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I'm in for tomorrow too if the weather improves. Atm we have aternating full on rain and wind then bright sunshine! My two are asleep on the lounge saving energy for thier usual play-time tonight!

Hope everyone is snug and warm!

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Hoping to get some beach (and bath) time tomorrow if the weather fines up ok-ish.

So over this sh*tful weather - wish it would make up it's mind and either rain, or rack off and give us some much needed sunshine that lasts for longer than an hour or so :(

Can you tell winter weather makes me grumpy :(

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Forgot to mention, the lovely greyhound lady has last season's Weatherbeata rugs at half price if anyone needs dog rugs. There was only size 45 cm and smaller or 70 cm and larger when I had a look but great prices. :(

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YAY.....My car may be home by Tuesday :(:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Also Jess, i'm told GSD's was in Colac hospital , may be out now ??? i'm not able to contact Mum to find out what is happening ??


Hope she's okay Tenties - please pass on plenty of get well vibes from me & the girls :( Excellent news about your car :banghead:

Such a gorgeous day today, we did some quick training at Harris St (didn't realise they had a training day on :o ) and then headed to the beach. The mouth of Kelly Swamp is open and still flowing, must've been amazing in full flood, wish I'd thought to take a look. There is pics on the Standard website from the air but I would've loved to have seen it in real life. :(

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Howdy all,

hope everyone is well and enjoyed out blissful sunshine today.

All my pups have been delivered to new homes and we are now a quiet household of just the one pup and 2 adults.

Mystic is so full on, it's been awhile since i've had a young pup to train.

Photos of the Mystic, 12 weeks this coming Tuesday....where did that time go!


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Wow!Little Mystic is a full on cutie!

I know what you mean about the time flying! Young Gus is now six and a half months. Seems like yesterday we adopted him at 3 and a half months and yet at the same time it feels like he has been with us forever!

It was great to have such a lovely sunny day...at last! Training was actually enjoyable as I had forgotten what it was like to NOT be freezing. Both dogs enjoyed the session as well and Tlc did a fantastic job keeping us all motivated and focused. Such a large group too. All up I think there were about 15 doggies there today!

Jane and Gus, Allie and I also had a lovely beach walk afterwards at Thunder point with Barb and Cooper and Bronson. Gus finally had a dip in the ocean but it was accidental as he kind of fell into a deep rock pool. Didn't seem to faze him though. Nice quiet and relaxed doggies tonight!

Yah Tenties on the imminent arrival of your car....its been a long time coming!

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Hi all,

Sorry to hear you have all been having such bad weather..... should I mention that it is 30 deg and brilliant sunshine here today??? Oh and we just had two humpback whales swim past the vessel on their lazy migration north :mad

(I'm thinking I should duck the tomato's and rotten fruit ready to be thrown at me right now!!!!! ;) )

I'm glad that you had a good day at training, I'm missing being there to take the kids to hang out with all their doggie friends :( . I would even put up with the shit weather for that!!!! Unfortunately Migs prob wouldn't be going anywhere right now as she has split her tail open at the end on the walls at the shelter... Giorgio said it keeps opening up and she sparys blood everywhere!!! Hopefully it won't get too much worse before I get back.

By the way, Moby is still for adoption at the shelter.... if any of you know someone that would be prepared to make the commitment to a deaf dog that is beautiful, playful, a little nuts but adorable, please send them to the shelter or let me know as her time is running out and I don't want that decision when I come home!!!!!! :(

Tenties, great to hear that your new car is arriving next week :(

Hope to see you all in a few weeks :laugh:

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Hey Shan I just jumped on facebook thought you might have been there for a chat. Sounds like you are having a good time up there in all that sun! the whales sound amazing, you must be in your element! Poor Migs I hope her tail comes better soon.

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Wow!Little Mystic is a full on cutie!

I know what you mean about the time flying! Young Gus is now six and a half months. Seems like yesterday we adopted him at 3 and a half months and yet at the same time it feels like he has been with us forever!

It was great to have such a lovely sunny day...at last! Training was actually enjoyable as I had forgotten what it was like to NOT be freezing. Both dogs enjoyed the session as well and Tlc did a fantastic job keeping us all motivated and focused. Such a large group too. All up I think there were about 15 doggies there today!

Jane and Gus, Allie and I also had a lovely beach walk afterwards at Thunder point with Barb and Cooper and Bronson. Gus finally had a dip in the ocean but it was accidental as he kind of fell into a deep rock pool. Didn't seem to faze him though. Nice quiet and relaxed doggies tonight!

Yah Tenties on the imminent arrival of your car....its been a long time coming!

Thanks for the wrap tez, It is hard sometimes to think about new stuff to do so it keeps everyone moving and not bored! I should be doing a lesson plan the night before :laugh: to be honest I'd rater be in the class than teaching it.

The boys were pooped after thier walk in the afternoon. Gus was funny in the water and it definatley didn't seem to bother him at all such a cruisy little guy!!

Tenties I bet you are hanging out for your car!

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Ha ha ha Mum got a dose of the fella at Callaghans yesterday and today, now she understands what i've been saying about his attitude ha ha ha ...... well it may be tomorrow that i pick the car up :laugh: if it's ok with the chap from Callaghans lol.....i need to get my washing machine in to be fixed...

Maw's, be prepared to get the tip of Mig's tail amputated it's the only way to fix it that i know of........ there are alot of dog's that have had to get this done since the docking ban came in, just when you think they have healed they split them again and it look's terrible on a white dog too... poor Mig's

If i didnt have my lot i think little Mystic might just disappear from your yard and reappear in mine Cavelblaze lol

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;) Hey Mawson...say hello to the whales up there for us! Glad someones enjoying the good weather. Even the farmers are saying we have had enough rain now!

Poor Migs! Hope her tail heals soon. She sure is a problem child but I might swap her for Jane who chewed mobile phone number 4 last night. She wasn't very expensive to buy but by God she has made up for it now!

:o for Moby. Any chance of asking the Boxer thread if someone might love her?

Good luck tomorrow Tenties...its been awhile...just remember to sit in the seat with the steering wheely thingo in front of it :wave:

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:) :D :happydance::laugh:

Bet you all cant guess what i did today :D AND have to go back to Warrnambool on Friday to pick up my washing machine.... then i think i might take a trip to Geelong to look at a ute im not real happy with the combo anymore ,they tried to get my Radio and CD player going today and they couldnt , i like listening to my music up LOUD when i drive so its a tad boring at the moment.....all i keep singing today is....take you driving in my car, car...take you driving in my car, car........ :D

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Not the iphone Tlc...Allie's phone... that she left on the couch! Jane loves techno stuff as much as you do :D

Its not looking good for an ipod for her birthday if she can't remember to put her stuff away and out of reach of the Black Menace! Thats the difference between Gus and Jane...Gus wouldn't even look at it let alone give it a great chewing!

Tenties... :rofl: :p :winner::) ;) Welcome back to the world of independant transport!

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Bip bip....here comes tenties in the car.... :rofl::) .

Since you all showed interest in chooks, I thought i should let you know i hatched another lot of chicks, we have 14 in total. I'm keeping a couple but will sell excess stock. The following snap shots of chicks and what they should look like when fully grown (Show stock photos) ours are not show quality and may vary in colour and appearance.

3 Barnevelder double laced, 2 pekin bantams (not pictured), 1 gold laced wyandotte, 8 Silver laced wyandottes.




Edited by Cavalblaze
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Hey guys - a friend suggested it might be worth posting something in this thread. I am trying to chase up some information for my PhD regarding the Mill redevelopment. Wondering if anybody might be able to help me.

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Hey guys - a friend suggested it might be worth posting something in this thread. I am trying to chase up some information for my PhD regarding the Mill redevelopment. Wondering if anybody might be able to help me.

Dunno a lot about it myself ness, but have you had a look at THIS?

I DO know that the place was underwater during last weeks rains making for some VERY unhappy residents!

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Congratulations on getting your car back, Tenties! God it sounds like Calaghans gave you a rough time!

Lets hope things are looking UP from here for you. :worship:

I've not been here for a few days and now I gotta go again. Will catch up on everyone's posts soon. :)

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