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Bugga tlc, its not often i get to pop in there , hope your up and about real soon, i just got over a lurgy, my first in nearly 5 years :eek: its been good but i knew my luck would run out sometime....maybe i will lose the extra weight as well now ??? it seems the hashimotos has kept the colds etc away and also is blamed for weight gain so you never know (sigh)

Did JJ go to Melbourne today ??? a car went by before tooting all the way and i instantly thought of him heading to Melbourne ?? although i have had a few different cars toot as they go by and one of them i think is Tez....might drop in to her work and say hello one of these days.

Well this is not getting anything done , i started clearing the back room out to turn it into my grooming room at long last so need to keep going and bring the table in from the shed and unload my grooming box as well...i picked up another freezer yesterday and need to get that out of the van too.

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No Tenties, 'twas not I.

I gave you a 'toot' early Saturday... ;)

If you do pop in to see Tez make sure you say G'Day from me! I miss her around here and on the odd walk I was able to join you all on.

Half your luck having your own Grooming Room! :thumbsup:

Well I nearly just had a heart-attack....

I was just over at Centro Plaza getting dog food.

I was standing in the queue and this woman in front of me comments to the checkout operator:

"I see someones finally going into that empty shop" pointing over the way to where the sandwich bar used to be.

Then the operator says "Yeah I hear it's a Pet Shop that sells snakes".

So I dead-set nearly drop one in the knickers, of course!

Then another employee standing at the customer service counter says:

"Nah, it's a Newsagent".

"Oh really" I heard it was a Pet Shop" says the operator.

"No I think that's at Safeway" the other says.

So of course, I confirmed that I'd heard the same, but also added that "I think they are going to sell heaps of other stuff too, like turtles". :laugh:

Think I aged about 10 years, but!

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If i get into Camperdown in the near future i will pop in and tell tez how mean she has been to everyone ;) i mean, just cos you have a fella doesnt mean you should just dump all your friends eh ???

JJ, i planned on having the back room here as my grooming area (not really a back room just an area between the laundry on one side and the loo on the other )i thought i might take up a bit of grooming on the side again, bit of pocket money , it comes in handy....

Geez rumours might be true, i've heard the same thing as those girls :laugh: not really JJ, dont have a fit we will just sit there and laugh at you :laugh: hey, are you going to have an invite only opening so we can all have a sqizz at your snakies and turtles ???

drinks on you of course :laugh: ???

Oh and havent finished out the back, got the freezer out of the van and had to have a break, well its now a long break as i lost the get up and go to get up again :laugh:

Who cares, my first dog will be the Jack, who i've sold to a breeder who was searching for her lines and Tess being the last she was snapped up.....

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Bloody Hell, I can see what you would have had a fit, funny how rumors get around!

What is stranger is the guy at work who is keen on getting a snake and keen for your shop to open, just said to me the other day. We really need a newsagents at Centro. :eek: how bloody coincidental is that! He will ge pleased.

RJ and RJ junior came around today and bought me a lovely lunch, the plan was to go out but still not well enough to leave the house so it was great. My friend arrived tonight which was also great and of course I couldn't wait till tomorrow to open my present. She got me a lovely heated blanket, it is awesome. A 1.5 kilo bag of Hershey's chocolate, :eek: Socks, hard drive covers, among some other bits and pieces, she spoilt me rotten, not to mention the massive haul of other stuff she bought with her. Two casseroles, 3 dozen eggs, 15 of the biggest muffins I've ever seen in my life. A lovely sultana slice, a massive tin of nuts, cashews for Sean, About 12 blocks of different cheeses, and for the dogs, 4 kilos of chicken necks, a toy each and the biggest bag of schmakos she could find!! not to mention she also bought with her 6 x 20 kilo bags of dog food for me RJ and another friend who is using the black hawk as well. Seriously this friend is an absolute legend!!

Well I think I've raved on enough for now I better get sow sleep and dream about feeling better tomorrow!! :D

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Thanks for the birthday wishes, had to go out but back home again and on the couch, just can't shake this dam thing! Did manage to get the dogs a quick run at Harris street, they went flat out the whole time! :laugh:

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Just thought i'd let you all know that today is National Orgasm day :laugh: TRUE

I just saw it in an ad on facebook....so tell me...........did everyone know about this and if so do you ...........you know..... ?????? :laugh:

Sorry everyone stop what your doing and listen up.....

i just re-read it and its July 21st ;)

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Just thought i'd let you all know that today is National Orgasm day :laugh: TRUE

I just saw it in an ad on facebook....so tell me...........did everyone know about this and if so do you ...........you know..... ?????? :laugh:

Sorry everyone stop what your doing and listen up.....

i just re-read it and its July 21st ;)

Wouldn't affect me anyhow..... I'm still sleeping on the sofa. ;)

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Wont affect me I'm married :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hows those pups and Tarni going JJ and hows the couch LOL ?

Tenties sounds like you got a bit excited and didn't read it properly :rofl::rofl:

TLC hope tomorrow is a better day for you and hope your Bday was great :thumbsup::thumbsup: Tell your OH sorry I stole his driveway LOL.

We heading out to continue the Dogs Taj Mahal (well the yard part anyway as the shed is alll done apart from the floor) tomorrow so if anyone is feeling a bit bored come on out and lend a hand :rofl::rofl:

Cheers Janet

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Tarni and the pups are all doing well.

Tarni doesn't appear to have lost any condition and is looking as good as I've seen her, besides the pendulous boobies, of course!

Pups are gaining weight at a great speed... certainly no worries with this lot!

I just took these now...


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Nope, i didnt get excited, the people on the facebook page did.....further down the page they corrected themselves and said it was the 21st July.....i wonder how many people jumped the gun :laugh:

Oh and i have slept on the couch many times over the years, more comfy than the bed by miles :laugh:

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