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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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GSD's that is a great idea and I wish you guys every success with it!

I'm afraid my having Gundogs means I will be of no help, unless you want to shoot the sheep and have them dragged back to you. :)

I am more than happy to help out on the day (or any other) if needed though.

Agree with Jess that this should go in the herding thread.

I think there would be very limited interest from this thread alone....

I should think asking the Standard to do a brief story creating awareness of the workshop would be the bast way to draw numbers. :D

Thanks JJ. It's nice to know there are people out there willing to give us a hand that don't even own a herding breed. :)


I'm afraid my having Gundogs means I will be of no help, unless you want to shoot the sheep and have them dragged back to you. :mad
now that gives a whole new meaning to HIT. Maybe it could be Hunting Instinct Test? :):(:(

I wouldn't have thought of the standard. I reckon that could come in very handy later-on if/when we get the club up and running rather than a clinic where places will be limited. Great suggestion all the same...I'll have to put that one to Denise - thanks! :)


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Hey Jj, hows Chan going with the cake, is it done yet??

here are some pics from today


and a little tribute to my bubba boy whos Birthday was last weekend!


Happy Birthday to Bronson.... :) cute clip/pics!

The cake is a work in progress..... initially appeared to be 'simple', has proved otherwise.

Knowing the OH though, she wont give up and it will look great! :)

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Well I can't wait to see the pic of the cake, if it's half as good as the bubba one it will be amazing!! Is Chan a baker/chef?

:( No! Chan can't cook for shit! I do all the cooking 'round here! :)

She just seems to have a knack with baking & decorating cakes. :)

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Just checked out your updated website JJ, it looks great and imagine my surprise when I seen one of my totally awesome photos featured on the " meet the gang page " how cool!

And what am I still doing awake at this ungodly hour who knows can't sleep!

Just wanted to add how bloody gorgeous is Rez, what stunner of a dog!

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Just checked out your updated website JJ, it looks great and imagine my surprise when I seen one of my totally awesome photos featured on the " meet the gang page " how cool!

And what am I still doing awake at this ungodly hour who knows can't sleep!

Just wanted to add how bloody gorgeous is Rez, what stunner of a dog!

Thanks tlc! Yes and one of your awesome pics is also on our "Vizslas Needing Homes" page!

I am finally happy with my website. I spent $2000 on my last website and was never really happy with it. This one cost $50!!! :coffee:

You are right about Rez... He is Tarni's litter brother and almost died as a baby. We bottle-fed him for a long time and had him on a hot water bottle fearing the worst, but he pulled through and is now an awesome dog. He is kicking-butt at Mornington Obedience and will begin serious trialling soon. His owner has also been told by many 'vizsla people' that Rez should really be in the show-ring but unfortunately they're just not interested.

Every time I see him I get shivers, coz he's just so bloody nice! :)

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Thanks tlc the party went well.

We had it at the 'Springers' Gym, which is great as the kids can run themselves ragged, eat, and go home without trashing MY house!

The cake was a hit amongst the girls :crossfingers:

Now I have four very tired kidlettes just in bed. :rofl:

Nice pick of Miggs, Mawson and your lot there.... you could almost be mistaken that it was a hot day! :rofl:

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Howdy all,

Regret to inform that the floods back in Horsham (my home town) are worst than first thought and a town meeting today confirmed that my brothers, nanas and cousins property is under threat. New estate areas were built along the river areas but designed to handle a major river flood. But they have today stated that this flood is alot higher than what the areas are capable of handling and homes will be affected. Won't know how bad till tommorrow arvo when the river peaks but it is set to be a all time record. Sewage seeping in backyards it's rather horrid.

Mum and dad are out in the country 20km from the township are are cut off by road. The SES has been to them this arvo and told them that they are also in the path of water and that they need to get all machinery, caravans etc to higher ground. Most likely not going to hit them in depth but will have water up to a few inches under the house and surrounding the property. The actually river would be several Km away from my parents property but it's waters are overflowing the Wimmera River at great speed and already running along the nearby road and will most likely hit them by tonight. Never have they had flood water reach them so it is a real eye opener to the scale of distruction and indication what this will have on the township when is hits. It isn't going to be like the other floods, it will distroy homes.

Further flooding with the Mother in law in Terang (MacKinnons Bridge) has 80% of her property under water. The house and machinery sheads, livestock are all ok at the moment. Visited her today, photo below was taken at 1pm in her living room, it was still rising when we left. Emu creek, Princes Hwy is to the left but are under water cutting traffic. Round rolls of hay are like tumble weed rolling in the water down stream. It is deep and gushing through.


So thats my family scene at the moment. Can imagion i feel rather hopeless sitting here but until it passes all i can do is sit tight.

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Yes it really is a feeling of hopelessness. I hope your family and their properties pull through unscathed.

Wish Tez would post so we know she's all good.

Lauras in Terang and the roads closed to wbool and Melb. We have family at Garvoc, who posted pics on face book, the water is just unbelievable!!

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Yes it really is a feeling of hopelessness. I hope your family and their properties pull through unscathed.

Wish Tez would post so we know she's all good.

Lauras in Terang and the roads closed to wbool and Melb. We have family at Garvoc, who posted pics on face book, the water is just unbelievable!!


Mum and Dad are ok. Water is everywhere on neighboring properties but they are ok, the water hasn't hit the house yard. One of the lucky few, (one of 3) it is yet to be detirmind if the peak has actually happened out Drung South which is 20 minutes from Horsham but regardless they will fine. Can't say the same for my friends on the next road, they are out sandbagging at the moment but the water is gushing through. Pam Ross "Cavildown Cavaliers" son Graeme has had to evacuate as floods have entered into his home which is on the same road. Pam herself is find she lives on the otherside of the town.

Parents are out offering assistance today, horses in paddocks that need rescuing and livestock along with sandbagging. Dad is out walking through the flood waters to reach them. Mum is staying posted to the phone.

Our biggest fears are for the actually Horsham township. They are already experiencing flooding but the river hasn't peaked which indeed will wipe out alot more homes in its path. Any homes within 2 kms of the river and is on flat or low grounds will be affected.

Travelling through yesterday arvo via Pamure the water was just about over the road there at 3.30pm and it certainly had alot more to come so i can imagion that may well be under now. Watched Hopkins Falls rise yesterday, in the morning there was a steady flow by the arvo it was considerably higher and a true rapid falls.

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Glad your folks place is ok for now, Cav. Fingers crossed for them

Horsham is copping it quite hard... I have friends on a property there and I am unable to get them on the phone.

Their Mobile is off and their home phone is ringing out.

Does anyone know if the Princes is open through to Melbourne today??????

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Glad your folks place is ok for now, Cav. Fingers crossed for them

Horsham is copping it quite hard... I have friends on a property there and I am unable to get them on the phone.

Their Mobile is off and their home phone is ringing out.

Does anyone know if the Princes is open through to Melbourne today??????

Vic Road update as of 10.30 am - Princes Hwy - Closed at McKinnons Bridge Noorat Road. Detour via Camperdown-Cobden Road and Warrnambool-Cobden Road.

Western Hwy is open at the moment for travellors between Melbourne and Adelaide but that may change.

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