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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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Warrnambool double schedule is in the December gazette p.18 it's on Sat 25 and Sun 26 Feb. Not seen a schedule for Noorat at all - prob be in the Jan gazette I suppose.

RJ why not let him make the chioce between yabbies and say, tarantulas or stick insects or maybe those giant cockroaches? A little bit of psychology :laugh:

Book me in for a cuddle of your baby, Tenties!

Edited by RuralPug
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Warrnambool double schedule is in the December gazette p.18 it's on Sat 25 and Sun 26 Feb. Not seen a schedule for Noorat at all - prob be in the Jan gazette I suppose.

RJ why not let him make the chioce between yabbies and say, tarantulas or stick insects or maybe those giant cockroaches? A little bit of psychology :laugh:

Book me in for a cuddle of your baby, Tenties!

Uhum!..... I just so happen to have some Giant Cockroaches and Bird-Eating Spiders arriving shortly! ;)

I thought the Noorat Shows were on a month or so ago???

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Warrnambool double schedule is in the December gazette p.18 it's on Sat 25 and Sun 26 Feb. Not seen a schedule for Noorat at all - prob be in the Jan gazette I suppose.

RJ why not let him make the chioce between yabbies and say, tarantulas or stick insects or maybe those giant cockroaches? A little bit of psychology :laugh:

Book me in for a cuddle of your baby, Tenties!

Uhum!..... I just so happen to have some Giant Cockroaches and Bird-Eating Spiders arriving shortly! ;)

I thought the Noorat Shows were on a month or so ago???

Noooooooo the Noorat Show's are always on the long weekend in March JJ....should you go lay down with a wet flannel to the forehead ??? its been mighty hot today....

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Well I survived the afternoon not sure how, dam heat I hate it with a passion unless I am at home under the air con or fully submerged in water. :laugh: It was still 35 in the building at 5.45 this evening, it will take a few days for it to cool down so lucky for me I have the next 3 days off. :thumbsup: Beach tomorrow I think!!

Bronson has a sore leg at the moment, he and the girls were rough housing a couple of nights ago and he just woke up lame, limping around, and around the knee area looks a bit swollen, no sign of any pain when I touch his leg and he seems fine in himself just favouring one leg, it is a bit strange really. We went for a walk tonight and left him home and if we go to the beach we will leave him home so he can rest it. I will see how he is in a few days and if no better will pop him off to the vets to have a check up. It is no worse today so I am hoping with some rest he will come good!

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Well I survived the afternoon not sure how, dam heat I hate it with a passion unless I am at home under the air con or fully submerged in water. :laugh: It was still 35 in the building at 5.45 this evening, it will take a few days for it to cool down so lucky for me I have the next 3 days off. :thumbsup: Beach tomorrow I think!!

Bronson has a sore leg at the moment, he and the girls were rough housing a couple of nights ago and he just woke up lame, limping around, and around the knee area looks a bit swollen, no sign of any pain when I touch his leg and he seems fine in himself just favouring one leg, it is a bit strange really. We went for a walk tonight and left him home and if we go to the beach we will leave him home so he can rest it. I will see how he is in a few days and if no better will pop him off to the vets to have a check up. It is no worse today so I am hoping with some rest he will come good!

How did Bronson pull-up today???

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He seems to be a lot better today, putting more weight on it and not carrying it. Still a bit of a limp but heaps better. Swelling around his knee seems to have gone down. Will give him a few more days resting. Think we might go to the beach tomorrow so he will have to stay home with Sean. He is not to happy about being left behind!

Remember the friend I mentioned a few weeks ago who lost her dog, well today she lost another one to a tiger snake. :cry: She has the taj mahal of dog runs and they thought it was snake proof but the snake still got in. They were very lucky they didn't lose more dogs as she had pups outside too!!

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He seems to be a lot better today, putting more weight on it and not carrying it. Still a bit of a limp but heaps better. Swelling around his knee seems to have gone down. Will give him a few more days resting. Think we might go to the beach tomorrow so he will have to stay home with Sean. He is not to happy about being left behind!

Remember the friend I mentioned a few weeks ago who lost her dog, well today she lost another one to a tiger snake. :cry: She has the taj mahal of dog runs and they thought it was snake proof but the snake still got in. They were very lucky they didn't lose more dogs as she had pups outside too!!

Glad to hear Bronson is on the mend.... nothing a bit of rest wont fix by the sound.

Awful for your friend to have lost another dog.... very sad.

Often the problem with snake-'proofing' dog pens is that the snake will work tirelessly to get in there for water (and very often succeeds) but then can't escape the pen in a hurry when the dogs start really causing them grief. A trapped snake is a dangerous snake, and at such a time they will not hesitate to bite, unfortunately. :(

Edited to ask.... where does she live? I've received a lot of calls for snakes ID as Tigers lately.

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She lives the other side of Melb, in the Warrigul area. They live on a huge farm. They have a big house yard with lots of garden. The funny thing was they weren't sure which dog or how many of them had got bitten and had hoped no more than the one had been bitten as she was showing signs but she seemed to come good but then went down hill at a rapid rate of knots and lost the fight earlier today. I am not sure of all the details but just a shocking thing to happen. Makes me want to wrap mine up in cotton wool and never leave the house!

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There seem to be a lot active at the moment.

A friend of mine owns a contracting Snake Relocation business in Melbourne (1300REPTILE)

and he is catching an incredible amount of Tiger Snakes this 'season'.

He pulled one from a child's bedroom in suburban Altona late last night!

I've had a lot of calls for Tigers here too, which is odd.... we normally get a heap of Copperheads around town...

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Love your latest signature tlc.... fantastic! :thumbsup:

No, the Croc was coming this month, but our big tank has been delayed until the last week in January, so the Crocodile will be here soon after. Depends how long it takes me to get everything set-up for it I guess. :)

I have everything ready to go.... a massive twin-system filtration system pumping 4400Liters an hour.... 2 x 300Watt Water Heaters.... 3 x 170 Watt Mercury-Vapour Heat Globes for warmth and UV.... gonna cost me an absolute fortune to run.... still, if the Wife wants a Crocodile... a Crocodile she shall have! :laugh:

I have had to work out how I can install everything inside his tank without him crushing it (Crocs will destroy anything they can get their jaws on!). All the filter pipes and heaters will be placed within heavy-grade PVC pipes which are being siliconed into each corner of the tank, with lots and lots of holes drilled into them to allow water-flow for heating and filtration.... good times! :rolleyes: (I might just maybe starting to get just a little bit excited about him coming though! :o )

Assume Bronson is 100% again now???

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Wow your Crocsounds like he will have the rolls Royce of habitats. :laugh:

Bronzie seems perfect today not even a hint of a limp so his sore muscle has just gotten better, will give him a few more days off it though. We are heading to my friends in Bachuss Marsh next week so I need him tone 100% for that. We are meeting my friends new puppy, so looking forward to it, his name is paddy, no doubt I'll come home with 1000 photos! :laugh:

So glad the hot days have cooled off a bit!

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Hi everyone.... i need a name for this puppy ? he has a soon to be show name but i cant keep calling him puppy forever lol ....Please just go for it with names, give me something to work on pleeeeeeasssssse :laugh:

I normally utilize registered names.... What is his pending reg name?

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Hi everyone.... i need a name for this puppy ? he has a soon to be show name but i cant keep calling him puppy forever lol ....Please just go for it with names, give me something to work on pleeeeeeasssssse :laugh:

I normally utilize registered names.... What is his pending reg name?

He is we hope...Meahlarah Mista Majic....

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