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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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Tenties you can buy them on the day that they sell them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HHmmmm I be thinking I need to get to bed.

But you really can buy them on the day that they sell them and only on that day.

But I have been told that sometimes they change the day, to the day, after the day, they sell them but never the day before, because that would truly be way too confusing for everyone.

So good luck buying on that day and let us know what you get :laugh::):o

Oh and dont forget to tell us if you got any chickens as well :) ;) :D

Cheers Janet

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All my puppies that i had for sale have potential homes to go too although I'm still awaiting confirmation on the budda ruby girl which i'll follow up next week.

One with the large white blaze is a boy and he is a real charactor and going to love his pet home with 3 kids to keep him amuzed.

I love them all, but the blk/tan is very docile compared to her siblings and I'm glad she is staying on with us. My hubby who isn't a dog person has been found with blk/tan (Mystic) asleep in his hand, really bonded with her. Burnt sausage roll is what he refers to her as, the others are sausage rolls. Be interesting to see what personality she develops when she is a bit older and not such the runt in the litter. In all they are all doing really well gaining weight every day. :laugh:

We are going to have another go at mating our co-owned girl when she comes into season next time which should be end of July. Hopefully this time she won't do another phantom pregnancy. Blenheim over Blenheim mating, should result in Blenheim offspring (Tan /White). Otherwise we won't have any more puppies for some time. :laugh:

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Tenties if you like red chooks Belinda Bellman in Cobden has lovely ones. Our two red girls are from her and they are lovely, docile and friendly and give me an egg each every day. A friend at work also has hens from Belinda and she says they are the friendliest of her bunch as well. Very robust health wise as well while the wyandottes both didn't survive their first year...poor loves!

I took Gus to the vets today to have a weigh-in (still too scared to take Jane but maybe next week!) and he now weighs 18.6kgs. When he came home to us on May 14th he weighed 11.4kg so he seems to be growing at a rate of knots. He's 5 months now but I'm not sure when he will finish growing...maybe 9 months??? He's only about a cm shorter than Jane now too.

Damn it Tlc...my puter dosn't seem to like u-tube so I can't see the videos at the moment!

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A couple of years ago tez ( about 6 really lol ) i decided to buy some chooks on the farm, well the more eggs i collected the more chooks i wanted :( and i ended up with almost 50 ....sold eggs at the local servo, good little earner it was, i also got into breeding ducks as well and sold them each week at the market. i miss all that and wouldnt mind doing it again but small scale , ...........

How do i get hold of this Belinda ??? and would she bring them over here ???? (if i grovel on the ground ???? ) :heart: and how much are her chooks likely to cost ?????

You stop picking on poor Jane, why is it that the fella's are allowed to put on weight but the girls arnt ??? Jane is a growing girl too, it might be outwards but so what :):(

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Belinda advertises in the Standard most Saturdays or she is in the local telephone directory. I'm going to get two more hopefully this weekend so let me know if you want me to get you some and I could deliver if not too many. Last two i got were $18 dollars each. I will try and remember to give her a call tomorrow or Friday to see if she has some.

Jane deserves to be picked on. She is evil! Her little escapade into the fridge last week cost me $140.00 in vet bills Plus whatever the food cost that she ate! Plus...a flat tyre after Tracking which I know isn't really her fault but I'm gunna blame her anyway!

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I dont get paid until Tuesday tez :) are her chooks pullets ??? i suppose they are at that price ???? i was going to give a home to some more raggedy anne 's as well as they are only $2 each for end of year layers, 6 wks off and they will be back into laying and they get a nice life to boot after the horrible one they've had...... and better here than at the processors where they end up if not sold :rofl: oh well will start making plans for some more girls.....these boy's are gunna think its Christmas :rofl:

Now stop picking on poor Jane she just cant help it if she has to have food ???? its not her fault about the vet bill , your the one who took her there and she is the one who lost out isnt she after all you got her injected to make her vomit didnt you ??? give the girl a break, its her hormones, i can hear them from here :rofl:

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I love all this chook talk :D :D

And it sounds like I know who to talk to when I get moved into new house and wnat to get myself my chookies.

Cant say I had put too much thought into what breed of chook to get, but you 2 have made me realize there is more than 1 type of chook.

Chooks are one the major reasons I wanted to move out of town (OH would not let me have chooks in town )

And I cant wait till I get them (lets hope the dogs dont get em as well :mad:mad )

I want 5 and if they go clucky I will have to come steal some fert eggs from you 2 cose I sure as hell aint geting a rooster (rotten things they are LOL)( can you tell I was chased by one for years when I was growing up and he was a b*stard of a thing)

Ok bed time for me.

Oh and if anyone feels like helping me move please feel free to pop around :rofl::rofl::rofl::)

Oops nearly forgot Tenties any news on your car yet???????????????????????

I was out at Ryans today I should have asked them for you :):):rofl:

Cheers Janet

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I've got chooks, purebred light sussex rooster, 1 purebred light sussex pullet, 1 australorp x pullet and 2 light sussex x with plymoth rock (speckled) pullets. Oh and 3 pekin ducks that lay every day (throw the eggs out as i have no use.) :)

Chooks I hatched from my own attempt at incubating, we did end up with more roosters than pullets. Those unfortunate roosters ended up in my parents freezer. :)

None of the pullets are laying yet, 5 months old and combs are bright red on the australorp. Biggest problem is they are too freindly. Try coming in the house and they follow us everywhere. Not scarred of dogs and they run up to you at first sight and demand hand feeding which is scary for a 4 year old child. If you see the size the rooster you'll understand. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I've just come home to find the dogs (read: Vitasz) has gotten into our stored X-Mas box in the garage and removed (read: destroyed)

everything in it!!! Our Tree, Lights, Decorations, Tinsel, Stockings, the LOT!!!

Little Bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I've just come home to find the dogs (read: Vitasz) has gotten into our stored X-Mas box in the garage and removed (read: destroyed)

everything in it!!! Our Tree, Lights, Decorations, Tinsel, Stockings, the LOT!!!

Little Bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, Obviously you didnt store them properly, stop blaming the pup for human error :laugh:

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I love all this chook talk :eek: :D

And it sounds like I know who to talk to when I get moved into new house and wnat to get myself my chookies.

Cant say I had put too much thought into what breed of chook to get, but you 2 have made me realize there is more than 1 type of chook.

Chooks are one the major reasons I wanted to move out of town (OH would not let me have chooks in town )

And I cant wait till I get them (lets hope the dogs dont get em as well :) :cool: )

I want 5 and if they go clucky I will have to come steal some fert eggs from you 2 cose I sure as hell aint geting a rooster (rotten things they are LOL)( can you tell I was chased by one for years when I was growing up and he was a b*stard of a thing)

Ok bed time for me.

Oh and if anyone feels like helping me move please feel free to pop around :eat: :D :rofl::o

Oops nearly forgot Tenties any news on your car yet???????????????????????

I was out at Ryans today I should have asked them for you :p :(:(

Cheers Janet

We could discuss chooks with you Janet...by the way not all Roosters chase either, its not the dogs you have to worry about out there its the foxes, you wake up to headless chooks if they are not locked up securely :( even have to have a covered in roof cos foxes can climb.....but whenever your ready, so are we, we might even start a chook club :o:)

Oh yeah Janet just wait a tic and we will all be there to help ( not ) :(

I've got a letter here from Zurich saying they want to discuss settlement so sounds hopeful ???????

when you go out there again can ya throw a brick at them and tell em i sent it ....pleeeeease :laugh:

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Ooooo can i buy your Australorp cavalblaze ????? is she black ?? i would say so.....Gee i'd have a ball sneaking around to your place, nicking off with a chook and pups :thumbsup:

You can steal my chocks, just not my puppies!

I'm sure my daughter would be glad to see those chooks gone. Being able to play without consent companions of the feathured kind peaking at her fingers and toes. She is absolutely scared stiff of those chooks which is a shame as we hatched them and raised them together as a kiddy project and she was all excited, now that has turned to fear. I've debated selling them but think hubby is looking forward to fresh eggs. It would be nice if they stayed out of the garage and off the verander but they think they should come inside and my dogs don't blink at the sight of them.

Had ducks for 5 years now and never had any issues with foxes. Crows will pinch eggs and cats would watch the chooks when they were little but we haven't had any major problems.

Photos of my lot below.


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Where were we up to with the doggie play date?? I'm to lazy to read back, did we decide on a date and a place?? I was thinking how about next Sunday weather permitting about 12 oclock. At Albert park?

DO we have any takers??

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Next Sunday as in 2 days?? I'm up for that!! Was gonna meet Kas from work out at her new place to let Maws have a run but can do it after our catch up so he will have a full on day!!!! Better do training with Migs on Sunday am then!!!!


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Where were we up to with the doggie play date?? I'm to lazy to read back, did we decide on a date and a place?? I was thinking how about next Sunday weather permitting about 12 oclock. At Albert park?

DO we have any takers??

Aye! I'll bring a couple of the old girls up!

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