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Guest Pandii
Hi all,

Just heard from my sister and she has 2 orphaned ginger kittens looking for a home.

If you, or you kow anyone wnating one let me know.

They are 6 weeks old and eating most things, she tells me.

She lives in Camperdown so would be pretty easy to get to anyone near here.

I would take one but the MIL (Or OH fot that matter) doesnt want the ones I already have hahahaha

Cheers Janet

RJ, I will take a kitten if they are desexed, :(

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Guest Pandii

I am happy to pay an amount, and desexing stops a nasty cycle of more cats looking for homes

I didnt realise she was giving them away for free, RJs post didnt say that

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Guest Pandii

Yes Tenties I do , but if the person rehoming isnt supporting desexing I wont support her :rofl:. They have plenty of time to do the right thing, if they do then I am happy to buy a kitten from them

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The kittens are not desexed as they have just be found.

And at this stage are prob way too small ATM

The person that found them had watched them for a while and has realised that the mum has not returned to feed them hence calling them orphaned.

They hope to rehome them to someone that IS willing to desexed but these kittens dont atually belong to anyone.

It was my sisters boss who found them and I know that my sister is unable to afford to get 2 kittens desexed and I do not know what her boss is willing to do.

They dont want the kittens to go undesexed and they also want homes as they dont want them to end up feral.

I am not sure if they will end up taking them to the R.S.P.C.A or what they will do if not homed.

My sister has said that they are quite small and quite friendly but eating well as they where starving when found.

So if you are after a kitten and are willing to desexed please let me know and I am quite willing to pass on details..

It s NOT me that is looking to rehome them I am just the messenger.

Oh And I forgot to say I AM BLOODY OVER MOVING lol


I had one of those glamor photos shoots done years ago and I have just found the pics hahahaha talk about a good laugh.

Dear oh dear some of the things we keep and find yers later when you move make for a very good belly laugh.

And lots of trips to the rubbish tip.

JJ not sure if you got my message about more games for the kids let me know if you want them.

Cheers Janet

Edited by Riley James
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Ok now you HAVE to take a photo of the glamor shoot and post them for us to see!! Go on I dare you :rofl:

Good luck to your sister finding homes for the kittys. I'm thinking it would be a cheap option if someone wanted a kitten to get one and desex. If they go to the Shelter, they will be a lot more expensive. Im not up with cost on desexing, its been about 5 years since my boy was done and 18 since my girl was done.

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hahahahahaha dare me all you want but as long as my butt faces the ground I sure as h*ll wont be posting those pics here (maybe they are r rated :rofl::rofl::rofl: )

I would offer to show them to you but alas they are all packed up :rofl::rofl::rofl:

And will be for EVER and EVER.

See if you had of come and helped me pack you would have seen them already :rofl: ;)

As for the kittys I am more worried that if they go to the R.S.P.C.A they will never leave, well not while still breathing anyway :mad:mad:mad

So hopefully they will be rehomed by word of mouth instead of going to the land of the permanant sleep at the rspca.

Cheers Janet.

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What a rabbit warren of a place Albert Park is when you don't know where you're going :rofl::rofl:

Took me a while to find somewhere to train that was flat and mowed - ended up in the middle of a circle work patch (well it was mowed, in a fashion!) but it was good for a quick session. Beautiful day at the beach - and probably the busiest I've seen it in ages. :rofl:

Nice to finally get a decent day or so of weather - like you tez I'm over winter already and it's only just flipped into July :rofl: Trying desperately to keep my dogs properly fit but even with starting work early I'm just not getting away at a decent hour - busiest time of the year and we're a man down. Hurry up Spring!!! ;)

RJ I'm been thinking of getting a kitten for a while after losing Sim in November :rofl: but I already have a red head and she drives me up the wall.... I dunno if I could cope with another red head cat in the house :rofl: I hope your sister finds a good home for them both.. still so many kittens around given it's not "kitten season" :rofl:

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Hi all...

Great day at training today and thanks tlc for posting the link of Migs and Brandy on youtube!! Demo team is on its way! :laugh:

Just a heads up for anyone thinking of adopting the kittens (not wanting to stop anyone from taking them RJ and sorry to go against what you said tlc) but to get a kitten from RSPCA is actually a much cheaper option than getting one for free and doing all the work at a vet clinic.

All kittens under 4 months of age at RSPCA cost $125, this includes desexing, microchipping, 1st vaccination, registration (in WCC, Moyne and Corangamite shires), worming and flea treatment. If the kitten is over 4 months, the price drops to $85 . In contrast, if you get a male kitten, desexing at a vet clinic will cost approx. $90, microchipping approx. $50, vaccination approx. $50, registration approx. $20 and worming and flea treatment whatever you want to use (= over $220). If it is a female kitten, all costs are the same except the desexing which will increase to approx. $150 alone (= almost $300).

I assume that most people will at least want to desex and vaccinate (dunno why you wouldn't microchip and register but many people don't) and these are going to put you well over the RSPCA adoption price whether male or female, under or over 4 months.

So, I don't want to discourage people from taking these particular kittens, I just wanted to educate everyone on here that thinks that getting one "for free" is not actually getting a better deal than adopting from RSPCA and in fact anyone that does is actually contributing to the fate of the kittens at the shelter by not adopting them but taking a "cheaper" option.

RJ, I would suggest that it would be a good idea for your sister or your sisters boss take them to RSPCA when they are 8 weeks old (or at least over 700g) and let them get all their vet work done prior to adoption. Yes, there is a chance that they could be euthanised if they have a health issue but wouldn't that be better than them suffering a lifetime of possible ill health? Yes they could be euthanised because their time runs out but clearly they would have a much larger pool of people looking to adopt them over the next month than just the people on here?

Just some food for thought... not wanting to stir the pot, just giving some info :laugh:

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Glad you liked the little vid, it came out well!

About the kitties, like I said I didn't really have a clue as it has been a long time since I had to do any of that stuff. That really does make them cheap from the RSPCA.

Hey did you see my thread in the photo section of Coop today at Port?

Edited by tlc
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Hi Mawson,

Not going to disagree with you at all.

I hope they get taken to the rspca so they are desexed but having said that its not MY call.

I have spoken about doing the right thing to my sister, but she has said that first of all they are NOT her kittens either and she does NOT have the spare cash to get them desexed, but hopes to find the right responsible home where they WILL be desexed at the appropriate time.

I believe in desexing.

As is proven with my pets, but at the moment they are far too small. (The kittens that is )

I think I will just stay away from all the kitten talk as some here as out to try and make out that trying to to do the right thing by a kitten and find it a home is a bad thing????

And I truly just cant be bothered!!!!!!!!!!!!

In fact I wish that I had never heard of these kittens, but it seems that some times you try and help some one it just comes back and bites you on the arse.

Like I said earlier NOT my kittens NOT my call, but if others here have the spare money to go and desex them and them rehome them by all means go ahead I am happy to pass on all details.

Anyways back to the packing for me and finish coloring my hair and I think I will head to bed hahahaha at this rate I may get there around 3am.

Cheers Janet

Edited by Riley James
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RJ I think it's great you trying to help find these kitties a home. There is lots of people who would take on a free kitty and do the right thing also. I have always done it with my cats, I payed well over $300 for my pedigree boy and still had to get all vet work done and reg with council and he is a pet cat. so I'd like to think people who adopt kitten from other than RSPCA like you and me still will do the right thing by them, but I guess like a lot of things there is good and bad and whether we like it or not it's just the way the world is!

Edited by tlc
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Guest Pandii
Hi all...

Great day at training today and thanks tlc for posting the link of Migs and Brandy on youtube!! Demo team is on its way! :vomit:

Just a heads up for anyone thinking of adopting the kittens (not wanting to stop anyone from taking them RJ and sorry to go against what you said tlc) but to get a kitten from RSPCA is actually a much cheaper option than getting one for free and doing all the work at a vet clinic.

All kittens under 4 months of age at RSPCA cost $125, this includes desexing, microchipping, 1st vaccination, registration (in WCC, Moyne and Corangamite shires), worming and flea treatment. If the kitten is over 4 months, the price drops to $85 . In contrast, if you get a male kitten, desexing at a vet clinic will cost approx. $90, microchipping approx. $50, vaccination approx. $50, registration approx. $20 and worming and flea treatment whatever you want to use (= over $220). If it is a female kitten, all costs are the same except the desexing which will increase to approx. $150 alone (= almost $300).

I assume that most people will at least want to desex and vaccinate (dunno why you wouldn't microchip and register but many people don't) and these are going to put you well over the RSPCA adoption price whether male or female, under or over 4 months.

So, I don't want to discourage people from taking these particular kittens, I just wanted to educate everyone on here that thinks that getting one "for free" is not actually getting a better deal than adopting from RSPCA and in fact anyone that does is actually contributing to the fate of the kittens at the shelter by not adopting them but taking a "cheaper" option.

RJ, I would suggest that it would be a good idea for your sister or your sisters boss take them to RSPCA when they are 8 weeks old (or at least over 700g) and let them get all their vet work done prior to adoption. Yes, there is a chance that they could be euthanised if they have a health issue but wouldn't that be better than them suffering a lifetime of possible ill health? Yes they could be euthanised because their time runs out but clearly they would have a much larger pool of people looking to adopt them over the next month than just the people on here?

Just some food for thought... not wanting to stir the pot, just giving some info :)

:):) :p :p

My two little boys come from the RSPCA, such tiny things and we had to wait until they were heavy enough to desex, now they weigh 1.5kilos and only 15 weeks old now,

and the RSPCA was great considering how many times we had been out there and snuggled these little guys

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JJ will try and get around and drop these games off for you.

Turns out there is umm quite a few ummm haha like prob 30 or so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not sure if they all work so you might have to go through them but I am sure there will be a few the kids will love.

And I have (If OH hasnt taken it away) a small cheapy slot car set do you think your boy would like it????? Its still in ist box and I not going to put it in storage, so let me know.

Cheers Janet

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Jj do you have face book?

PM'd you. :(

JJ, I have the good intentions to drop back your hand santizer over the weekend but i've got a sick 4yr old and have been run off my feet. :thumbsup: My ventures out have been to the doctors and chemist, sorry. Will return as soon as i have a free 10 minutes. :)

Still battling with vomit, sore throat and ear infection. :rolleyes:

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Jj do you have face book?

PM'd you. :(

JJ, I have the good intentions to drop back your hand santizer over the weekend but i've got a sick 4yr old and have been run off my feet. :thumbsup: My ventures out have been to the doctors and chemist, sorry. Will return as soon as i have a free 10 minutes. :)

Still battling with vomit, sore throat and ear infection. :rolleyes:

No rush Cav. No puppies here for a while! Hope you feel better soon.... we've all just gotten over that!!!

RJ sounds great - will pop over when I get a chance!

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