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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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UHG...the public hospital system stinks! I was basically told by one public hospital that the patient should ring and annoy them every week in order to get the out patients appointment they need in order to get on the waiting list for the operation they needed 2 years ago!!!! WTF!!!!

What do they need to do with your eye, Tenties???

How is young Fidget and the bubs going???

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UHG...the public hospital system stinks! I was basically told by one public hospital that the patient should ring and annoy them every week in order to get the out patients appointment they need in order to get on the waiting list for the operation they needed 2 years ago!!!! WTF!!!!

What do they need to do with your eye, Tenties???

How is young Fidget and the bubs going???

Its both eye's tez, a Doctor in Geelong stuffed one up, and didnt bother straightening the other ?? i had Endo carditis 4 yrs ago now and it caused a stroke which turned my eye's, i have to have them straightened as soon as possible as the eye i use is my right eye and i have to turn my head to the left to see straight ahead, this is causing me to have issues with my spine , mowing lawns , even walking etc etc and now i dont even know where straight ahead is ???? as my brain has adjusted to think im looking straight ahead even though my head is turned ???

Fidget is now the proud Mum of 4 bub's 2 girls and 2 boy's dont ask me where she was hiding them as she wasnt all that big ??? she is busy telling all the dogs to stay away from them with that funny little bark of her's and just like her Mum she pick's the bub's up in her mouth to shift them .... i hate that lol.....oh and forgot.... ALL 4 puppies are long bob's Fidget must be very strong in that department which is great new's for me..... :thumbsup:

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Oh Congratulations on the pups Tenties.

I do hope you realise that Photos are a neccessity

I bet she is so proud of herself with 4 and a slim waistline LOL

Do they look very early to you??? (oops just re read what you had written I thought you said they where due on the 19th and I thought Sheeet thats early)

DOH to me)

Bloody hell about the hospital :thumbsup::birthday:

Hope all goes well and you get your straight head/neck back as well as your eyes :rofl::eek::)

Ok off to bed for me been a big day

Cheers Janet

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Sorry tez, tlc the brain wasnt functioning correctly last night :D .....yes this is little Fidget's first litter and she is mighty proud of the results of her labour.... she still has 4 bub's but has carried the same pup around in her mouth so much that i now think he has some form of liver damage from it :) this is why i hate them doing it, use to see this quite often in the clinics ( have also had this happen with G/Shepherd's ) and its heatbreaking to up and lose a bub because Mum is a tad anxious, i have got her to stop it so far today but im hovering around her watching the little boy to see if he is going downhill more ??

How's this bloody weather ??... what happened to the 29 yesterday and where did all the rain come from ??? it just hasnt stopped here :rofl:

Oh meant to tell you, i tried cleaning up the other male pup last night cos he looked as if he had a layer of blood smeared on him and found he was a liver ...my first.... they dont come along every day...... i'm not all that keen on them and think they look like Kelpies, he would have to be something super dooper for me not to put him in a pet home so i shall watch and see how he shapes up ???

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Hey Tenties can you add some pics to face book? If you can then at the bottom of the album there is a link you can post then we can see the photos. Or you can email some to me and I can pop them on here if you like? I would love to see the pups hows the little fella going still doing ok after mums over nurturing!

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Tez you coming to training tomorrow?

I didn't bother going for a walk this arvo it really hasn't let up with the weather here so just got caught up at home and decked out the back of my car with new plastic that will hopefully last for a couple of months!

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tlc, i cant do pic's at all on this i can only save pics that are sent to me, its something i hadnt even thought of with the netbooks when i bought this.....

Bad new's on the Puppy front i'm afraid..... :D I went outside to feed the chook's and give them water etc, stopped to pick some Roses and Iris before coming back inside, when i checked on the pup's , Fidget had lain on the liver boy and he was near dead......i tried everything with him but nothing worked and he eventually died :o i felt awful cos i said i didnt like livers....i dont hate them that much ;) i hate losing puppies, im hopeless as a breeder cos it affects me so much ;)

As for the other boy , he seems to be doing ok now so maybe some bruising only ??? i will be up half the night again with them tonight i can see it coming, i will be paranoid that Fidget will lay on another one.....

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Sorry to hear about 'Little Liver Treat' Tenties...RIP little man ;)

Poor you, Tenties...nothing like a dark and stormy night to increase the fun of puppy sitting! If you need a hand with anything, just let me know. I'm very very good at puppy cuddling! ;)

Tlc...we'll be at training tomorrow but not to walk afterwards as I have to go to an auction of a house some friends are interested in. I'd rather take the naughty puppies for a walk but someone's gotta bring the champers should they be sucessful!

BTW...it can stop raining now!!!! :D

:o Tim and Tanya!

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That's great, don't think I will be walking either gotta come Home and get the girlies spruced up for their big media debut :D on Monday and the boys need a bath too.

Hey are you interested in the tomorrow series (for the kindle) I have the lot in mobi format ready to go I could bring them on a stick.

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Oh OH Oh....how exciting!!! Can't wait to read the story and see the piccies! Will they tell you what day they are going to put the article in??? Not to worry...I'll just buy the paper everyday :D

I would love the 'Tomorrow' series, Tlc! I've read the first one ages ago but not the others so the series would be fantastic!

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Ok I'll bring em along with a stack of others you can go through and grab any you may want.

Not sure about the paper, they may, I'm a wee bit nervous. Haven't been in the paper since I got Tully when the extra ladies did a story on me and the dogs. Shan however is an old hand :D I'll just be wrapped to have another article to add to my wall of fame!

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Hey Tenties, hows the pups today, Hope you got some sleep last night!

I got 1 1/2 hours tlc and when i woke up one pup was dead (the little boy ) the other very cold and she died at around 5:30 6:am :thumbsup: the girl that is left is the big one and she has Fidget tied in knots doesnt stop whingeing and Fidget has to concentrate on her, she is the reason the pups have died they were too small for a first time Mum trying to keep one demanding puppy happy, oh well cant do much about it now....

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