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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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RJ thank you for inviting me to Tenties' BBQ! :laugh:

I will have a gazebo so you are all welcome to come camp in it, in return I will shanghai one of you as assembly holder and standby handler - if I am showing the same lot she entered yesterday then I will be juggling three bitches, two in consecutive classes :p , got to keep the steward happy with smooth changeovers...

One of her dogs is a 15 week ADORABLE baby girl so I will be raffling baby puppy cuddles!!! ;)

Technically, the Sunday show is the Lady Bay KC and the Sat Warrnambool but they are sharing Tas judges and venue. (Except on Sunday there is also a Terrier specialist doing 2 and S/S.)

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They are at the Friendlies Lizzy, you know opposite the Showgrounds, i know how busy you have been of late but DO try and get up there for the BBQ on Saturday ok ??? BYO your own chair, Meat and Drink's and something to share, i havent caught up with you for ages.... will look forward to seeing you.. ;)

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Hey maybe we could do a bit of the boardwalk then rock up to Simons with the pooches for morning tea, Arvo tea or even lunch? If we did that I'd only bring two of mine. Wonder how busy they would be on Aussie day?

Edited by tlc
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I knew tomorow was a holiday but had totally forgot Sean woudl not be at work, so I will see if he has anything planned, which he probly won't. Wonder what thier food is like there? Has anyone been there latley. I'd probly be more up for lunch, then that way if Sean is going to his mums he can take two pups and I can take two.

Who else is in??

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Hey Tez and Tenties, you guys arent heading this way tomorow are you?? It would be great if you could join us? Jess what about you? Do you have the day off work?

Ha Simons might get a shock if a lot of doggy people show up hope they have a stock up of dog treats!! :rofl:

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Rito lunch it is... Where would you like to meet and what time? Apparently I've heard the food is pretty good...

Oh goodie, um well should we walk from the breakwater again to Simons. I'm not sure how my back will hold up but I will give it a go.

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Yes I do have tomorrow off work :rofl: My plan was to take the girls to the beach to give them a big run - ideally it would be before I did lunch to take the zing out of Zee who's .... enthusiastic at the best of times. :eek::rofl:

What time are you thinking? Where is Simon's?

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Jess Simons is along the board walk near the surf life saving club.

I was thiking of about 11ish meeting along at the break water, that gives us enough time to get to simons by 12 which is early enough thhat there shouldnt be too many people there yet?

JJ youo coming to, bring tarni and the rest of the fam of course!

Think I will just bring CJ at this stage, might make for a much nicer lunch without havi8ng to worry about what they are doing. Hope the weather holds out.

Jess if you decide too come and don;t wanna met us for the little walk before hand y9ou could just meet up for lunch, there is any amount of car parks near simons.

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Jess if you decide too come and don;t wanna met us for the little walk before hand y9ou could just meet up for lunch, there is any amount of car parks near simons.

That's a good idea :laugh: Zee is fine walking with others but she will be too much of a handful to sit quietly while we eat so I'll wear her out at the beach first (well as best I can :cheer: ) and then meet you guys for lunch at 12. The experience will do her good, as will meeting other dogs. :o

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Wow that great, cant believe after all this time I am finally going to get to meet you :laugh:

I really hope the weather holds out, I just went outside and it is not looking good at the moment. Simons is not undercover so if it is raining we may have to cancel. I don't care if it is cold but not much fun sitting in the rain to eat lunch. ut we will hope for the best.

OK so thats 3 who else is coming?

Jess if your early enough and finish at the beach earlier you can still meet up with us to do the little walk first if you want to, see how your going for time.

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I'd love to come along but we have plans already...

We're getting together with some friends for a BBQ and drinks at our new house, even though we don't move until the weekend!

The BBQ is there already so that's all we need.... esky's and ice etc.

Would love to have all the local DOLers over for a BBQ soon too.... we have a fantastic outdoors entertaining area fully roofed, and you know dogs are welcome in our house!

Have fun tomorrow.... hope the rain holds off for your lunch. Supposed to be clearing up ok.

I would have been happy to meet Jess too, at long last! :laugh: Maybe next time...

:cheer: Happy Australia day for tomorrow!


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