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How To Feed Pumpkin (or Butternut Squash)


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I planted a few butternut squash this year and it looks like I'll be getting 50 to 100 kg of a vegetable I rarely eat. I know some people feed it to their dogs. What's the best way to convert it to something they'll eat -- not as a main course -- something to go along with their raw meat and occasional egg, yoghurt, etc. Cook it? Dice it and feed it raw? Are the seeds ok? Must it be peeled?

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Pumpkin should be fed cooked & mashed, they love it.......

Pele looooves pumpkin. I dry out the seeds and put them thru the coffee grinder ($15 from Priceline) and sprinkle them on Pele's food, use them when I bake biscuits for her - I don't waste them. You've probably seen Pepitas in the supermarket, health shop etc. They are the shelled and roasted pumpkin seed :cry: Taste yummy and good for you :cry:

I put mashed pumpkin with yoghurt in Pele's Kong and freeze it for a hot day.

I also make Pumpkin and Liver treats. Boil the pumpkin and put equal amounts of chopped pumpkin and raw liver into the food processor and whizz it up. Spoon it onto a baking tray (I put baking paper on it).

This is the instruction from my Bull Terrier List -

Spoon onto a greased cookie sheet and bake 45 min. at 250 degrees. Remove from oven, cool a little, and cut each "cookie" into quarters. Wash cookie tray, put quarters back on UN-greased cookie sheet and repeat baking process. It is just a dehydration process.

Don't know what 250F converts to. The numbers on my oven have worn off, so I just take pot luck :( I usually just turn over the cookies (they look like little cow pats) and don't bother putting new baking paper on. I cut them into small pieces for training treats. Pele loooooves them and hovers around the oven :)

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I've been adding pumpkin to my dogs dinner. Just steamed it, then froze in ice cube trays like I did when I had human babies. I grab a few cubes every 3rd day or so and mix them through her

kibble with other stuff. She's loving it so far, and thankfully it hasn't given her any tummy issues. I haven't thought of giving her the seeds though.

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Forgot to add that on my Bull Terrier email List the Americans swear by canned pumpkin for diarrhoea and also constipation. You can't buy it in cans here, so I keep some frozen in an icecube tray in the freezer just in case :) I've never had to use it, so can't say if it works or not :(

Raw Pumpkin seeds are also supposed to help eliminate intestinal worms. If you "Google" Pumpkin seed and worms, there is quite a bit on the Internet :cry:

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Forgot to add that on my Bull Terrier email List the Americans swear by canned pumpkin for diarrhoea and also constipation. You can't buy it in cans here, so I keep some frozen in an icecube tray in the freezer just in case :D I've never had to use it, so can't say if it works or not :thumbsup:

Raw Pumpkin seeds are also supposed to help eliminate intestinal worms. If you "Google" Pumpkin seed and worms, there is quite a bit on the Internet :)

I always find if I steam the pumpkin and give it to the dog that it solves diarrhoea pretty quickly, never thought to freeze it in an icecube tray for latter use, brilliant idea. Another good one is purreed apple for tummy upsets that are causing bile vomiting. If your travelling its a good idea to get baby food cans of purreed apple and pumpkin for the dogs medical chest as changes in water or long travel can have an effect on our dogs. Mind you we uaually carry exta water so they don't have to drink strange water. When we travelled to the eastern states (driving) we bought containers of water from the supermarket so that the dogs did not suffer tummy upsets, but still gave pumpkin occassionally in their meals. Will have to google the pumpkin seeds as I love natural cures. Thanks.

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Forgot to add that on my Bull Terrier email List the Americans swear by canned pumpkin for diarrhoea and also constipation. You can't buy it in cans here, so I keep some frozen in an icecube tray in the freezer just in case :( I've never had to use it, so can't say if it works or not :cry:

I always find if I steam the pumpkin and give it to the dog that it solves diarrhoea pretty quickly, never thought to freeze it in an icecube tray for latter use, brilliant idea. Another good one is purreed apple for tummy upsets that are causing bile vomiting. If your travelling its a good idea to get baby food cans of purreed apple and pumpkin for the dogs medical chest as changes in water or long travel can have an effect on our dogs.

Brilliant idea about the baby food cans of apple and pumpkin :rainbowbridge: Will add that to the shopping list for the First Aid kit :) Thanks!

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