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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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Oh no, Jess you get here and take this rain right back there with you :eek: i just went out to take the vent out of the car window and wind it up, it was a hard slog against the harsh gale force wind and the driving rain, but it had to be done :eek::eek::eek:

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Arghhhh stupid weather, I just went to watch and take pics of some of my work mates rowing in a whale boat at Simpson street, it blew a gale and rained so I didn't stay long. I took Bronson so he had a bit of a romp in the rainn he didn't care :eek:

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Dog training started back today and JJ there were some people who bought along a puppy for puppy classes and you will never guess what sort it was?? An 11 week old Vizsla, his name is Bear and he is sooo cute. Of course I had to ask them where they got him as I knew a couple of breeders in town. Not sure if they rang you but they said they had chatted with Donna. They got the pup from Geelong. He is also very clever and switched on too!

Whats everyone else been up to anything exciting?? All kids back to school etc etc.

We are doing stocktake at work this week so much fun :( NOT!!

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How come a stocktake at this time of year tlc? We used to do end of month and end of FY. I'll swap you a stocktake for 8 audits in 3 days... ;)

We started training again today - it's been a long time since I've been but felt it was time Zee got into some real sequencing work plus access to full size contact equipment. So she did her first class today and she was awesome :( So proud of her - I had a few people stand "judge like" around the area we were working and she didn't even realise they were there. So no judge mugging :rofl:

Even better - she stuck her "stay" each time I took Darcy out to work. I always leave Darcy in a camp chair or on a mat while course walking, setting up etc. Anyway we've been working up to the same thing with Zee, starting off in a crate, or the back of the car, then onto a mat and today I just had a camp chair. And everytime I took Darcy out to work she stuck in that chair - she never took a foot off it until I released her each time. :eek:

Darcy did some nice stuff as well - I'm learning a lot from handling a very novice dog again, it's certainly tidying my handling up from all the bad habits I've developed cos Darcy looks after me too well :rofl: Poor Darce :rofl:

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Thats so great Jess, it is a nice feeling when it all comes together. I was proud of Bronson today too, we only had a small group and I worked with him off lead, and he was great. No where near the standard of your girls Jess but very pleased all the same considering we have done nothing obedience wise since early Dec. :(

We only do a stocktake once a year if we get a good result, if we don't then it is every 6 months. Gee 8 audits in 3 days sounds excessive? I am not looking forward to stocktake everyone is usually pretty manic, doing a stocktake on a place like Bunnings is a logistical nightmare when we have to deal with customers as well. I won't have to count till the later part of Tuesday evening after we shut as they have me on the floor for customers, not sure which is worse as we have most of the team counting and a skeleton staff to serve people. Im hoping it won't be too busy that day.

I did a little photo shoot with Bronson in the tub earlier and this was the result if anyone wants to have a look


Bronson is my project dog this year for the 52 week project and If it doesn't rain it pours, I either get no good ones to choose from or too many to choose from.

Jess are you on face book? I'd ook you up but I don't even know your last name?

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Well done Bronson :rofl: Working off lead is a fantastic achievement especially around other dogs - seriously there is dogs who compete who barely manage that. Please don't ever sell any of your doggy achievements short just because my dogs compete :rofl: There are plenty of ways to achieve great stuff without performance titles :(

Stocktake in an open for business store sounds like a nightmare - at least we could shut down and count stuff. :rofl: Maybe I will stick to my audits. Yes 8 is a little excessive but I have a few due at the moment and the following week is pretty much out - set up at Acme Field Days Monday, conference in Melbourne Tuesday and back for Acme from Wed-Fri.

Is anyone heading to the Pet Expo at Caulfield the 19th and 20th? I went a few years ago (2007?) and it was ok but thought I might wander down again.

Will send you a request on FB tlc :eek:

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Ok great!

Thanks for giving me a boost Jess, my older 3 all work well off lead. The thing with Bronson is he always sticks close ( he is a sooky mammas boy :rofl: ) and is very focused but he feels more secure on the lead. But today being a small group he was quite relaxed, so it was a great.

I will be able to concentrate on my lot some more now as far as training goes as I have scaled down at obedience. :( Just realized how silly that sounds. :rofl:

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Bummer, Bummer and Bummer, i have another Apppointment in Melbourne at the Eye And Ear again on Friday, the Cab Driver i got last week said to avoid Monday Morning's and Friday Afternoon's :whip: down there as that is when the Cab's are hard to get, the Appointment they gave me is for 1:30,the last Friday Appointment took 1 1/2 hrs to get a Cab back to the Station :laugh: and had Mum and i in a panic about catching the train, luckily it got Delayed .

BJ will most likely have another sleep over at his Nana's which he will think is wonderfull as he run's wild there :laugh:

On the Dog re-homing front, Bobby looks to be heading to Mildura to be a mate for a 70 yr old Lady who's home was broken into she has a little female but she is not very protective :) Bobby will be in his Element, his own home , owner to protect and a Girlfriend to boot....

Tess the Jack will most likely be heading to people who are looking for a Jack to start their breeding program with they have been specificly looking for a Malung Bitch and Tess is the last of Malung breeding..

Poor Doogs is still waiting for his special owner to pop up, he is the best Lure racer if anyone knows of anyone interested in that ????

Zip is also still waiting as is Bundy, but he needs a very Special home.....

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Might see you at the Eye and Eye on Friday Tenties, I have an appt there that morning - or might run into you at Spencer St Southern Cross station.

Great news on the rehoming front there. I flew back from Adelaide with a mad Tentie cross pup (mum was STCD) to rehome, landed in my driveway and got a text..."Quick! Start the car! We've changed our minds and want him home again!" I thought it was a joke, but no, they are serious. So will have him here for about a month as I must return to Adelaide in mid-March to move Mum and am driving over. So they will get a better behaved pup back and I will be coaching them long distance in training their other pup (10 m.o. SBT) and the older dog (4 yo chihuahua cross). The things you do for family...:heart:

Might be picking you brains Linda, never had a four-month-old pup DA resource guarding before. Will sing out for ideas if I get stuck.

ETA to add I am too tight-fisted to get a cab in Melbourne, I catch a tram right outside the station, it takes me right there in about twelve minutes and you don't have to get a ticket because city trams and buses are included in your VicRail ticket. Might be hard for you to see the tram numbers in your current circumstances though.

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Hey rural pug,

I may see you there as i have to catch the 6:11am train there and it gets in at 9:am its a bloody pest getting there so early and having to wait till 1:30 they will most likely finish with me within an hour then i will have to wait till 6:38 to get the train home, im really starting to hate all this.... i have told them i could catch an earlier train home if my appointment is after 9:am and finished at around 11 or even 12 but noooooooo they give me these ones which leave me to sit down there all bloody day ( there are no other trains back after the 1:30pm one except for the 6:38pm )

Geez, lots of luck with the pup, ive given up being a sucker :heart: you can pick my brain as much as you like RP dont know how much is there but you are welcome to whatever is left :laugh:

I'm not game to catch the tram, i know it would be easier but i just panic doing it as it may not take me where its supposed too or where i expect it too :laugh:

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Mmmmmm won't be much going on here, Sean is the least romantic man I know. :confused: But he does make up for that in other areas, he is fab with the housework and does so much to help me it's amazing!! Although one year he did surprise me sending 13 long stem red roses to my work on my birthday, I was in total shock.

For valentines day one year I bought a stuffed toy it was a big bee ( so cute ) anyway, went to the balloon shop got a valentine balloon and did the bee and balloon up in cellophane and got the balloon lady to deliver it to his work. To say he was a bit embarrassed in front of his work mates was an understatement :laugh: But he did love the surprise.

What about something like a treasure hunt where you go for a drive and he has a clue to start off with and gets clues along the way which lead to something nice at the end, or make it lead back to your place for a nice dinner?

I'm not very romantic either can't think of much really?

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