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God help me, I am sitting in the doctors waiting room and god help me I'm really not impressed, I hate them with a passion! Just had to vent that little cherub of information!!

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God help me, I am sitting in the doctors waiting room and god help me I'm really not impressed, I hate them with a passion! Just had to vent that little cherub of information!!

Poor bugger! Let us know how you get on.

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Arghhh geez I really have a dislike for all things doctor! :laugh: Apparently now the doctor thinks I have an abscess deep in my toe along with the ingrown nail which would have caused the abscess in the first place. so another lot of AB's plus repeat and next Tuesday i go back for the big chop, he joked he would take the whole toe and I said please do. :rofl: Anyway he thinks after I have it done I will be a million bucks, I sure hope he is right because I am over the pain of the toe and the sickness from the Antibiotics!! Geez what a whinger!!

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Geez I reckon your Dr is right! You wont know yourself!

How long have you been walking around like THAT??? :mad

I HATE going to the Dr's but I think that if I had an abscess in my toe with an in-grown nail.... I'd be there! :eek:

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Well I hate to say it, I reckon it's been a little over 2 months, not so bad at the start but getting progressivly worse over the past few weeks. :cry:

I had all the trouble with my tooth so had to get that all out f the way first, one thing at a time don't you know!! :laugh:

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A Woman on the local animal page of Facebook has lost her Kelpie.

It has been missing since last week from the West area of town but may have been last seen around the Japan/Foster Street area.

The dog is microchipped, brown and has vivid yellow eyes.

If anyone has seen/sees a dog fitting this description, please let me know and I shall post details for her.

Thanks. :)

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Well what an eventful evening! Sean decided to cut the top of his thumb half off and we weren't sure if it needed stitching, I rang the clinic but they were closed and I was like :eek: now we have to go to A&E I really do NOT like going there under any circumstances and Seans said well we will just hope it's not busy. :laugh: I joked that it would proly be full of bogans and druggies :rofl: well we were both kinda right, we only had to wait about 3/4 of an hour but talk about bogan central, one girl plonked herself down one seat away from Sean (thank god i was on his other side) and proceeds to say to him, never drink and don't do drugs and that she was off her head on drugs..... :eek:

Anyway they finally called us in to see the doctor and while we were in there the loud speaker went off and said code white in the emergency room, I thought any minute we were going to be over run by ferrel drug addicts I was ready to run! :rofl: Not funny really pretty scary when your scared to go to hospital.

Anyway they got two docs to check him out as they weren't sure what they were going to do, option one was open the flap of skin back up, clean and stitch but they decided that because he had held it closed that it looked neat and clean and hopefully it will heal on it's own, so they put a heap of steri strips on it and a finger sock, funny thing it looks like a material condom. :laugh:

So that's been my eventful night !

Also had a lovely lunch today with RJ, it her birthday tomorrow!

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Thanks all and especially JJ I think your my favorite Doler :D and TLC THanks for the lovely lunch yum was freat to catch up as usual Tenties you can bugger off ROFL Next option my bum hahaha

What happened to 40 ???? And the in betweens ????

So here I am 1 year older in 1 day how does that work lol

Thanks all

Cheers Janet

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Just thinking how bizarre it is that there's two of us up on DOL when we should probably be in bed!!! :laugh:

Edited to say... I actually changed my Avatar today to a Green Tree Frog but I see my Vizsla is still there. What's the go with that?

Does it take some time to happen?

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