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I am hoping that's all it is, I'm going to get him in tomorrow and hope that Sue is on. Craig is good but Cooper is not a fan although better with him than he used to be. I just don't want any set back with him, he has come a long way. So I'm crossing my fingers Sue or one of the other female vets are on in the morning.

Another thing, if it was something sinister like lymphoma wouldn't there be other symptoms?

I had Craig for Lele and the pups over the weekend and he was great. I would say since Craig pulled the Saturday morning shift that he may get Monday off.

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Ah ok i get it now.

Its Tullys 4th Birthday today, she is currently munching away on a raw hide treat, she got a toy too but she was more interested in the treat. :laugh:

some pics


Awww Happy Birthday TullY! Hope you had a great day. :birthday:

Cav great your pups are doing so well. They look lovely.

Don't think Tarni is going to give us a huge litter, thank God.

One really nice boy and one lovely girl and I'll be happy! :)

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Don't get me wrong, Craig is good and has been great with all my lot. But Cooper is kind of special needs when it comes to vets :laugh: like I said he has come a long way definatley don't want to go back to square one! Hope your right CB and we get Sue.

Wondering if they decide to do a needle biopsy on the lump will they give him a local or general?

Thanks for Tullys Birthday wishes JJ, she has had a lovely day.

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Wondering if they decide to do a needle biopsy on the lump will they give him a local or general?


I would think the first biopsy would be a Fine Needle Aspiration, pretty much just like taking a blood sample, no anaesthetic required - unless he's really, really reactive with stuff like that? Maybe some Rescue Remedy for him beforehand in that case? Or for you LOL!! :laugh:

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Thanks RP, I am not sure how he will go, he is a bit vet phobic as he had ear troubles when he was younger, two perforated ear drums as a puppy (long story) so we were back and forward to the vets quite a bit, then he had the (what they think was) bladder crystals, they did do a cathater (sp) while he was awake but they had sedated him for that, they did let me stay with him which was good. He wasn't to bad having the ultra sound for the crystals, no sedation. He had to have xrays on a dislocated toe and also a grass seed out which they also did under light sedation. The thing is he is/was men phobic but we have worked with him and he has basically come out of it and now we don't even need to muzzle him at the vets. But if he thinks he is going to be man handled that is when the trouble starts. Why is it the one who hates the vets the most has spent the most time there. :(

I have rang the vet and they can't see us till 9.45 and we can only see the male vet as the female one is in surgery unless we wait another day which I don't want to do. The make vet is better for me as he knows Coopers history as we have mostly seen him. But a female vet would have been better for Coop anyway we will just deal with it. I have to remember for me to be relaxed and I think he will be fine. If I have to muzzle him I will but I would prefer not to. I don't think he would bite but he give a pretty scary warning growl :laugh:

I will post later with outcome.

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Big sigh of relief, the vet is fairly confident that it is just a fatty cyst, so keep an eye on him and it, she said due to the size of it and where it is, it could become a problem if it gets much bigger, but she said other than that they don't even know they have them. I would have thought being in his armpit it may have got sore?? Anyway so glad he will be ok. She agreed with me goggle can be great but it can also make us think the worst! SO glad my boy is ok! Glad I don't have kids I could not handle the stress if something happened to them.

She also said lyphomas can grow the size of footballs.

We ended up seeing Monica and she was fantastic and Cooper loved her, I was so pleased, he did have a little growl when he seen her with the needle to do the FNA so we popped the muzzle on him to be safe. He was a real champ, I was very proud of him.

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Good news. You'll sleep better tonight. :)

P.S: I worry MORE about the dogs than the kids! ;)

Probably because of the great health care we get for the skin-kids, and human medicine is much more advanced, of course.

Also, the kids are able to tell us what's wrong and how they feel. Pretty hard to diagnose animals.

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Hey I meant to post this little gem of a story yesterday but with one thing and another I totally forgot. Sean and I headed out to bunnings yesterday arvo and as we were going up Mckiernan Road, here was a guy with his dog runnings along side his car at first I thought Holy **** :eek: that guy just has his dog running along side of him, then as we got closer I noticed the dog was kind of running funny, it was then I noticed he had the dog on a lead which he was holding out the window. :eek: :eek: there was even cars behind him trying to get past him. The poor dog look terrified and like it was trying to get away from the car. I could hardly believe my eyes. Sean said wheres the cops when you need em! Certainly some bogans live in this town, bloody unbelievable!! :mad

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Hey I meant to post this little gem of a story yesterday but with one thing and another I totally forgot. Sean and I headed out to bunnings yesterday arvo and as we were going up Mckiernan Road, here was a guy with his dog runnings along side his car at first I thought Holy **** :eek: that guy just has his dog running along side of him, then as we got closer I noticed the dog was kind of running funny, it was then I noticed he had the dog on a lead which he was holding out the window. :eek: :eek: there was even cars behind him trying to get past him. The poor dog look terrified and like it was trying to get away from the car. I could hardly believe my eyes. Sean said wheres the cops when you need em! Certainly some bogans live in this town, bloody unbelievable!! :mad

Well seeing as it was on McKiernan Road I am not surprised in the slightest.

Geez I'd have taken his rego and called the police that is just cruel. :(

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Couldn't actually see his rego as we turned at the round about and there was a car in front of us and he was in front of the car but veered to the left. Wouldnt be surprised if someone else did though! Amazing what people will do, I was gobsmacked this emot reallly sums it up! :eek:

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Many years ago some Racehorse trainers were like that also , you would often come across one bloke in paticular driving along the road with a couple of horses trotting alongside he would lead them from the drivers side :eek: it is now against the law so if you ever see anyone driving along with their dog or horse running alongside get their number and report them, the poor animals must be scared out of their minds especially if they are afraid of cars..... on the farm , we had an idiot who would come down our road a few nights a week and let his dog out to run alongside the car, only trouble was i watched him ( the dog ) go through the fences a couple of times and chase the stock, did the bloke stop ? not on your nellie so i off and after him one day and took his rego, told him where his dog was and that i was going to report him as it was against the law, never saw him again after that :laugh:

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Hey Cavalblaze I was out your way today.

My brother and SIL have just bought some land and are about to start building.

I went out to have a look and discovered they will be just a few doors down from you!

Their block is two down from the half-built place near you. They are on a corner of your street and a non-existent road at the moment. Coincidentally, my brother was saying just yesterday that they are considering buying a Cav from a reg breeder and asked me if I'd heard of you, as he has seen you on FB talking about your Cavs.

I told him tonight that it would be handy having their breeder so close-by!

Hope your babies are steaming along!

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What a small world!

Hey JJ,apparently I'm cool at work because I know all the cool people namely one very experienced reptile owner/handler :laugh: I also recommended Aqua life to a very keen fish girl (don't really know what else to call a person who loves fish with a passion) also rendering me cool. :rofl:

Also 2 people at work very keen on owning thier own snakes. Who knew! :D

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What a small world!

Hey JJ,apparently I'm cool at work because I know all the cool people namely one very experienced reptile owner/handler :laugh: I also recommended Aqua life to a very keen fish girl (don't really know what else to call a person who loves fish with a passion) also rendering me cool. :rofl:

Also 2 people at work very keen on owning thier own snakes. Who knew! :D

A "very keen fish girl" or for that matter a "very keen fish guy" is called an Aquarist. There ya go. ;)

We actually have many dozens of people waiting for us to open now, rather than drive to Melbourne for what they need.

It's sure gonna be busy to start with! :thumbsup:

Wish I could be rendered 'cool' as easily as you. :(

I went to Bunnings today (looked out for ya but you were not about)as I needed a new spray bottle for the frogs. Interesting to find they had a Hills 500ml bottle for $2.73 and a 1000ml bottle for $2.77. So, by the time the 500ml unit is rounded up, and the 1 litre bottle is rounded down, they were exactly the same price! Someone hasn't done their job properly! :laugh:

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Well that's great always good to drum up business before you open!

Doesn't surprise me about the spray bottles, I can't work out the prices of some things. In my area there is 500ml acetone for $8 odd and 1 litre for $9 go figure, might as well get the 1 litre for an extra few cents. :laugh: I finished at 1 today!

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Remember, it's not just snakes...

Venomous Snakes

Non Venomous Snakes






Bird Eating Spiders

Goliath Stick Insects


Native Hopping Mice

Sugar Gliders

Possibly Indian Palm Squirrels (although the DSE are trying hard to stop me!)

and remember... "We Are The Turtle Experts!" ;)

Of course we can't stock all these animals all the time, but instead will vary what we have all the time. Some popular species we will try and have at all times though.

I have animals all over Australia at the moment waiting for import/export permits to happen.

I can't ship them here until we are ready to go in August anyway.

As well as the livestock, we will have all the necessary accessories, housing and equipment, as well as all the fresh, frozen and packaged foods all these animals need. We are your One-Stop Unique-Pets Shop!

(Might even sell the odd puppy too! :bolt: ) :laugh:

Well there's my plug! :)


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Wow that's a lot is scaly stuff :laugh: Can you tell reptiles are ot my thing. :rofl: But I do love looking at thiem through the class and admiring them.

Your banner looks awesome, obviously the shops name and logo? Pity you guys and Aqua life couldn't be next to each other.

Sounds like a very exciting venture, the reptile loves around the district won't know what hit them!

How's Tarni going, not long to go now.

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Yep Tarni is coming along well now... she's due on the 10th but will probably be a couple of days after that.

She is getting a little uncomfortable now but is not huge... nice small litter I think!

I'll be sure to post baby pics when it all happens!

Edited to add a quick pic of Tarni today... tlc I bet she's looking a lot bigger than when you saw her the other day!


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