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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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Look at the camera Bruno!!



I am so proud of Cooper and myself in how far he has come in the last 18 months, he has gone from a dog who couldn't even be around males (apart from my OH) without going nuts to this!! :o



This is the shocking road that I was talking about down basin track, this section is just before the boat ramp.



The weather has turned pretty crappy tonight, I think Maws comes home today hope she is off the plane and out of this bad weather!!

Tez, we missed you and Jane today, how did the clean up go, was thier much damage??

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:laugh: TLC thats not a bad road, its a bad road when it take 4 4WDs to get 1 car out :laugh: I can do that track in my commodre at 60kms :laugh:

It the troopie has mud coming in above the door seals its a bad road

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  Pandii said:
:laugh: TLC thats not a bad road, its a bad road when it take 4 4WDs to get 1 car out :laugh: I can do that track in my commodre at 60kms :laugh:

It the troopie has mud coming in above the door seals its a bad road

Guess you don't like your car if you do 60k's down a road like that :clap:

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Well if we couldn't be there, at least I get to enjoy the piccies!! Just didnt feel like a proper Sunday without training and the walk!

Thanks very much for the offer, J.J but all went well. The next door neighbour got a tree lopper in ( must have cost a fortune on a Sunday!) as the rest of the gum tree was severely compromised and he is gonna take away the branches that the S.E.S cut up on our side of the now smashed fence. Found out two lots of guttering were damaged and maybe some timber underneath the guttering so will get quotes tomorrow. Turns out we have to claim on our insurance even though it was the neighbours tree as its classed as 'an act of God'!

My friends in Pomborneit had a blackwood tree topple over and block their driveway...It was MASSIVE! The scarey thing is that it must have fallen minutes after my sister and neice drove outer of there. Jeff, the owner, reckons if Leigh had glanced in her rear view mirror she would have seen it fall!!! Took all morning to cut it up and drag branches into the paddock and there were 5 of us doing it!

My other friend just on the east side if Mt Leura lost 5 or 6 huge trees. Some up-rooted and others sheared off half way up. Looked like the aftermath of a cyclone and her road was blocked by a massive up-rooted cypress. The farmer ether side managed to clear a section near a smashed farm gate so she has access out otherwise she was cut off as she lives at the end of a dirt road. I had to walk half a km to check on her and the kids last night as power and phones were down! What a weekend!

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  Tim & Tanya said:
  Pandii said:
:) TLC thats not a bad road, its a bad road when it take 4 4WDs to get 1 car out :eek: I can do that track in my commodre at 60kms :eek:

It the troopie has mud coming in above the door seals its a bad road

Guess you don't like your car if you do 60k's down a road like that :cry:

Nope I dont like it, never have and never will, but the road is fine,doing 60kms is not going to hurt anything, I have great tyres and suspension, if it was a dangerous road it would have signs or be closed over winter like some some roads are, we were driving worse roads/tracks than that on Sunday. At least they keep Killarney graded and the bad holes filled, some roads in the area never see a grader or back fill.

I guess you like your tracks paved with white lines :eek:

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  Pandii said:
  Tim & Tanya said:
  Pandii said:
:) TLC thats not a bad road, its a bad road when it take 4 4WDs to get 1 car out :eek: I can do that track in my commodre at 60kms :eek:

It the troopie has mud coming in above the door seals its a bad road

Guess you don't like your car if you do 60k's down a road like that :cry:

Nope I dont like it, never have and never will, but the road is fine,doing 60kms is not going to hurt anything, I have great tyres and suspension, if it was a dangerous road it would have signs or be closed over winter like some some roads are, we were driving worse roads/tracks than that on Sunday. At least they keep Killarney graded and the bad holes filled, some roads in the area never see a grader or back fill.

I guess you like your tracks paved with white lines :eek:

Na just respect cars, whether old or new...

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  Pandii said:
:cry: TLC thats not a bad road, its a bad road when it take 4 4WDs to get 1 car out :laugh: I can do that track in my commodre at 60kms :laugh:

It the troopie has mud coming in above the door seals its a bad road

Yes, and I'VE SEEN your Troopy with mud over the door-seals..... any pics? :laugh:

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  tez said:
Well if we couldn't be there, at least I get to enjoy the piccies!! Just didnt feel like a proper Sunday without training and the walk!

Thanks very much for the offer, J.J but all went well. The next door neighbour got a tree lopper in ( must have cost a fortune on a Sunday!) as the rest of the gum tree was severely compromised and he is gonna take away the branches that the S.E.S cut up on our side of the now smashed fence. Found out two lots of guttering were damaged and maybe some timber underneath the guttering so will get quotes tomorrow. Turns out we have to claim on our insurance even though it was the neighbours tree as its classed as 'an act of God'!

My friends in Pomborneit had a blackwood tree topple over and block their driveway...It was MASSIVE! The scarey thing is that it must have fallen minutes after my sister and neice drove outer of there. Jeff, the owner, reckons if Leigh had glanced in her rear view mirror she would have seen it fall!!! Took all morning to cut it up and drag branches into the paddock and there were 5 of us doing it!

My other friend just on the east side if Mt Leura lost 5 or 6 huge trees. Some up-rooted and others sheared off half way up. Looked like the aftermath of a cyclone and her road was blocked by a massive up-rooted cypress. The farmer ether side managed to clear a section near a smashed farm gate so she has access out otherwise she was cut off as she lives at the end of a dirt road. I had to walk half a km to check on her and the kids last night as power and phones were down! What a weekend!

:laugh: your sister and your niece were so lucky. What an awful lot of damage done, and with the train, was that near Camperdown, i only heard about it didn't see it in the paper. It was so lucky no one was hurt, I guess it could have been a lot worse!! Its a pity about your insurance will you have to pay the excess?? Tez, did you know there is no training next week, just thought id let you know incase you didnt. so the next training day is 27th Sept. I wont be there that day as Ill be away.

If you guys go for a walk afterwards have fun, Ill be thinking of you all. We will be boating that day :cry: Im heading to my mums for a week or so it is my step dads 70th Birthday so big party and lots of rellys to catch up with. Also having a big catch up with my doggy buds in Melbourne, and visiting my friend who has Brons brothers, she has just got a new puppy and she is soooooo cute!! Anyway the weather looks a bit better today, at least the sun is shining, my lot are all still sleeping I think still exhausted from thier beach walk yesterday!!

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  Pandii said:
:cry: TLC thats not a bad road, its a bad road when it take 4 4WDs to get 1 car out :laugh: I can do that track in my commodre at 60kms :laugh:

It the troopie has mud coming in above the door seals its a bad road

:laugh::o I have to agree, that's not a bad road...at least you can still dodge the potholes...

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  tlc said:
Just a quick msg to say the track out there is attrocious so go steady along it, I nearly lost a muffler the other day :cry: Could have been just my driving but IM blaming it on the road!! :laugh:

My original message was just a note to the ones that were heading out to let them know the road wasn't real good and to be careful.

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I have to say that the road is rather worse than it actually looks.

OH and myself where going to take the "boys" out for a run on Sunday and thought about taking the Ute but we both came up with the conclusion that we might be missing both the dogs if we hit one of those pot holes lol.

Just picture 2 dogs flying through the air at 60 km haha not a pretty sight lol.

TLC for once your pics did NOT do the pot hole justice they really are rather deep. hehehe maybe you need to stand in one to show how deep they are.

In fact next time we go out there you can stand in one and I will take the pics :laugh::):laugh::) Cose I am such a great friend I am happy to let you get all wet :):):(:) Maybe you could wear some waders you would just about need them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tanya cant wait to hear how Bruno and you guys go at the show, and if you enjoyed it.

Munchin I cant believe we still haven't meet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tez glad to hear the clean up went well. I am in the SES so I have an idea of the havoc that can be caused. Hope the insurance side goes well :D:):)

JJ how much longer till puppy breathe ??????? And did your wife still want to come have a lok at these froggies of mine :):):):)

Cheers Janet

Edited by Riley James
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  tlc said:
  jerojath said:
33 days till PUPPY BREATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

:shrug: WOW that went quick!! How exciting!!

Yes it's exciting, but I don't feel like I've recovered fro the last litter yet! :D

A large litter especially, is very demanding of my time - bottle feeding when necessary, sleepless nights, cleaning, paper work etc. Thank God this is the last litter for at least a couple of years.... :)

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Thats what they all say JJ , never again not for a while, but how quickly you forget :laugh: You will miss it all too much cause they are soo cute when they are little.

PS Anyone have a goat I can borrow, lend, have, acquire??? To eat grass only

Edited by Munchin
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JJ, those puppies will be here before you know it :laugh:

Must catch up OH has something for you and those dog beds ( dantes) are going to be very cheap again shortly, Do you want any??

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