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Bum Problem!


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Riley has been liking his bum quite often lately.

It seems he has some white muscous in his anus which I have only noticed today. (I did check when he first starting licking and there was nothing unusual there then)

He is wormed reguarly.

It doesn't seem to bother him in any way that he licks it every now and again.

His stools are fine, no muscous in them and doesn't seem to have any problems going to the toilet.

Any ideas???

Vets aren't open today, and I don't think its anything serious, but I'll book him in for Monday or Tuesday anyway just in case.

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I thought of anal glands. I even tried to do it myself but didn't have any luck. Riley didnt' seem to care at all so it wasn't hurting him at all which I thought it might if it was his anal glands being blocked.

He has never had his anal glands emptied before though but now he's getting older maybe they need doing..

The only other thing I thought of was a allergy of some sort.

He gets allergies in between his toes which causes them to itch and then he licks them excessively which then turned into a anxiety thing.

I was wondering if he was getting some sort of allergy on his bottom, from rolling around the grass, but then I saw the mucous today and now Im not sure..

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Well I haven't seen him do it at all tonight, but he does kinda look there as if its itchy or something and he wants to lick, but doesn't.

Im going to try to get into the vet for tomorrow arvo to get it checked out just to make sure everything is OK.

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Does his wormer do tapeworm? :laugh: They come with the pesky fleas this time of year.

I've seen that in poundies. And they have a fast lifecycle AFAIK so I usually worm again a fortnight later just to be sure they're all gone.

Or, in this weather he could be getting an itch, there is a lot of it around just from the heat. If you need an aloe plant Wags let me know. :rofl: V handy.

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Got into the vet for 5.15 so we'll see how we go.

We use drontal allwormers and I just checked and they do cover tapeworm.

It looks like its his anal glands or an allergy related thing.

If they are emptied by the vet once, does that then make it a regular thing that needs doing ?

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Got into the vet for 5.15 so we'll see how we go.

We use drontal allwormers and I just checked and they do cover tapeworm.

It looks like its his anal glands or an allergy related thing.

If they are emptied by the vet once, does that then make it a regular thing that needs doing ?

Drontal is good. :eek:

I have heard if anal glands become a chronic problem then yes they need emptying and you will need to watch for impaction or infections. But your boy has no history of issues.

We had one dog with an abscessed gland a couple of years ago, she was given antibiotics and she had some plain metamucil or extra veg on her dinner every since and didn't have a problem after that.

LOL @ Becks. Peeeeeewwwwww. :thumbsup: It's a unique smell.

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Definately no smell there as I was rather close trying to empty them myself when I first noticed the licking. The area wasn't tender or anything either as he couldn't care less what I was doing. He was too busy chewing a toy.

If vegetables are supposed help, Riley gets our left over vegetables about 3 times a week so thats got to be a good thing.

As much as it sounds like a anal gland problem, he doesn't seem to be showing all the right symptoms besides the licking.

It will be interesting to see what the vet says.

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Well we went to the vet and the vet couldn't find anything wrong.

She said the area did look a bit red but she thinks this was only because of him licking. The anal glands were fine.

She thinks its most likely an allergy which is causing itching (he gets this on his feet and lips sometimes too) and this is why he's licking.

Also since he's been licking his bum, he hasn't licked his feet, so he may have transferred his anxiety from feet to bum!

Just going to keep a eye on it and tell him to stop when he does it, like we do with his feet.

He hasn't tried to do it at all since ive been home though so fingers crossed he might be over it.

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Ever heard the joke about why dogs lick their balls?

Answer: Because they can.

Maybe the same is true for bums . . . for some dogs. If there are no other symptom, I'd not worry about it. Keep watching, smelling, etc. It may be the equivalent of chewing fingernails for some kids. Who knows what goes on in a dog's head.

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Hello there. The poor thing probably feels an intense itchiness on his bum. I'd try applying some sorbelene based cream to relieve the affected area. The mucous may be released as the result of the licking, which in turn encourages the dog to lick more - a vicious circle. I don't know anything about anal glands... I just saw a documentary once on foxtel where a smallish showdog required artificial evacuation of it and I am glad I don't have to do that with my dog.

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Very interesting, licking is a symptom of anal gland problems however I had one little old female that I rescued and she always had her head up her backside!! She had no anal gland problems either, just a ghastly habit.

I would try putting some pawpaw ointment on there, it is very soothing and harmless if the dog licks but hopefully might remove the need to.

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Well he didn't lick at all yesterday which is good

Maybe he just wanted to go the vet for some treats :thumbsup:

Edited to add - I have some cream that the vet gave me previously for his feet which I can use, also have pawpaw so ill try that if he starts licking again.

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If you want to use ointment, I'd suggest something like Aloe Vera, which is extremely bitter and won't be something a dog is keen to lick off. I think paw paw may simply be one more reason to lick. Mine all love Illium neocort . . . another thing people often put on irritated skin.

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