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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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Ha Ha JJ, i didnt go back to get it should have i know but i just ran out of money, i get sick of getting petrol sometimes :laugh:

JJ, what sort of Incubator have you got ? saw some ripper Reptile ones on E-Bay i almost bought a Hovabator the other night , it does Repiles AND Chickens , could have timed it right for both to hatch together , that would be the food sorted ;)

I have Hovabators running here. Love them. Simple and reliable.

Reptiles can incubate in any incubator that neither rocks nor turns the eggs. In fact, if many reptile eggs are turned even a few degrees while taking them from Mum to the incubator, they will be ruined.

A tip for you... always buy incubators from poultry farms/supplies rather than reptile stores. Much cheaper. ;)

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I have one JJ ;)

Done and done........thank's CB

No worries, eggs are always available for friends!

I have just got a massive double yoker from one of the blue laced wyandottes...poor chook that layed that will be walking around a bit strange today. Big issue i am having is theiving crows, they pinch the eggs straight after the chook leaves the nest. Broody got up today for a stretch and they took her eggs from her which are due to hatch next week, now she is sitting on nothing. Pekins are safe, fully enclosed but the wyandottes are free ranged and a open coop.

I have little 48hr-2week old chicks in the brooder ATM super cute although they are growing so quickly. Stroke a bit of luck, i got a higher female ratio i bleive. I have about 50 eggs in the incubator mostly pekin bantams and 2 duck eggs left. Can't help myself i am addicted to hatching chickens. lol....I have a hovabator, JN8-48 and Hexabator. When the day comes and i have all three running at once you know i am in serious trouble!

Hey tenties i was asked to swap eggs with another breeder in Geelong so if RIR or barnies interest you let me know.

Anyone wanting chooks i will have plenty this year! I am owed eggs in lots of different breeds including, Pekin Bantams, Wyandottes, RIR, Barnies, Australorp, Orpingtons (blue/splash). I am going to run 1 incubator at the kinder next term for the kiddies so i will set anyones request in that allotment. Happy chooken....

Oh puppies are all gone bar Jorja, struggle to give her up next Satureday but i will get another puppy one day.

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Quiet in here, what's everyone been up too? Jj I'm sure your flat out, not long till you open I'm guessing!

The weathers been great, hope it keeps up.

Yep I've been pretty busy.

Had my last delivery this morning so we are now officially ready to go.

We had planned to open on Monday, but thanks to Australia Post some documents haven't arrived and I can't collect my livestock until they do, so our opening has again, been delayed a little. *sigh*

Yeah hasn't the weather been the best! Love it!

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Geez what a pity about the delay, I just seen your pics on facebook, it looks like it has all come together beautifully, your hard work has all paid off so far! Are you having a soft opening or a grand opening? or both? Bet you can't wait!!

We took the dogs for a run today, two actually they thought all thier xmases had come at once. :laugh: all very tired tonight, Cooper took himself off to bed at 7!

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Well, went to Melbourne again for another eye appointment yesterday, i kicked up a stink about going down there all the time and nothing being done ???, ( just milking Medicare i think ? ) well they hopped to it and have decided to do another op in November, i'm all nervous now :laugh: i've also got a script for tablets to try to see if they help the other eye, they are $50 a month, dont come on the list have to pay full price :eek:

Oh well, i sort of cant wait although i'm not looking forward to the black eye :laugh:

CB, i am very interested in them but would like some of the others first, dont know if i should hatch any out until i've had the op as my Mum would have to look after them for the night, i will see what happens and get in touch....

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Just catching up, hey, JJ when you metioned the paint job on your store van it reminded me of something. Do you think your wrap paint job will be as good as this one advertising the Copenhagen Zoo?

Nice to hear you are finally getting some surgical action Tenties, hope the black eye is well clear before the Christmas social round starts.

Had a great time at Hamilton, no mud at all, unfortunately we could have done with some...you should see the assortment of weirdly mangled tent pegs we all now have after trying to hammer them into petrified ground! There was a small swap meet on as well at the grounds so I did some car part shopping and fell in love with a great Commer Superpoise. My roomie for the weekend introduced me to Trev's Bargain stores - yikes so sad Hamilton is the closest one to me - luckily we had room in the van and trailer for the dog beds camping bits and bobs etc etc we purchased there!

ooops -edited to fix link

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RP that bus looks fully ace! No, it's not exactly what I have in mind for my bus, but 'similar'.

Hey RP do ya feel like being my courier from Mt Gambier again? :laugh:

I bought a new snake yesterday.... an 8 foot+ 3 kilo+ Inland Carpet Python called Murray.

I am yet to meet him but I am told he is just lovely. Can't wait to meet him.

I might have to drive to SA on next Sunday to get him, if my import/export docs are back in time!

Glad to hear conditions were a little better at Hamilton.... I swore I'd never go back after last years shows!

I think the swap-meet was on last year too, so you may find it's an annual thing.

I've not heard of Trev's Bargain Store before... will check it out next time I'm in Hamilton.

Tenties glad to hear (I think!) you are having another operation on the eye... at least something is happening!

tlc we are hoping for a nice, quiet, relaxed opening. A bloke my age can't work too hard you know! ;)

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A "snake owners" joke, but funny nonetheless!...

A little girl goes to a pet shop and asks, "Excuthe me do you have any widdle wabbits?" The shopkeeper's heart melts. He gets down on his knees so that he is on her level and says, "Do you want a widdle white wabbit or a thoft, fuffy, bwack wabbit, or one like that widdle bwown one over there.?" The little girl blushes, rocks on her heels, puts her hands on her knees, leans forward and whispers..." I dont wealy fink my pyfon gives a phuck..

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it sure is!

are you excited about Monday?

Yeah, I am.

I'm still fighting off this 'flu'. I have been a bit off for weeks. I wish it would either hit me hard or piss off!

Went to Melbourne today and collected the last of my critters. I have some lovely animals in-store :)

I have the most beautiful Darwin Carpet Python I've ever seen... problem is he wants to eat me! :laugh:

Also have some tiny baby Water Dragons... my God they are so cute! They follow me in their tank as I move up and down the shop! :laugh:

Lots of babies actually... baby turtles, baby snakes, lots of baby lizards and frogs. People like baby things. :)

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:laugh: people sure do love baby things!

Well good luck but it doesn't sound like you need it, everything sounds awesome!

Don't suppose you will have a small doggy section in store? :laugh: I live in hope, especially since there is NO decent doggy shops in own!

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Sorry, No.

I need more room for reptile stuff already... and I haven't even opened yet! :laugh:

I do have access to lots of 'pet' stuff through the wholasalers.

You are welcome to come in and browse the catalogues.

Because I don't deal in pet stuff, you would have to pay when you order, but I can get this stuff at cost price for you guys.

I wouldn't want to be doing it all the time, but for someone wanting to buy lots of stuff or for the odd expensive item, I would be more than happy to do it. I can get most doggy items for about 3o%-50% of what you'd pay in-store.

I have access to big bird cages, aviaries, dog beds...pretty well anything a really good pet shop might sell.

For example... I bought a new wooden kennel for the puppies. I paid $89 and I saw them in Pet Stock for about $299, a similar one in Bunnings for $199, and saw it in Pet Goods Direct for $349.

HERE IS ONE of the suppliers I have access to. You can peruse the items they carry online. The other suppliers only have catalogues.

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OMG baby water dragons I'm gunna have to stay away from your shop for a while I be thinking lol or I may end up with lots of little critters. I just love the water dragons almost as much as frogs !!! And that's saying something.

Have admit I keep looking around new house thinking where could I out tanks in here hhmmm.

Anyway I will prob be in tomorrow after work JJ :D

Better go think I saw a fence down last night so I must check it before I forget about it again !!!!

Cheers Janet

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