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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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:thumbsup: You are right RJ, Seb was very hard to photograph, just to get the right angle and the right hight to show him off was the hard part!! The colored one that Pandii has posted was my favorite out of all of them, I did take a lot but only 23 that I thought were passabel so I guess thats not bad. Im still not sure about the black and white as I did it a little radical (dark back ground light Sebbi) anyway it is good to experiment. Did you get my Msg re the memory stick with the photos??
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Sory tlc I tried to get out there today LOL but obviously I didnt get there LOL hoping for tomorrow if thats ok.

I really like both pics but the color one has a little more sharpness about it that this breed needs IMO.

LOL My son saw pics and wanted toknow what sort of animal it was hehehehe sorry Pandii.

Looks like I am getting YOUR bug Tenties gggrrrrrr and you reckoned I gave it to you LOL OTHER WAY ROUND I be thinking hahahahaha.

tlc is it ok with you if I use those pics on my facebook page?????

Hope to have anoither catch up soon really enjoying our playdates (even if hubby thinks I am soft for having doggie playdates, you can se why the boofy one is mine now LOL)

Cheers Janet

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Hi everyone... :rofl:

I'm not being antisocial again, but we have had the rellies down for the weekend cause of Giorgio's graduation on Friday so it has been a little chaotic to say the least! 11 loud Italians is a recipe for a cyclone and that's what we got!

Tlc, your pics are AMAZING!!!! Thanks heaps for the ones you sent me... I have to say that one of my faves is actually the sepia one that you posted in the thread, beautiful! Giorgio was a bit chuffed to see himself online too! I agree with you that Boof is very photogenic and so is Sebbi, oh gosh I love the squishy front on one!!! Gorgeous!!

Sorry we missed you Pandii on Thursday, and so sorry to hear that your boy was so sick. Also didn't get your message about bringing OH down to meet Sebbi yesterday, we were too flat out with rellies.

Tenties, Mawson LOVED his chicken frames for his birthday dinner, thanks again you are too kind.

RJ, sorry that tld didn't get a pic of you falling on your butt! Was worried you had hurt yourself but then you started laughing!!

Munchin, that was awesome of you to give your kennel to Pandii, please can we have a pic sometimes??!

Hope to catch you all again soon, should be able to get back online a bit more now that I am free of Italian rellies...... :nahnah:

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Guest Pandii

OMG TLC, I really really appreciate you taking the time to do the photos and come and take them, they are wonderful, will be out to bunnings today.

There are some nasty bugs going around atm, now Master I cant poop Is Master I cant stop pooping argggggghhhh, I had 1 with it for the week before the school hols and now the next one has it, another week gone and then I bet little Miss gets it too.

Is anyone up for a meet on good friday. Thinking mid morning

TLC sending the link to this page to the shar pei thread to show off Sebbi :nahnah:

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Guest Pandii

Munchin where are you moving too?? You have been packing for ages lol

Hey TLc who was the DOler from Tassie you were laughing with cos you had met me lol

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Hey Guys, Im up for Friday, looking forward to it!! The Tassie DOLer is Quoll, she is lovely, she has beautiful doggies, Daxies and Poodles.

Mawson hope you can make it on Friday too, I will bring the camera again, it is great to get some practice with other doggies!!

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Hi everyone

I havent bothered posting for a bit cause i had VCAT tomorrow morning and wanted to get everything together for it as we ( my advocate and i ) were going in with all guns blazin, i think the landlord has suspected he might get hung so he has pulled out, the Police delivered a letter to say i didnt have to go because he has pulled out :thumbsup: this is a great relief to me as i was getting all riled up over everything and i was worrying that i would go off when i saw him... i cant believe it has come out in my favour things usually dont....

on a brighter note, congrats to everyone who passed at training and Pandii it wont be far off so dont worry it just means he will have it reinforced in his head a bit more and he will be even better at it.

Mawson, i was happy to give Maws the frames , he is such a nice dog...

tlc, i think Sebs photo's are stunning, if i was Pandii i would get a couple blown up and put them on the wall.

Rj, no second prize's, if i gave it back to you then all is fair :cheers:


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Guest Pandii

I may or may not lol

I might have to go to bendigo will know more when and if I can get it sorted sorry

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Well im still up for it who ever turns up turns up, I will go at about 11 so if no one turns up we will go on our merry way :) I am taking mine for a walk about that time anyway so Ill head down there first. We went to thunder point after work today as I started and finished earlier today and it was great down there the weather was even nice the sun was out!!

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Good one tlc i dropped into bunnings on my way home tonight and looked for you everywhere i even asked the lady at the register she said you were there somewhere but the one at the door said you'd gone , i bought a beautiful pink rose out there couldnt help myself :)

I dont know if i can get down there for a play date on Friday i will see what happens.

did anyone see or hear about the car accident in Timor st near the bowls ?? well my Mum was one of the cars the silly old fella in the other car did a u-turn over double lines and she t-boned him she spent a night in Hospital with a lot of bruising ...she was asked why her " airbags " didnt activate and she told them that her very own personal airbags saved her... Mum is rather big chested and her " boobs " copped it a fair bit when she went into the steering wheel she has the cresent shape of it across her boobs :eek::cry:


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Oh your poor mum, hope she is ok, Reckon Id be right if I didnt have airbags too!!...LOL

I usually am at work on a wed till 5 or 6 but I did an earlier shift due to one guy being away, thanks for asking for me, i would of definatley had a chat had i have been there!!

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Oh Tenties, that's awful about your mum... hope she's ok. I would be no good without airbags, I make the walls jealous :thumbsup:

I am up for Friday still, so it will at least be you and me tlc. I am happy for either Harris St or Albert Park, just let me know!

See you all then hopefully :laugh:

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