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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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Hi Lizzy glad your still about and kicking. Im slowley on the mend, my OH is great and been looking after me well and so have the pups, they hardly leave my side! Im hoping by Thursday to get the pups for a bit of a run and will probly go to harris street that way i dont have to walk far. So if anyone wants to come with let me know, it would be good to have a catch up.

Glad to hear your back is on the mend. Would love a walk Thursday but have a bit on I'm afraid.

Trying to pack the house up as well as get up and down to Melbourne quite a few times too.

Will see how I go though....

You're lucky to have a great OH! :rofl: Sounds like he's looking after you well!

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Well I might have to amend my post and say "if it's not raining" we will be at harris street!

Geezus just watching channel 9 totally devastating, its so hard to watch. I feel guilty cause we are safe! I hope no more lives are lost. I just can't imagine thinking that your whole house would be just destroyed!! :rofl:

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Well I might have to amend my post and say "if it's not raining" we will be at harris street!

Geezus just watching channel 9 totally devastating, its so hard to watch. I feel guilty cause we are safe! I hope no more lives are lost. I just can't imagine thinking that your whole house would be just destroyed!! :rofl:

Shocking. 75% of QLD now a "Disaster Zone".

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JJ, can't seem to get a pm to go through to you? Your inbox may be full?

Sorry, tlc. I'm just THAT popular and loved it seems it's ALWAYS full! :D


Dear what can I say ROFL ROFL PMSL PMSL

Oh hail JJ the great :confused::confused::laugh: Sorry couldnt help myself.

Needed to have a laugh as I am in the middle of cleaning our my car with 8 years of Ummm crap (but its useful crap of course)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets hope the new car doesn't get so full of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(but I bet it does hahahaha)

TLC Hope you are feeling a bit (well I mean alot but a little is better than not at all) better.

Tenties I will still be there with bells on (not literally and I had to say that cose I knew some smarty pants would come back and say something about wearing bells)

Ok back to the task at hand .

Cheers Janet

P.S does anyone want a good cheap car??????

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Excitement!!! When does the new car arrive???

How cheap??? We are looking at buying a second car but really need something bigger...

considering getting another Delica but the next size up. Believe it or not there are times I wish mine was bigger!!! :confused:

Still waiting for pics of your new ride. :confused:

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Geez RJ, you know how much you are going get ridden about keeping the new car clean! Your OH is just as pedantic as mine! Have you seen it yet? When do you get it?

So not a bad day here today, Sean just commented that he might even be able to get the lawn mowed. I have been up today for a little while now even cooked a batch of scones which were so yum! Back is definatley on the mend thank goodness just need to take it easy for the next few weeks.

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Geez RJ, you know how much you are going get ridden about keeping the new car clean! Your OH is just as pedantic as mine! Have you seen it yet? When do you get it?

So not a bad day here today, Sean just commented that he might even be able to get the lawn mowed. I have been up today for a little while now even cooked a batch of scones which were so yum! Back is definatley on the mend thank goodness just need to take it easy for the next few weeks.

Yeah I agree. By about noon today the sun was shining beautifully. Not too much rain today.... certainly no flooding about.

I got home from work early afternoon and got straight into shorts and T-shirt!

SCONES!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad you are feeling a bit more active! :confused:

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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love scones especially with jam and cream yum yum were is the invite???????????????????????????????

JJ if you are interested I can P.M you the details of car for sale.

As for pics I don't have any LOL I have only seen car once and it was in a dark shed LOL actually going to see it tomorrow and see what they will give us for a trade in on old car (but it wont be much :confused:)

But I CAN tell you its WHITE so it doesn't show the dirt as much LOL TLC you got it in one about OH.

We looked a a gorgeous black one in Timboon and it was mickey mouse BUT it was black and that was never going to work with a dirt track as a drive way and a OH that is pedantic. So one of the local car yards said they would look around for a white one for us and now they have it :confused::laugh: :D and hopefully it will be ours tomorrow :) :) ;) :D

Isn't this weather just bizarre raining one minute hot and steamy the next (just how I love it YAY)

Ok I better go and finish dinner.

Cheers Janet

JJ let me know if you want to know about that car.

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Sorry guys, scones nearly all gone and I certainly wasnt getting out of my nightie for visitors :confused:

Not sure how a white car is going to be any cleaner than a black car down your driveway! Sean always says white cars don't look as dirty and are easier to clean, not sure I agree! Dirt is dirt!

Sean is out mowing, ground seems to have dried up due to the humidity. I'm back in bed now under the air con!

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Sorry RJ... Not *really* interested in the car.

Hope you get a reasonable offer for your car RJ although you are always going to get more selling it privately of course.

Depends if you can be bothered with the stuffing around with a private sale.

I agree re white cars... I love my white 4X4 as it always looks respectable, if not 'clean'. Certainly doesn't show the dirt like others I've had.

Problem is I am having trouble finding another white Delica, which the OH doesn't mind as she wants something different.

Looks like I'll be driving the white one then! :confused:

Beautiful day for mowing the lawns. I'm off grocery shopping shortly...... :confused:

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Well we went for our walk, well not really a walk, just a stand :shrug: at Harris street all got wet then home again. I faired ok but was needing a lie down by the time I got home! At least the doglets got a run, they sure did need it!! We caught up with RJ and Riley which was good too. Lucky Sean got the lawn mowed yesterday cause its a little wet today to do it. :D

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Gee it's a long time since i've been in this forum and I thought I should drop in and say Hi. :shrug:

We are all well.

High and dry which is a blessing considering what the rest of the country is going through at the moment. I have a Uncle in Queensland who is keeping us updated and although water has surrounded him he is safe.

Most of my family live in Horsham Victoria and already are peddling through knee high water with the worst set to peak in a few days as run off from the mounts approaches them. Mum just wishes it would stop raining and humidity is really getting to her, plus the mossies are really bad at the moment. They have been in that house for 30 plus years and are well aware of the flood waters that surround them and that they are about to be cut off from accessing the township soon. Last minute dash for supplies and they are now well prepared.

As for us, rain hasn't affected us in any way. Dogs are all well, Lele had a trip to the vets today for a follow up on a scratched eye which was inflicted by her daughter Mystic. No serious damage done but still unpleasant for the poor girl.

Still hatching out chickens, got the incubator running at the moment with a good supply of eggs that appear to be developing. We sold just about sold all of our chooks except for a couple of favourites over xmas period with many people wanting more so I'm having another go incubating and mainly focusing on purebred layer types. I'm please to say I did get 1/2dozen Australorp eggs this time and they looking promising.

I set over 50 eggs in various breeds so it is the biggest ever incubation I've done. I can only hope they aren't all roosters or I'll have to start a chicken shop up.

I do hope everyone is well and that your friends and family are safe.

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Nice to hear from you CB good to hear you and your lot are well. Glad to hear the doggies are good apart from leles eye. Any pups planned for this year? Don't make it so long between visits.

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Well, i havent been able to get online ??? i ran out of pre-paid Tuesday night bought a voucher but couldnt get it to work ;) so i had to ring Virgin and they applied it to my account from their end......

I actually sat in the lounge and watched some TV yesterday, didnt know the floods were as bad as they are until i did that ??

But TV didnt hold my interest for to long as i got a book out and started reading lol and yes, it was a dog book.....

Oh by the way i have a big secret nah nah ni nah nah who ever comes to the :shrug: BBQ at the show will know what it is :D ;)

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