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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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Wow thats great, so glad you all had a fantastic day. When my friends boys were younger I used to go with them and your right it is a full on day especailly if the kids want to have a go at/see everything.

I am off to Melbourne tomorrow with a work mate to an awards night, we are getting an award for our shave for cure efforts, so we have the whole day planned, leaving early catching up with an one of the Bunnings crew in Melton that left earlier in the year then onto the city for our function. Should be a great day, so this time tomorrow night it will be me thats stuffed. :laugh: we dont expect to get home till after midnight! Luckily I have an awesome boss who gave me Friday off.

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Wow thats great, so glad you all had a fantastic day. When my friends boys were younger I used to go with them and your right it is a full on day especailly if the kids want to have a go at/see everything.

I am off to Melbourne tomorrow with a work mate to an awards night, we are getting an award for our shave for cure efforts, so we have the whole day planned, leaving early catching up with an one of the Bunnings crew in Melton that left earlier in the year then onto the city for our function. Should be a great day, so this time tomorrow night it will be me thats stuffed. :laugh: we dont expect to get home till after midnight! Luckily I have an awesome boss who gave me Friday off.

Awesome... congratulations on the award! Is it a Bunnings award or a shave-for-a-cure award?

Hope you have a great time. :)

Melbourne, hey? Don't want to bring some 'biteys' back with you, do you??? ;)

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Might have to say no to the transport of biteys :laugh:

The award is primarily ad SFAC award but it is also due to he fact that as we were shaving as a group at Bunnings we came in the top 5 of the Bunnings groups, so it is a bit of both. The tickets for the awards thing was only for two so our team captain asked me and the other girl if we wanted to go as we raised the most money between us, infact all but a few hundered were raised by Carolyn and I they thought it fitting we should go! SO looking forward to it, I think we will be a bit out of our element in a swanky pub at south bank but it should be good for a few laughs!! Not realy sure what to expect!

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That sounds great and I'm sure you'll all have a ball. There's no doubt you'll fit-in... everyone there will have short hair at least! :)

Was kidding re transport... I'll make the trip down on Saturday. Should be interesting... apparently one of them is a nasty piece of work! :laugh:

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Too true.

That was to be her last litter wasn't it?

Don't you have another bitch or do I have that wrong?

If you do have another one, and she is related to this girl who just whelped, does that mean you wouldn't breed with her either?

I guess in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter, so long as they find wonderful new homes. :)

Yep that was her very last litter at 5 1/2yrs old she has served her motherly duties well and deserves to retire. Her daughter which i kepted from last year has been desex. She has always been a tiny pup and on the advice of our vets and specialist in Melbourne we did what we felt was best for her well being, nothing to do with her cosmetic features as she is one good looking dog but in such a tiny frame!

Lele will remain on with us as a desex pet once she has weaned the pups. Mystic which is her daughter from her last litter is also still here too.

I'm not overally concern that i have no breeding dogs at the moment. I have got other breeding buddies who will assist me with obtaining a suitable puppy in the future and there is no rush, we will wait till the right one comes along.

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Have you sold any of your girls on breeders terms previously?

Seems a real shame for it all to end here... I know you will obtain another quality girl in the future, but the line you have been working with is now over, or is someone else breeding along the same lines?

I know I always sell one high-standard girl on a litter on breeders terms... although I have no desire to breed from them it is useful to have some to fall back on in a worst-case scenario.

I only have one breeding bitch here now and if I was to loose her in an accident or similar it would be an end to what I have worked for.

I also think that sometimes while it's very hard to do, it can be necessary to rehome dogs which can't be utilized within a breeding program otherwise you can end up with twenty old desexed animals and nothing to breed-on with!

It's a tough call for sure, but if keeping them on as pets is more important to you than your breeding then I guess it's a no-brainer. Not trying to preach to the converted... just saying. :laugh:

Besides all that, I think we need some fresh puppy Cav pics! :) How old are they now?

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14 days, hasn't that gone by quick. One of the boys potentially sold.

Puppy photos, ok let me give you your puppy fix for today. Won't upload them all, but here are better photos i've taken today. Ever tried keeping these little babies still for a snap shot, it just doesn't happen.

Jorja is 370 grms, Revlon topped the scales at 654grms the others aren't far behind.

Mick, won't go into details my breeding program why i am choosing to backout. This public forum and we would be posting all night long boring everyone but i am happy to pm you. :D




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Puppy-fix received with thanks! :laugh:

My turn next. Due on Sunday but could happen well into next week.

Still, Chantel is pleased as from this point on I prefer to sleep in the lounge beside the whelping box! :laugh:

Hope you've had a great night, tlc! ;)

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Thanks JJ, we had a great night actually a great day as well, we left at 10 this morning and got home just after midnight, can't remember the last time I laughed so much! My face is aching. :laugh:

Puppies look adorable CB!

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Big issues tonight, Eclampsia.

Raced into emergancy, I'm giving her injections throughout the night.

I never had the need to suppliment my dogs before but i seems this big litter and those utters are so massive that Lele is producing so much milk, beond normal for her little body to naturally intake.

I have been feeding her raw diet, so refuses tin or kibble so i guess i should of considered supplimenting her earlier.

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Big issues tonight, Eclampsia.

Raced into emergancy, I'm giving her injections throughout the night.

I never had the need to suppliment my dogs before but i seems this big litter and those utters are so massive that Lele is producing so much milk, beond normal for her little body to naturally intake.

I have been feeding her raw diet, so refuses tin or kibble so i guess i should of considered supplimenting her earlier.

OMG that's awful. Have you taken the pups off her or are you going to try and rectify it with them on?

Eclampsia is most common in small breeds, and most often after a large litter, so your girl is a prime candidate.

I always give an oral calcium supplement to bitches from the day they whelp. Not too much though, or the bitch can't regulate the additional calcium intake and this can cause eclampsia also.

What are the injections the Vet has you on? Is it Calcium + D?

Hope things improve for her and remember NEVER take any chances with eclampsia... if she starts developing further symptoms get her straight to the Vet.

Long night ahead for you there Cav. :(

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I have been up all night but she has made a grand recovery from her appauling condition yesterday. :thumbsup:

She was given calcium Ampoule, plus antibotics to prevent mastitis. Pups are back with mum, the vet wanted them to stay on.

I thought i would be in for this massive vet bill as we were there for a few hours last night as her heart was racing so much and dispite the drugs it took ages to bring back to a regular beat. After hours fees and all $135, figure that was reasonable.

Not out of the woods yet as these things can spring back easy, i have to try and source some Calcium suppliments today as the vets didn't have any, but at least a positive start. A huge relief for me as hand feeding 6 pups would of been a handful.

Take it all back, she is going downhill again, back to the vet we go.

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Cav I am sure the Mortlake Rd Clinic have Calcium supplements there... I bought some on Friday night and they had plenty in stock.

I use the Troy calcium liquid... really easy to administer and smells like caramel! :laugh:

Glad to hear things have improved for her... they sure do pick-up quickly, don't they?

As far as your Vet bill is concerned, the medication you were given are inexpensive and I'm thinking maybe they have a flat-rate after hours fee? I can't remember if I was charged 'hourly' or not in the past.

The last A/H visit was for a caesarian section and I remember being surprised at the small 'labor' component on the invoice, and we were in there for hours too. :confused:

But I guess we shouldn't attract too much attention to the fact should we! :laugh:

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Sorry Cavalblaze I just saw your edit. :(

Hope she is ok... pop in and let us know when you can.

I was surprised to read the Vet left the pups on her considering she was so bad.... hope that hasn't encouraged a re-lapse.

Fingers crossed here for you.

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CB sorry she has had a relapse, fingers crossed she is ok.

I'm off to the docs tomorrow myself, I've been sick all weekend with the worst wog I've had in years, great start to my Birthday week. :cry:

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CB sorry she has had a relapse, fingers crossed she is ok.

I'm off to the docs tomorrow myself, I've been sick all weekend with the worst wog I've had in years, great start to my Birthday week. :cry:

Hope you're feeling much better by Friday. :)

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Thanks, I was hoping more like Wednesday, I have a friend coming on Wednesday and we had a great few days planned so I'm hoping to be feeling a lot better by then.

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She aint well, doing everything we can. Pups are to remain off her for 24hrs, injections 3 times a day.

May be able to introduce 2 pups back tomorrow, in the meantime it's bottle feeding. Anyone wanting to help by all means pop around.

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She aint well, doing everything we can. Pups are to remain off her for 24hrs, injections 3 times a day.

May be able to introduce 2 pups back tomorrow, in the meantime it's bottle feeding. Anyone wanting to help by all means pop around.

Cav I have a litter due today myself, otherwise I'd come give you a hand.

Being Tarni's maiden litter I really can't leave her and there's no-one else at home.

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