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  On 16/12/2012 at 9:25 AM, Tim & Tanya said:

Nice to see you and the family today JJ... How'd the girls go with their shopping?

THREE Girls in the 'Dolls' aisle at K-Mart....... how'd you think it went???? :laugh:

No, they're pretty good really. They save up their pocket money before christmas and each buy something for the wishing tree. All went well until little Jemma worked out she had to leave the doll behind for someone else!!! :eek:

She talked about your "cutey bubby" most of the afternoon though! :)

Isn't shopping horrible this time of year? It's so busy. I hate it.

We do our Christmas shopping all throughout the year, so we never have to worry about finding much this close to Chrissy, thank Dog!

Did anyone end up getting together for a walk????

Hey Congrats RJ!!! Can't wait for puppy pics now he's home!

So........ have we decided upon a name as yet????

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RJ, how did Russells first night go?

We went for our beach walk on Sunday, boy it was windy down there, the sea was roaring and the sand was so soft, not a good combo for me, but we had a short walk them onto the cafe near the surf club for lunch.


Shannon and Zuess




We even had a bit of rain.


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Lauras new puppy Hunter with Zuess



Of course two of my guys scamming treats of someone they don't even know. :laugh:


Cooper and Lacy didn't know what to make of Zuess, he is soooo big!



I only seen Hunter 2 weeks ago and I think he has doubled in size in that time.


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Wow looks like you had an awesome day :thumbsup:

Russell appears to have settled in well. He is a funny hilarious chilled out little guy.

Poor Boof isn't too sure what to make of him as Russell keeps attacking and play bowing and then rolling over onto his back. Lol

He looks like a kitten when he plays lol he chases things and bounces around and loves to follow you every where, and am I mighty glad I purchased a puppy pen (well 2 actually lol)

Last night I put him to bed in the garage turned off the light and didn't hear another thing until I let him out first thing this morning :thumbsup:

Who can complain about that !!!!

Have just put him to bed now turned off light and so far it's quiet. Fingers crossed he sleeps again all night.

Only time Boof has had a grumble is when Russell was in his crate beside Boofs bed in the lounge and having a sook. Each time we have put him there Boof has growled but I'm sure he will adjust. He's is actually pretty much ignoring Russell which is what I want as I want him more human focused than other dog focused lol (does that sentence even make sense ?)

Ok I'd better go last 2 days of work for the year then 6 weeks holidays woohoo.

I really love my job but I sure do love my holidays too.

Cheers Janet

P.S JJ I haven't taken any photos yet lol but did take a few videos don't know how to load them tho.

Edited by Riley James
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QUOTE: We went for our beach walk on Sunday, boy it was windy down there, the sea was roaring and the sand was so soft, not a good combo for me, but we had a short walk them onto the cafe near the surf club for lunch.

Bugger it! I would have loved to have gone too but there was nothing here about a time or place?

Maybe I should take the plunge and get a mobile phone....

I see Jasmine & Ashley joined you - lovely family. :)

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JJ, our beach walk was the sitandstay good dog Xmas break up. It was a bit tough for some as they couldn't let their dogs off and tough for the ones that cold as they and to keep them under very close control as to not stir up the on leash ones. (Some DA and some with no recall)

We will have to organise another walk soon, I'd love to go to Kilarney one day, so much better for walking. Seriously the sand down there was aweful. We went from the flume.

Yes Jzz and Ash are lovely, their Dane Zuess is huge but very friendly although Lacy didn't think so. :laugh: every time he got close to her she headed for behind my legs, so strange to see such an outgoing little dog so scared,but she has always been the same with any GD we have ever come across, I think it is the size!

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Yeah the Danes are pretty imposing! Poor Lacey! :laugh:

It looked like a pretty shi**y day weather-wise for a walk.

I'll be in Melbourne this Sunday so I'm going to try and get Tarni to Killarney Saturday arvo.

She's only 3-4 weeks pregnant but she's 'showing' already so I don't know how many more opportunities I'll have to take her down there for a good run! She'll be rolling along the beach!

Anyhow, I don't come in here very often so I shall take the opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. :xmassmile:

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It's been a bit quite in here for a few days, hope everyone had a great xmas. Tanya I bet your xmas was made extra special by having Milahs first Christmas! :)

We have had a couple of play dates with Russell and today it was just Cooper and Lacy, so I thought I wold add a few pics.

Waiting patiently for Russell




This was possibly my favourite from today.




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Just a few from our first play date with Russell. Tully was a little hard on the poor little fella but he took it in his stride and it didn't bother him at all.



RJ is the Dog whisperer! :laugh:



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Awww, he's so bloody cute RJ, what a ripper puppy!! :thumbsup:

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas :D

We were pretty quiet here, Dad worked day shift so I took the girls and Bowie to the beach and then we did Xmas dinner after Dad finished work. Suits me fine, much more relaxed staying close to home rather than doing Melbourne trip and back again. :)

Bowie is growing like a weed, he's so full on some days but he's also very switched on. Took him to Geelong today to the waterfront which is a puppy socialisation paradise - kids, dogs, people, bikes, kids train, the chopper coming in and out, scooters, skateboards etc. He was really good, bopped along with the girls like he'd done it a 100 times before. :thumbsup:

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