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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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Oh bumma you can't come. Are you sure Noorat is that weekend? I thought RJ was going to Noorat but she has other plans that weekend otherwise she was going to be one of our hairdressers for the afternoon.

glad you got the pics finally, hope you like them and they are good enough for what you want.

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Well, picked a few out so far, Bundy's were not so good as he is leaning back in all of his but thats understandable having not been taught to stand , plus he was petrified about that black thing stuck to that persons face that was making those funny whirring sounds :laugh: you can see it in his eye's the poor bugga,

Buzz didnt have too many good one's either, but he is retired so it doesnt matter, i think there was just too much for them to look at up at the Park, people and dogs everywhere :rofl: i think the ones i have picked are great , i like the one of all 3 sitting with me the best i think, i love how Buzz is sitting on my leg :mad he is not a dog, ...he is a human being :mad







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I did crop the one of all 3 so you could see them, I could send you the one uncorpped, your not looking at the camera. There were heaps more but I did pick the best of them and they all needed to be edited as they were a bit washed out.

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That last one of Buzz would make a stunning head shot if cropped! Shame on you, Tenties, taking little one to get breed pics and not training him to stand first!!!!! :laugh:

Hey, do you see where there are DOL name badges available now? We could have used those at the Warrnambool show LOL! I've ordered a couple (in case I lose one) with my DOL name and my first name...might stick my nose in at Noorat/Camperdown to show it off!

The name badge thread is here :DOL name badges

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That last one of Buzz would make a stunning head shot if cropped! Shame on you, Tenties, taking little one to get breed pics and not training him to stand first!!!!! :laugh:

RP, thats Bundy who wont stand, he has never been shown so never trained to do it , ive not long got him back, he is BJ's Dad ...i forgot to include BJ's pic , but was thinking i already put it on here a page back i think it is... BJ looks as though he has been standing for pic's all his life, BUT he was a brat and NOT doing what he was meant to in most pic's :rofl: you just dont get to see them :mad i also really liked the pic of BJ saying "hello" to the Lab BJ thought the whole thing was such great fun :mad

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I like the one of Bj and Floyd too, he is such a friendly dog, but I think he likes the people more than the dogs. :( he always comes to say hi to me and couldnt care less about my lot, mine all love him its like he is thier idol!

Heres some more, I am pretty sure I have sent you all these apart from the random daxie ;) thought she was cute







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Oh and just a quick snap of Me and Tully (my little off sider for the great shave!!)


Anyone going to watch the whale boat races tomorow? Ill be there with Shannon we will have dogs well a dog each. :(

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Hi All!

I have had an amazing day at the Reptile Expo/Trade Show.

Luckily for my wallet there were no snakes etc that *really* took my fancy so I didn't spend too much! ;)

There were some awesome animals but they were on display. The animals for sale were all a bit 'run of the mill'... nothing overly exciting.

I DID however, pick up two beautiful Green Tree Frogs (which the kids were hoping for) for a good price. :)

Also bought lots of 'gear' (thermometers, heat cable, boring stuff like that!) while I could get it cheap.

Gave Tenties a 'toot' good morning at about 7am. Morning Tenties!!! :rofl:

AND (drum roll please....) I saw Tez out with Gus on my way home, so I can confirm she is still on earth!!! Hello again Tez! :laugh:

RP I will go and check out the DOL badges thread, although most folk at dog shows already know who I am as Jerojath is my Kennel Prefix! ;)

Great pix, tlc! :thumbsup: (as always)

May go and see the Whale Boats but don't know what's planned for tomorrow yet.... have to ask the Boss.

Haven't heard from Jess for a while come to think of it.... you trialling today Jess?

Heard from RJ on Face Book recently. Good to know she's ok. :)

Cavalblaze, you doing Noorat?

I haven't entered Noorat but will go for a look and spend the evening at the Mount Noorat Pub.... had a BALL last year! ;)

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Hi All!

I have had an amazing day at the Reptile Expo/Trade Show.

Luckily for my wallet there were no snakes etc that *really* took my fancy so I didn't spend too much! ;)

There were some awesome animals but they were on display. The animals for sale were all a bit 'run of the mill'... nothing overly exciting.

I DID however, pick up two beautiful Green Tree Frogs (which the kids were hoping for) for a good price. ;)

Also bought lots of 'gear' (thermometers, heat cable, boring stuff like that!) while I could get it cheap.

Gave Tenties a 'toot' good morning at about 7am. Morning Tenties!!! :)

AND (drum roll please....) I saw Tez out with Gus on my way home, so I can confirm she is still on earth!!! Hello again Tez! :)

RP I will go and check out the DOL badges thread, although most folk at dog shows already know who I am as Jerojath is my Kennel Prefix! ;)

Great pix, tlc! :thumbsup: (as always)

May go and see the Whale Boats but don't know what's planned for tomorrow yet.... have to ask the Boss.

Haven't heard from Jess for a while come to think of it.... you trialling today Jess?

Heard from RJ on Face Book recently. Good to know she's ok. ;)

Cavalblaze, you doing Noorat?

I haven't entered Noorat but will go for a look and spend the evening at the Mount Noorat Pub.... had a BALL last year! :cheer:

Well, good to hear...that you had a good day and didnt spend too much ( read relief that you didnt buy heaps of snakes ewwwww ) i didnt hear you go past this morning im not that keen to be up on a Saturday Morning for that reason ewwww......i intend popping in when im in town next to see the frogs and get the kids to tell me all about them , i also want to see that fat little lizard that disappeared into the tree stump the other day :laugh: i dont mind Lizards, used to watch Blue tongues out in a friends paddocks and had them in Birri, its the nakes i cant get past ewwwwww :rofl:

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Well it does sound like you had a great day! Did you end up driving down? I'm sure with the mention of frogs RJ may be along shortly :thumbsup: quiet thread of late with just the three of us and RP and Tanya popping in occasionally.

JJ if you do pop down tomorrow bring Tarni. I think the bunnings team might be racing about 11.

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Hi all sorry havent been about, and I still havent put those pics up just have to find some time to get them onto photobucket and I WILL post them I promise.

I am working the 5 days and study one day so not much free time with that and building the new house.........

Hahahaha funny that JJ mentions frogs and here I am LOL JJ I could have prob sold you a few GTF for a good price if I had of know you where after some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Along with a gorgeous Vivarium. Oh well no bother I will have to come have a look at your new babies. What sex are they ????? I have been trying to get a girl for the last few years and could never get hold of one gggrrrrr.

Bummer that Noorat is on the long weekend as I DO HAVE to be in Melb on sat and Geelongon Sunday so looks like I will miss out again. Bugger cose I wanted to accost some breeders LOL

Ok better get to bed cose I really REALLY need my beauty sleep.

Cheers Janet

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Hi All!

I have had an amazing day at the Reptile Expo/Trade Show.

Luckily for my wallet there were no snakes etc that *really* took my fancy so I didn't spend too much! :)

There were some awesome animals but they were on display. The animals for sale were all a bit 'run of the mill'... nothing overly exciting.

I DID however, pick up two beautiful Green Tree Frogs (which the kids were hoping for) for a good price. :)

Also bought lots of 'gear' (thermometers, heat cable, boring stuff like that!) while I could get it cheap.

Gave Tenties a 'toot' good morning at about 7am. Morning Tenties!!! :(

AND (drum roll please....) I saw Tez out with Gus on my way home, so I can confirm she is still on earth!!! Hello again Tez! :D

RP I will go and check out the DOL badges thread, although most folk at dog shows already know who I am as Jerojath is my Kennel Prefix! ;)

Great pix, tlc! :eek: (as always)

May go and see the Whale Boats but don't know what's planned for tomorrow yet.... have to ask the Boss.

Haven't heard from Jess for a while come to think of it.... you trialling today Jess?

Heard from RJ on Face Book recently. Good to know she's ok. :)

Cavalblaze, you doing Noorat?

I haven't entered Noorat but will go for a look and spend the evening at the Mount Noorat Pub.... had a BALL last year! ;)

Well, good to hear...that you had a good day and didnt spend too much ( read relief that you didnt buy heaps of snakes ewwwww ) i didnt hear you go past this morning im not that keen to be up on a Saturday Morning for that reason ewwww......i intend popping in when im in town next to see the frogs and get the kids to tell me all about them , i also want to see that fat little lizard that disappeared into the tree stump the other day :p i dont mind Lizards, used to watch Blue tongues out in a friends paddocks and had them in Birri, its the nakes i cant get past ewwwwww :D

You are welcome anytime Tenties! :) The frogs are lovely. I love them!

The lizard that disappeared into the log is a Gidgee Skink (or Egernia Stokesii). While they are not terribly rare in the wild, they are extremely rare to find on-license in captivity. I am very lucky to have him (Spike) and am looking for a mate for him now.

All the Blue Tongues and 'larger' lizards are outside. If it's a sunny day you will see them out and about too.

And the snakes are always behind lock-and-key as you know, so don't worry about them! ;)

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Well it does sound like you had a great day! Did you end up driving down? I'm sure with the mention of frogs RJ may be along shortly :) quiet thread of late with just the three of us and RP and Tanya popping in occasionally.

JJ if you do pop down tomorrow bring Tarni. I think the bunnings team might be racing about 11.

Yeah I drove down in the end... thought it would be unfair to have animals bagged-up for such a long time on the train.

Normally if we pick up a snake and have a long trip we let them out in the car for a while, but couldn't do that on the train! :)

Oh I didn't know Bunnings had a team! Are you racing? Coz if you are I will do my best to get down and see! :eek:

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Hi all sorry havent been about, and I still havent put those pics up just have to find some time to get them onto photobucket and I WILL post them I promise.

I am working the 5 days and study one day so not much free time with that and building the new house.........

Hahahaha funny that JJ mentions frogs and here I am LOL JJ I could have prob sold you a few GTF for a good price if I had of know you where after some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Along with a gorgeous Vivarium. Oh well no bother I will have to come have a look at your new babies. What sex are they ????? I have been trying to get a girl for the last few years and could never get hold of one gggrrrrr.

Bummer that Noorat is on the long weekend as I DO HAVE to be in Melb on sat and Geelongon Sunday so looks like I will miss out again. Bugger cose I wanted to accost some breeders LOL

Ok better get to bed cose I really REALLY need my beauty sleep.

Cheers Janet

Hey I didn't know you were selling them? I would certainly still be interested in them :p

I can always find space for one more vivarium....... somewhere...... maybe. :eek:

Let me know what you want to do with them. :)

Don't know their gender.... I must admit I am a complete noobie with GTF's! You are welcome to come and see for yourself if you'd like! :)

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Well it does sound like you had a great day! Did you end up driving down? I'm sure with the mention of frogs RJ may be along shortly :) quiet thread of late with just the three of us and RP and Tanya popping in occasionally.

JJ if you do pop down tomorrow bring Tarni. I think the bunnings team might be racing about 11.

Yeah I drove down in the end... thought it would be unfair to have animals bagged-up for such a long time on the train.

Normally if we pick up a snake and have a long trip we let them out in the car for a while, but couldn't do that on the train! :p

Oh I didn't know Bunnings had a team! Are you racing? Coz if you are I will do my best to get down and see! :eek:

:D my god no, my back aches just watching. :)

I'm just taking photos. We Headong down shortly, bit of a late start this morning!

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You are welcome anytime Tenties! :eek: The frogs are lovely. I love them!

The lizard that disappeared into the log is a Gidgee Skink (or Egernia Stokesii). While they are not terribly rare in the wild, they are extremely rare to find on-license in captivity. I am very lucky to have him (Spike) and am looking for a mate for him now.

All the Blue Tongues and 'larger' lizards are outside. If it's a sunny day you will see them out and about too.

And the snakes are always behind lock-and-key as you know, so don't worry about them! ;)

I saw the biggest Blue Tongue ever a few weeks back, it was Sunning itself on the side of the road on the Warrnambool side of Panmure, i pointed it out to Mum as we went past, he was huge.... made a point of looking out for him on the way back, but guess what ???? some scum bag had run over him :D i really dont know why people have to do that , geez i was Mad :( .....i have never seen one as big as him , so i guess he was older ???

Had one hiding in the grass on the fenceline in Birri, Doogie kept jumping forward then back and yipping non stop and i thought it was a snake :) so wouldnt go near it.....it ended up going off into the paddock leaving Doogie to freak out cos he couldnt get to it :) (it probably got sick of the yipping, so left :) )

Friends used to live at Stonehaven , near Geelong , right next to the River , they got alot of different things visit their place :D but the Blue Tongues used to hide under the leaves of the tree's and you wouldnt know they were there until you got close or stood on them then you would have a Heart attack cos they would move, first thing i would think was SNAKE :) and run like buggery :p

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Yeah some pople are just scum bags.

We often see lizards and snakes squashed on the road IN Tower Hill. With the speed limit in there there is NO excuse for running over an animal.

These pricks do it on purpose. ;)

Panmure seems to be a bad spot too.... I often see them dead on the road out that way.

We actually have a huge Blue Tongue living at our place. It is illegal to catch him, but if I ever find him trying to get into my guys I'll give him a helping hand!

Lots of lovely girl lizards and good tucker in there for him! :rolleyes:

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I'm still here - no trialling, first one back is a twilight at KCC next weekend :rofl:

Just been really busy with work, no sign of it getting better either - and back at training at Ballarat on Sundays so Sundays are pretty much stuffed time wise for anything else :laugh: It'll get even worse once trial season really starts ;)

Hope everyone is doing well :heart: Too much yapping for me to totally catch up on so I will leave it at that :)

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