little did you let them run around with no nappies? NO WAY!! :p Same with this pup. Block access to where this pup can get to wee on the bed. One beds is quite strange but competitive behavior in a dog.

2 - As soon as it changes activity (wakes up, play, eat, sleep etc) take it outside and say 'go wee!!!' in a happy voice. Encourage the puppy to follow you outside and wait there until you see it wee/poo. Also have a feel of the tummy you can tell when they have a full bladder

3 - regulate feeding and keep treats to a minimum. I read you had a lot of trouble with firm stools you should not be feeding treats, wheat based dog foods, pigs ears etc as they all cause loose tummies. Also if you know when the pup had a meal you will know roughly when she needs to go toilet (again just like toddlers :p )

4 - be patient. We expect our dogs to learn everything in a few weeks when our own human children who speak english take years to reliably train. Be CONSISTANT and PERSISTANT. If she makes a mistake, well bad owner for allowing it to happen. Have a think about why it happened - didnt make sure she peed outside, ignored her signals, left the doors open etc.

5 - if you can't get to take her outside regularly get a large shallow storage container, some paper based cat litter and a tissue with some of her urine in it and train her to use it like a cat would a litter box. Same principle, take her to the box and encourage her to wee/poo there, then give her a treat and fuss over her when she does.

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I taught cooper not to pee on our bed by telling off the actual wee puddle after he'd done it, taking the wet blanket outside and praising it, all in front of him.

Pretty sure i read of this idea on DOL actually, and as strange as it sounds, it worked for him.

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I taught cooper not to pee on our bed by telling off the actual wee puddle after he'd done it, taking the wet blanket outside and praising it, all in front of him.

Pretty sure i read of this idea on DOL actually, and as strange as it sounds, it worked for him.

:p :p :mad That's so funny, i would love to see this in action :cool: :cheer::eek:

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Thanks ALL for ur help,Leigh is a LAB,and its seems she is marking her terrotory and also we have made the greatest error is letting her sleep in bed with us/Daniel,she is starting to think she is at our level (as she is growing) so is not doing as she is told.

So its all simply taking her outside every hour on the hour,she startes puppy school in March,so that will be great!

Thank u all

Reading back through your posts you need some consistancy with this puppy. Sounds like the pup doesnt understand at all that outside is where you pee. What breed is Leaght? You said brown pup but what did you purchase?

1 - get some baby gates or teach everyone to keep the door shut. When your kids were little did you let them run around with no nappies? NO WAY!! :hug: Same with this pup. Block access to where this pup can get to wee on the bed. One beds is quite strange but competitive behavior in a dog.

2 - As soon as it changes activity (wakes up, play, eat, sleep etc) take it outside and say 'go wee!!!' in a happy voice. Encourage the puppy to follow you outside and wait there until you see it wee/poo. Also have a feel of the tummy you can tell when they have a full bladder

3 - regulate feeding and keep treats to a minimum. I read you had a lot of trouble with firm stools you should not be feeding treats, wheat based dog foods, pigs ears etc as they all cause loose tummies. Also if you know when the pup had a meal you will know roughly when she needs to go toilet (again just like toddlers :) )

4 - be patient. We expect our dogs to learn everything in a few weeks when our own human children who speak english take years to reliably train. Be CONSISTANT and PERSISTANT. If she makes a mistake, well bad owner for allowing it to happen. Have a think about why it happened - didnt make sure she peed outside, ignored her signals, left the doors open etc.

5 - if you can't get to take her outside regularly get a large shallow storage container, some paper based cat litter and a tissue with some of her urine in it and train her to use it like a cat would a litter box. Same principle, take her to the box and encourage her to wee/poo there, then give her a treat and fuss over her when she does.

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