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Wow...Thanks for putting up the photos Tlc! Some great ones of the doggies having a great time as usual! My boy has certainly grown up in the last 6 months. BTW congratulations on Tully achieving her Grade 1!

Tenties...happy to rip up some Seaside Daisys for you. Just let me know what day you are planning to plant and I'll home deliver. Have you had you're eye appointment at the Eye and Ear?

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tlc I wish I had even a 1/4 of your dedication for carrying a camera and using it :o I can't believe how much Gus has grown up :o

We went to Portland for their two day trial - great little trial, really laid back and friendly. :) Always one of my favourites but they exceeded themselves with a sensational wood cooked spit roast with great vegies and a full range of desserts for dinner last night :):)

Got quite wet yesterday and sunburnt today. Don't get me wrong, it's great to see so much rain but I wish it would leave my weekends alone :o

Darcy was totally feral yesterday but we redeemed ourselves with two passes today - last run of the day was a ripper and great fun :)

Change of topic - does anyone have a good recommendation for a podiatrist either in W'bool, Ballarat or Geelong? I think it's probably time I bit the bullet and got my feet sorted out instead of putting it off :laugh:

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No, dont go to the Eye and Ear until the 17th Dec tez, it's not coming up quick enough for me, i'm having all sort's of issues with my Eye's at the moment, they are really driving me mad :) .....i have so many huge bruises on my leg's from walking into things and 2 week's ago i walked into tree branches 3 times and copped the twig's in the face punching little holes in me that bled like blazes.. of course it doesnt help that i'm on warfarin :)

tez, if i plant some Daisies in the Rose bed they can go in anytime as that one has been weeded, the other bed is a large one and i dont know when i will get that one done ( not when it's raining anyway :) ) i have the really big one to finish off as well just waiting for the Broadbean's to mature so i can dig them in and weed the rest of it......any time you want to pop in with some is fine with me there is alway's a spot begging for a plant or two.

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Thanks Tez, to be honest I am really embarrassed about Tully only just passing now, she has been ready to pass for about 18 months but just never got around to doing it. Trish said today she will pass the next two levels easy, so i will have to make more of a conscious effort with her next year. And the trouble with the older two is they are more advanced but won't retrieve so can't advance in the levels which drives me insane!! First thing next year I will see if I can run-through with Bronson, he should pass, will see how he goes and have to make a conscious effort over summer to keep up with training here and there!

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:hug: go little sluggie!!

I have just got home from another Hospital visit, I took

Lacy today, her first day visiting, she did very well but she is so different than Tully, she just keep looking at me as if to say " well what's next" but she was very well behaved and the patients loved her.

You certainly realize how good your life is after visiting sick people. One man remembered me and Lac from 2 years ago when I visited my Nan in Lyndoch, what a memory!!

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Change of topic - does anyone have a good recommendation for a podiatrist either in W'bool, Ballarat or Geelong? I think it's probably time I bit the bullet and got my feet sorted out instead of putting it off :laugh:

Theres a good podiatrist in Terang, Jess by the name of Erin O'Brien. I have her number at work Camperdown Clinic so if you want to, give me a ring and I will give it to you. Also a podiatrist called Chris who works out of the Otway Medical Clinic on Fridays. My sympathies...nothing worse than sore feet!

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Go Sluggie...open those peepers and check out the world!

Good girl Lacey. Tlc...after years of nursing and visiting hospitals and nursing homes doing pathology, it really is a privilidge to be healthy! Seeing people at their most vulnerable is very humbleing! Man, my spelling sucks tonight! Wish DOL had spell check!

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Thanks Tez - have googled her contact details and will make an appointment. :(

Poor Zee has a sore foot too now - unpacked the car Monday night after being at Portland trial all weekend (rained on again!) and found her limping on the gravel. Turns out she has a cracked paw pad which is proving challenging to manage given she's so active and won't leave a bandage on for about 5 mins. But it does look better tonight, she's not happy about the lack of a run but that's the trade off for not leaving her bandage on! :laugh:

Darcy turns the big 5 today - Happy Birthday Miss Darcy! ;)

Not sure I could manage anything before Xmas - definitely after the New Year though. :) Wondering why I'm so stuffed and I've just worked out I haven't had a weekend off from trialling/being away since early September. :rofl::eek: :D Will be glad to finish up this weekend and have a few weekends to get my Xmas shopping done. And I wonder why I always leave it til the last minute!! :)

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You sure have been busy Jess!!

Happy Birthday Darcy! It's my kitty birthday today too, she is 19 years young! Good day for birthdays today!!

I hope Zee foot heal up quick. Would it be possible to use a small guaze over the crack and tape her foot intstead of bandage? I use the blue 3m tape and it sticks right on thier fur and is so easy for us to get off but I find they don't tend to try to get it off as it is "stuck" if that makes sense.

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Happy Birthday kitty! :(

I've been elastoplasting it - Tues PM I made her a tape boot to try and protect it while I took them for a run but it still opened up again. This morning I taped it up well and then taped a sock over the lot but it was well and truly gone by the time I checked her at lunch time. I suspect it lasted about 5 mins beyond what this morning's brekky shank did. All I can do is keep her quiet :laugh::rofl::eek: and keep the salt water up to it.

The BC side of her is scary - I've never seen a dog so dextrous as she is, it's not something I've seen in the kelpies. God forbid they ever end up with opposable thumbs because you'd never keep them out of anything :D

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:thumbsup: to Darcy and Kitty :D

Jess...looks like Zee has decided to join you in the sore foot department! Wonder if the podiatrist does doggie orthotics???

Ugh...xmas shopping! I have one free weekend without having to work and its the week before xmas.If you see a screaming hysterical woman in warrny that weekend, just throw a bucket of water over me and tell me to suck it up...ok?

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Your funny Tez! I have most of mine done apart from the hard ones to buy for, seams mum and his brother and sister. All the kids are easy there all getting vouchers. :thumbsup:

It's the last minute food shopping that I hate with mad people shopping it up like crazys grabbing last minute bits and pieces what is it about Xmas that make people o ferel!?

Did anyone happen to watch secret life of dogs on sbs tonight? I taped the last half it looked interesting.

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Bloody hell hows this rain, I knew it was coming but did NOT expect it to be that heavy, I went outside to film it to send a clip to my sister and I have never seen rain so heavy and it seemed to come all of a sudden, scary!!

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What rain tlc, think your seeing thing's :laugh: we have had a couple of Thunderstorms pass over and a bit of drizzle with it but thats it ....i'm in the kitchen with the ceiling fan on cos i got the hot's :happydance:

I just got back from Camperdown again, had to go to the bank and sort out my car payment and saw the other day that Camperdown had a Bendigo bank branch :thumbsup:better than going all the way to Warrnambool, bought another bucket at GTS as well , cant have too many bucket's :)

Oh and the Slug is up and at them too she is a bit of a clown ive been calling her miss piggy cos every time her Mum sits she latches on for a drink and she really doesnt need extra drinks believe me :)

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hello warrny peeps!

oh my god that rain was unreal! Hope thats all of it for a while tho. i really want summer to start.

i would love to have a get to gether before xmas too. i have finished all my shopping thank god.

glad to here the slug is going soooo well tenties! i would love to meat her 1day!

tlc i love your banna with your beautiful spoodles in there santa hats that is so cool!

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