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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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Hi all...hope everyone had a great weekend!

TLC...How is poor brave Cooper going...hopefully feeling much better by now! and I trust no more disasters as it seems you have had your fair share!

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Hi Guys, I spent the day on Melbourne today, just got home. I took my boys with me and the girlies stayed hom with my OH. Cooper is ok but probly a bit too much on his foot today he will need an extra couple of recovery days I think but at least he got out of the house for the day!!

Tez did your Sis take Jane to training today, good luck with her at the vets on Wednesday, let us know how she gets on?

JJ and Pandii, how was your walk? Did you get any photos today?

JJ, do you know what would be the usual amount of days on the tablets (Rimadyl) for a case such as Coopers? Im just curious as he was meant to have 4 per day for the first 4 days then 2 a day for the rest but the thing is on the little bottle it says 20 tablents but there is about 40 tablets. 4 a day for 4 days and 2 a day for the next 2 days would be 30 making 6 days of tablets, does this sound right or should the course be longer? as I have a lot more tablets. Might have to ring the vet and find out if he give me to many tablets??

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  tlc said:
Hi Guys, I spent the day on Melbourne today, just got home. I took my boys with me and the girlies stayed hom with my OH. Cooper is ok but probly a bit too much on his foot today he will need an extra couple of recovery days I think but at least he got out of the house for the day!!

Tez did your Sis take Jane to training today, good luck with her at the vets on Wednesday, let us know how she gets on?

JJ and Pandii, how was your walk? Did you get any photos today?

JJ, do you know what would be the usual amount of days on the tablets (Rimadyl) for a case such as Coopers? Im just curious as he was meant to have 4 per day for the first 4 days then 2 a day for the rest but the thing is on the little bottle it says 20 tablents but there is about 40 tablets. 4 a day for 4 days and 2 a day for the next 2 days would be 30 making 6 days of tablets, does this sound right or should the course be longer? as I have a lot more tablets. Might have to ring the vet and find out if he give me to many tablets??

Hard to say re: rimadyl tabs. Not quite up on duration requirements with rimadyl but if he's given you 40 then I'd say that's the course requirement. Never hurts to ring and check though, if you're concerned.

Yep, we had a lovely walk today - good weather and not a soul at the beach.

Pandii took her camera but I think my very demanding attention-seeking puppy

made it near impossible to take any photos! :thumbsup:

Did you end up getting ANY shots Pandii? :laugh:

ETA - Watch out for them SCARY boat trailers, 'eh Sebbie! :thanks:

Edited by jerojath
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Guest Pandii

Havent had a chance to check my camera, JJ, byt he time we walked, then swam, then I had the garden to do, well the time just went lol

Yes TLC, boat trailors are like the bad people with those big white things :)

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Guest Pandii

Everyones been a bit quiet today, what you all doing???

JJ, didnt get many photos on Sunday, but I do like this one


I changed Sebs vet appointment to after 1pm too, as I want to wash him before the vet checks his tail.

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Guest Pandii

Thanks TLC, I love the first shot too, think it would be great blown up, yes mum and bub.

Seb might have cateracts in both eyes, they are blue and cloudy.

Hows Coop?

Edited by Pandii
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Oh Thats terrible, what can they do for him if it is? Can they take them off?? Let us know how you get on.

Yea Coops ok but it is a slow process, I took him to Melbounre with me which has probly set him back a day or so but he is definatley on the mend.

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Guest Pandii

Hiya, just got home from vets

He has some cream for his eyes, no cateracts, yay. She said his eyes are not bad, one looks like it has been knocked and is swollen on his eyebrow, she said like a black eye, will use the cream and hopefully all comes good.

His tail is fine, no problems at all another yay

He seems to be very sensitive to fleas though, he was treated with advocate just 5 weeks ago and has been scratching the last 2 days, and has little sores on his back, so I will have to treat more religously.

His ears still have a little gunk in them, but overall she said a big improvement.

And he had his vacc booster.

And he has had a bath and a new coat.

So all is good :)

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Thats great that there is no cateracts!!

Pics of Sebbi in his new coat, please!!

Is advocate the stuff you have to give them every 4 weeks? My auntie uses it on her little dog and she reckons after 3 and half weeks she starts scratching and she needs to reapply.

I dont use advocate as I worm with tablets, for fleas I use advantage in the summer months or frontline plus if we are going away.

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Guest Pandii

She did mention ulcers, which SPR mentioned as well, but that was it, the blue was not notable in his left eye at all today just some int he right eye, which is the one he has knocked

Edited, I did mention the cateracts and she looked with the torch and said no sign of cateracts

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  Pandii said:
She did mention ulcers, which SPR mentioned as well, but that was it, the blue was not notable in his left eye at all today just some int he right eye, which is the one he has knocked

Edited, I did mention the cateracts and she looked with the torch and said no sign of cateracts

What Vet Pandii ??............. not Lava i hope.


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Guest Pandii

Nope not lava, thank god.

the one on mortlake road, she has been a bit pushy wants me to have the entropian surgery done, but he doesnt need it.

Today there is no blue in one eye at all.

One eye has had a knock, he has a lump on his eye brow and that eye looks bruised.

He is not in any pain so I am going to use the cream and keep an eye on them, I can always take him back

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Hey Pandii, is it Sue you have seen? The last lot of times I have been in I have seen Craig, he is married to Sue.

Tenties & Pandii, am curious to the comments about lava street, can you post here? or pm me. I have lots of friends that go there and say they are the best, and cheaper than anywhere else!

Edited by tlc
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  tlc said:
Hey Pandii, is it Sue you have seen? The last lot of times I have been in I have seen Craig, he is married to Sue.

Tenties & Pandii, am curious to the comments about lava street, can you post here? or pm me. I have lots of friends that go there and say they are the best, and cheaper than anywhere else!

I'm interested to hear about Lava Street too. I don't go there but have heard good things.

I did ring them once when I first moved here re: hip scoring and was told by the vet he didn't know how to x-ray for scoring which I thought was odd....

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