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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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babies yet? very exciting.

we had heaps of tiger snakes on KI, the kids would bang their feet on the floor to 'scare' them off(nests under the house and front steps) before they went out the door. Never had any trouble with them (snakes not kids! :rofl: )

had a few red bellies here lately and OMG! they are thicker than a man's arm...and very long! Moo found one a couple of days ago...both stared at each other but Moo is a scaredy cat and very pleased to come to me, phew! More grey hairs and wrinkles!!! :rofl:

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Wow Manah, Scarey stuff!!

I just wish I lived in NZ where there are NO snakes! To me snakes = dead dogs and that terrifys me! Especially after the day Bronson had his nose on one, it all turned out ok but all the what ifs freaked me out big time!

I can't believe lizards will eat thier young, I am so uneducated on scaley things. :rofl: JJ are snakes the same or are they more nuturing? do snakes lay eggs?

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I wish I had Tiger snakes nesting at my place (sort of!).

I love the Red Bellied Black Snakes they are my absolute favorite, but very hard to find legal 'on-license' captive bred ones. I'm still looking!

Yeah I read in the Vizsla thread about Monah finding one... it is quite scary. My problem is that as we have pet snakes moving freely around the house at times, that the dogs will either become so used to them that they will ignore them in the bush, or the complete opposite, and they will approach them with interest.

We have lots of snakes around here Monah. Basically everywhere we are 'allowed' to run our dogs, there are snakes. Eastern Browns, RBB's, Tigers, Copperheads etc. We have a lot of White Lipped Snakes around here too, but they are not of too much concern as are only 'mildly' venomous.

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Wow Manah, Scarey stuff!!

I just wish I lived in NZ where there are NO snakes! To me snakes = dead dogs and that terrifys me! Especially after the day Bronson had his nose on one, it all turned out ok but all the what ifs freaked me out big time!

I can't believe lizards will eat thier young, I am so uneducated on scaley things. :rofl: JJ are snakes the same or are they more nuturing? do snakes lay eggs?

tlc MOST snakes lay eggs, but there are some who birth live young, as in the Death Adders.

Snakes are very nurturing in the sense that they must incubate the eggs themselves. Many species will wrap themselves around the clutch of eggs and 'shiver', to generate body heat and warm the eggs. They will remain coiled around the clutch for months.... no food or water, until they hatch. Once hatched, the snakes are on their own and will head off in search of shelter, and will start feeding after their first skin-shed at about 2 weeks of age.

I know most people dislike snakes, but they are very interesting animals, and are challenging to keep & breed. :rofl:

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JJ, i was stripping a Jack at a friends place one day for a show and Buzz was running around loose when something caught my eye at my feet....i looked down and it was a wee little baby snake which i assume was a Tiger snake by its colouring which was Black body with Red Black and cream head :D Buzz wouldnt come near me until my friend got up and killed it..i was always fine with babies until the snake catcher told me they are as venomous as Adults :D i couldnt believe how small that baby was and kept thinking how i wouldnt have really seen him in grass :D i spent 12 years putting up with and killing :D brown and copperhead snakes on the farm only ever saw one baby snake there and the cat was playing with it ;) i killed it with an eight foot post that was against the fence :rofl: had a Copperhead move into my yard once, tried everything to get him to move on but nothing worked, i was getting so worked up about it , cos i'd be at the kitchen window and see him sunning himself in the garden, i'd panic and get the dogs inside.....i ended up getting the snake catcher in to take him away $20 well spent i thought...i still have a couple of snakes in bottles here :rofl: I would kill them and my son would take them to School for show ;) n tell........

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Yep, some species are as venomous as adults, from the day they hatch.

Gotta be careful killing snakes these days.... they are protected.

There is a 'gray area' which suggests that if the snake is an immediate threat to your safety, it may be killed, but the DSE/National Parks would sure give you a hard time proving it! These days you are best not telling anyone if you kill a snake, I think. :rofl:

*PS.... $20 was CHEAP!!!

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JJ, we ae talking about 7 yrs ago now :hitself: ........ all snakes killed on the farm wouldnt get out of our way at the time or were around the house and as the house was on stumps , didnt want them camping under the house :love: even the snake catcher told me not to let them get under there as he wouldnt be able to get them out, as it was he had a hard time getting the one in the back yard as it just didnt want to go , kept taking off under the bushes etc and he was getting worried about it getting him as he said it was getting agro :) he said it was a juvenile ? and it was only about 2ft long.... he tried to get me to pat it when he caught it yuuuukkk no way......my son did though he almost kissed it yuuuukkkk.... i cant see things like i used to so these days im a bit wary of long grass , even doing the gardening worries me and seeing that crow pick up the baby snake that day over at the fence scared the crappers out of me :cry::)

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I have not killed any snakes..

I had a play with a friend's 2 pythons on the weekend, will try and upload the photo from my phone, lovely! except the male got stuck in my hair, v e r y interesting :):love:

we have a wonderful snake catcher here, inhis 70s, Roy. we are on a very friendly basis, I think I see him more than his wife does!!! He comes to get snakes and then we talk snakes for the rest of the day :)

There was a lovely snake, poisonous with a yellow belly, run over near my letterbox this morning :cry: makes me so angry!

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:hug: how funny when I first looked at the pic I thought you had some hot footballers in your back yard playing footy but couldn't figure out why they didn't have heads! :(

Monah you are very pretty!

JJ any baby's yet?

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Monah beautiful Albino there! ($$$$$$ :( )

What does Monah think of THAT snake?

Yeah is that the NRL on the tele? Might want to switch to the AFL if you wanna be an honorary local! :(

Thanks for the pic.... good to see you again. :hug:

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