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Thought I would pop in here and have a little whinge, I am still out of action although I did venture up the street today to do a few unavoidable jobs. I seen you Jj and Mrs Jj, I was going to pop over and say hello but you were just backing out of the car park, probly just as well because I am so hard to understand my voice is so horse it is hardly there! So after my little outing I am now exhausted and feel like I need to sleep for a week. God help me when i go back to work. Just now waiting for the sister to ring me with my test results. At this point not going back to work till monday, I better be better enough by then to go as I am out of sick days!

Hows the puppies doing?

CB, how are you I seen on facebook you are sick too, no doubt run down from puppy sitting with no sleep and all the stress has contributed! I initially thought I had tonsilitis but the Dr didn't think so.

Hows everyone else? Jess you have been quiet for a while and tenties what are you up too?

Anyone else about?

edited to add, just had the test results confirmed that I do have whooping cough... :cry:

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tlc I was in the car outside the optometrists cnr Lava and Kepler and thought I saw you in my mirror... was thinking it was great to see you're up and about but I come in here and FB and hear you are still sick as a dog. Sux.

Yeah puppies going well. By far the easiest litter I've had. I really do love having a smaller litter... less work and more time to enjoy puppy-snuffles!

Got the completed lease for our shop in the mail today! :thumbsup:

It's been fifteen months of hard work, red tape and disappointments, but it is now finally all coming together! :)

I too, noticed it has been very quiet on here of late... seems people tend to use FB to catch up with eachother.

Maybe there is no need for this thread anymore? Then again, I never have time to catch up with anyone outside of FB and DOL! :o

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That's great about your shop excitement plus!

I'd be sad if this thread was gone, I do like popping in to check up occasionally and a few I don't have on FB, Jess, rural pug. I also live in hope Tez might pop back in and Lizzie too!

Sounds like Tarni is a dream mu, that's great.

Where I saw you up the street was outside Rogers newsagents.

Right about now Sean will be at the Dr getting his WC vaccine. I also had to tell others that I've been in contact with last week that they should have the vaccination.

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I do remember you being sick at one stage but I don't think I realized it was WC, RJ had it a few years ago too and she said it took her 12 months to get over it, god help me! It's been a rough year this year!

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I do remember you being sick at one stage but I don't think I realized it was WC, RJ had it a few years ago too and she said it took her 12 months to get over it, god help me! It's been a rough year this year!

Yep. I got well quite quickly once it was diagnosed correctly, but the cough hung around for months, until one day I suddenly realized it had gone! Nearly drove me nuts though.

Hopefully you will make a speedy improvement and be feeling better in no time.

I got it due to low immunity after having glandular fever.... apparently that is common. Hope you got tested for that too...

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Nope only tested me for WC as far as I know although I did notice it said full blood count on the blood form. I am going to will myself better in the next few days as I have to go back to work on Monday! Even if my voice is still crappy as long as I can get through my 5 hour shift without throwing up after a coughing fit I'll be fine. :laugh: At least the doc gave me the right medication when he suspected WC, just a pity the first doctor didnt listen to what I said and made up her own totally bogus ailment, idiot. :mad a whole week wasted, when I could have been on the right medicine to begin with!

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Hi guys, no please dont close the thread! I know I dont post as often as I should but its always nice to see our little thread at the top of the social page!

Sorry to hear that you are still not well barb but good that you managed to get out today :-) its a step forward!

So does anyone have any ideas for my neighbour? I think she is pushing her luck really and she just needs to take responsibility for owning a dog. She wants to find an easy and preferably free solution and I dont think its doable but I thought i'd put it out there for you guys :-)

Hope to see you all soon

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Sorry Shan no ideas for Jan, think she might have to board her.

Did you get my pm in Facebook? Bit of a rave I'm afraid. :laugh: not sure my outing today did me any good quite the opposite now, I'm paying for it. :cry: not doing anything for the next 3 days, gotta will myself well enough for work Monday!

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Sorry Maws, I certainly can't help and I don't know of anyone who can/would either.

I think she's going to have to bite the bullet and board the dog.

It's funny though, as some people think 'their' dog would go mad in a boarding kennel.

At the end of the day a dog is a dog is a dog, and while they may not enjoy their stay, and we may not want them to have to be boarded, the dog will be fine and the owner can go away comforted by the knowledge that their dog is safe, warm and fed, if nothing else.

Geez I hate boarding my dogs, but at times when I have needed to do something I would never put such a big responsibility onto someone else to look after my dog. I couldn't relax either, in case the dog escaped etc. At least with kennels you know they are safe. :)

Also, I wasn't going to close the thread as such, was just wondering if it's still worth-while.

I enjoy popping in from time to time too, even though I rarely see any of you outside of DOL these days, I still like to 'keep in touch' I s'pose. :)

Come to think of it, there are people on here I have never even met! GSD's, Jess, Chatabox, Lizzie, and whatever happened to Munchin? Did anyone ever meet Munchin???

Edited to add... there are plenty of Lurkers who would have nothing to do all day if we closed this thread! ;)

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It's funny isn't it even though we've never met some it kind of feels like a little Warrnambool doggy family as we know we all have the dogs in common! Hopefully when the weather gets better we may be able to have a doggy catch up.

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Meant to ask you JJ are you keeping a puppy?

Ask me again in 33 days. :)

The plan is, whenever we do have a litter, to keep one.

That is the main reason for us having a litter.

While I do not ever want a large number of dogs again (had seven crazy Vizslas in our little house for a while there!) I am in a position now where I could have another one. We are in a much bigger house now and also have more room for the dogs.

But I can't keep a pup from every litter 'just coz'. I keep one if there is one that really stands out and is, in my personal opinion, worth breeding on with in the future. Pretty hard to be sure of that though as a puppy, so even then sometimes you have to move them on when they have matured a little, and don't meet your expectations.

Otherwise I would soon have 50 Vizslas here which is no good for anyone, and to breed from any dog we've kept just for the sake of it would be a huge injustice to the breed.

I breed from time to time, keep one if I consider it worthy, and breed from it if I am still happy with it later.

On this particular occasion, we had a small litter but had a 'heap' of people wanting one. That's great for ensuring they all go to great homes though.

In fact, these pups are pretty well all going to hunting homes which I think is awesome (for the dogs and the breed, at least!) and they will be worked more heavily than they ever would living here with me, so I have to consider the dogs happiness here too.

So I guess we'll just have to wait and see. If there is something really, really special, then we may keep one, yes. If not, we are having a litter from Jerojath Killarney in 2012 and I am really excited about that litter. Killarney is an absolutely incredible bird dog, but also works steadily on rabbit, fox, and deer.

I will definitely be keeping one from that pairing if there is one up to par.

...or did you want a 'Yes' or 'No' answer??? :laugh:

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It's funny isn't it even though we've never met some it kind of feels like a little Warrnambool doggy family as we know we all have the dogs in common! Hopefully when the weather gets better we may be able to have a doggy catch up.

Yeah and we get a few non-locals pop in here too.... Monah from QLD and RuralPug from a little way North....

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Well it will be great if Tarni gets to have one offspring buddy stick around! Is Kilarney one of Belles or Amys pups? Does that

mean you had her on breeders terms if you can keep a pup?

I did meet Munchin on a number of occasions, seems she has gone AWOL too, I think she only had dial up and it was a pain. She also not sure if she does now worked with Tanya?

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Killarney was one of Amy's girls.

She and Tarni have the same sire.

She is just beautiful... awesome temperament, really feminine and elegant (something I need back!) and a gun in the field!

She wasn't sold on breeders terms as such, but the owner was aware we really liked her and would have loved a litter from her. Then he said he would like a litter but "doesn't know where to start" so offered us a litter from her in lieu of a puppy back to them. Works well.

We will send her interstate to be mated, then toward the end of her pregnancy she will come here to whelp the pups.

She will stay here until they are weened. She fits in well here so she wont stress with it all.

Unless they are all born with two heads I will be keeping one of these. :)

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Hi everyone,

Glad to hear the bubba's are doing well JJ...tlc, you are the lastest victim of whooping cough, I think RJ spread the love :laugh: since she said her OH had it , my Mum has had it and so has a friend of ours ????

I am at the moment siting at the clinic at the Eye and Ear Hospital....soooo boring, i had to catch the train at 6 :am but my Appointments ( i have 2 today ) the first of which is not till 1:30 this afternoon :eek: i would swap with you in a heartbeat tlc

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Hope you went ok with your apps Tenties! But I think if you could see me and hear me now you would change your mind about swapping with me! :laugh: I am a basket case!

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Well, finally home, i didnt get to my second Appointment today, was in the first one for 2 1/2 hrs :eek: was alot of tooing and froing and a couple of Dr's coming in to do test's on my Eye's..then they stood there and had a discussion on what they can and can not do for me.....i really didnt need to be there actually, dont you just hate being the invisible person :eek: any ways i had more pic's taken as they are using my case for their big meeting on Monday, as they said they will get the opinion's of all the top Eye Surgeons in Victoria and it wont cost me anything ..( except the bloody train fare each month going down there and back ) they changed my second Appointment today to be with my next Appointment next month....same as today but spaced out abit more :laugh: my second Appointment was for the Eye lift which they said wasnt all that important at the moment...yeah right !!!! hellooooooooooo ......can you tell the Dr's were Men ?????? :laugh:

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