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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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Oh Shan I tried to get you on FB chat before but you were gone! I will be up for walks this weekend too, (providing my tooth is ok it is still giving me grief, been back to the dentist!) Deb wants to go Sunday arvo so we might be able to orgainze that after dog school. I will be at training. Laura is coming in this weekend too. Glad the collar and lead fit nicely! Who knows it might still be on the cards for you to keep Mobes if she is still around when you get back? How is she healing?

Glad you like the tatt. They don't really hurt that much!

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Hey Tenties...Good luck with the car...again! Also good news about the roosters. My rooster has got so big now and very handsome. I think the 2 chooks are over him though! He gets abit er...randy in the morning and whichever chook jumps off the perch first is in for it! I'm sure they nudge eachother and say...'no...I jumped down first yesterday, its your turn today" ;)

Mawson...very observant of you about Tlc's tatt. Never noticed that pawless thread until then! Also...how come Moby is now 'Moby'! Very cute name by the way!

Tlc... me getting a Tatt.. :( ...not in this life time I'm afraid! Two Things I'm not keen on...pain and displaying any part of my anatomy to someone holding a needle!

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Geez all quiet in here, where is everyone :laugh:

For the ones that seen Brons head the other day, I decided to take him to the vet today as it looked bigger and seemed to be agitating him, the vet reckoned it wasn't a tooth or claw hole but more like a hot spot, I'm still not convinced, although it is about the size of a 5 cent piece now. She shaved the area and had a good look, she poked and prodded and squeezed and he was so good not a peep out of him, although he wasn't impressed with her to begin with at all. Both my boys are sooks at the vets and the girls are great go figure it must be a male thing :eek:

Anyway we come home with antibiotics, prednisolone, and apex cream. I do think it is over kill but I guess the vet knows best, will see how he goes. I just didn't want to get away on my trip to find we needed a vet so thought it best to get it checked before I went and I am glad I went now, so hopefully in 24 hours it will be well on its way to healing although he looks like a total dag with a big shaved patch on his head!! Now I just have to make a schedule for all the pills he has to take!

Anyway hope everyone is good and well in this bloody cold awful weather, today was the pits in the big green shed so cold!!

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Poor Bronson...where abouts on his head is it Tlc???

Btw...a great walk down the beach on Sunday! It was great to catch up with everyone and my two had a great time! Gus's first time at the beach. He loved it but a la-la about going in the water!

Tlc, hows the bod after the ...er...rock fall?

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I was wondering the same with you, I have a sore clicky shoulder but not sure if it was from the fall but it certainly aggrevated it.

The thing on Bronsons head is kind of just above his left eye, didn't you see it the other day??

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Anyone under water?? Our back yard is only partially visable now, the little creek at the back of us totally over flowing. I just went for a drive to have a sticky at the flooding, don' think I have ever seen it this bad!!

We had tanks blown over at work and the big plaquard signs on the side of the building one of them hurtled off and through the car park, hit a couple of cars but no major damage, luckily no one was hurt! Bit scary at work today actually the roof was lifting up and down :shrug:

Tez, hows Camperdown? Seans just been out to Allanford to take some pumps out to some people in Ziegler Pde and most of it is under water.

Hope everyones ok!!

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Anyone under water?? Our back yard is only partially visable now, the little creek at the back of us totally over flowing. I just went for a drive to have a sticky at the flooding, don' think I have ever seen it this bad!!

We had tanks blown over at work and the big plaquard signs on the side of the building one of them hurtled off and through the car park, hit a couple of cars but no major damage, luckily no one was hurt! Bit scary at work today actually the roof was lifting up and down :shrug:

Tez, hows Camperdown? Seans just been out to Allanford to take some pumps out to some people in Ziegler Pde and most of it is under water.

Dont know about Camperdown but Terang is the pitts at the moment, im thinking i should get into duck's instead of chooks, i think they would love the water laying around here....

I got up this morning to a flash flood in the back porch and the bathroom :D it was unbelieveable.... and of course cant do anything about it till the weather improves...have a broken tree in the drive as well..it can bloody stay where it is cos i dont want to go out there again its too bloody cold...poor animals having to be out in it... :rofl:

Oh and still havent got my car back from Callaghans they said last Friday or Monday just gone ???????????

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Not tez obviously, these were some pics I managed to get this evening.


Just over the back of the Bostocks Creek church/hall. The "ghost" on the right hand side is actually a windscreen wiper. :D


Taken from an undisclosed location where I wasn't supposed to be :shrug: I'm sure you'll all figure it out.


Looking over the flats to the left of the Camperdown-Cobden Road, still in the 80 zone.

Hoping to get out and take some more tomorrow morning.

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:D wow that answers my Question about Camperdown! Jess so much water!

Im getting increasingly worried about heading off to Bairnsdale tomorrow!!

Well tlc,

If the speed of the trucks going past here is anything to go by you will have a very slow trip :rofl: and be carefull of the water laying over the road as well , i know there are a few really bad spots from here to Geelong, scare the bejebe's out of you when you hit them, so no naughty words.... :shrug:

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Most of the superficial road issues around here are resolved - earlier on there was water over roads everywhere from flooded drains etc. There is quite a few road closures south of here but only one North of the Highway.

Some roads have cut up really badly even today with the water though. The Cobden-Warrnambool Road is a shocker between Naringal and Laang. Problem is when you can't see the potholes because they are full of water.

If this rain is heading East tlc I'd be worried about getting home more than getting there. You're at the mercy of some big flooding rivers to get there and back. :shrug:

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Well I'm not coming home for a week and surely this weather is not going to keep up for a week!!

I'm quite happy to take it slow, and I'm stopping in Bacchus Marsh to visit my friend and give the dogs a run.

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