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Hi guys, very quiet in here!

Tully and I are off for our first hospital visit this morning. Mawson is also doing his first visit here as well. Will be back later to let you know how it went.

Hey Tenties how's the pup doing?

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Well the visit was fantastic, Tully and Mawson were a big hit with patients and staff, we were very proud doggy owners indeed. I have a couple of photos I will pop them on after work tonight.

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Hi guys, very quiet in here!

Tully and I are off for our first hospital visit this morning. Mawson is also doing his first visit here as well. Will be back later to let you know how it went.

Hey Tenties how's the pup doing?

You mean the Slug, dont you tlc :laugh: she is doing great,did her Dew claw's on Saturday and the fat Slug didnt even wake up :D ...she is starting to stop the whinging now ,so Fidget is a bit happier about staying out to toilet...

How did the Hospital visit go ?????

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Cripes nooooooooo..... i wont be keeping her im supposed to be cutting down on the dogs, still have them all ;)

If she stay's nice and everything develop's nicely as in ear's teeth etc she has a home to go to....if things fall apart as they often do then she will be advertised to a pet home only.

We must have been posting at the same time cos when i looked at the time, you hadnt posted about the visit but now when i looked i thought WTF ???? cos you had and it was before my post ......i did take awhile to post as i kept getting up to do something.....thats right i made a cuppa :(

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Evening all! What a lovely warm day it was! The dogs had a very late walk due to the fact that Jane must be part Vampire...hot sun on her black coat and she literally falls over in the shade of a tree won't budge! We went out at about 8pm in the cool of the evening.

Tenties...glad the slugette is doing so well. Are her eyes open yet?

Tlc... :o photos????

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Oh I did say I was going to pop pics up but I didn't even turn the pc on today actually haven't had it on for about 3days. I will definatley pop a couple up tomorow and in the next couple of days hopefully will have a couple of shots from a lady that took a couple at the hospital.

Tez after todays visit I reckon Gus would be fantastic! I was really blown away by how good Tully was like she knew why she was there. I'm looking forward to seeing how Lacy is next week.

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Tenties...glad the slugette is doing so well. Are her eyes open yet?

I dont think her eyes will open until the ten days are up, ive had them open their eyes at 7 or 8 days but they were really active puppies, the Slug is not the slightest bit interested in anything except having a full belly and being cosy...

Her potential owner is coming down on Thursday to see her and sounds very excited so fingers crossed :o

I would have come to Camperdown for a walk tonight, i just cant leave it to late as i cant drive in the dark, i do want to get over there again to the Bargain Basement to get a few more things, maybe next week ???

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Hey all,

Congrats on the Standard pics and write up and such successful visits tlc :D

Congrats to you as well Tenties on the new puppy - sorry to hear about the others who didn't make it though. :(

Trip home was totally uneventful, really rapt at how well the girls travelled the entire way. I think they were very happy to be home though, which I can completely understand - I was pretty happy to get back to my own bed too!

Still working my way through my notes for a few friends who couldn't make the seminar which is refreshing it all in my head. It's all aimed at agility mostly but fits any performance training but is also very relevant for everyday life. Susan's a sensational trainer. :o

Went to take the girls for a swim tonight and the lake is full of green sludge again :):laugh::):mad I took them right around the other side where the water was clear (turns out company cars don't go everywhere especially when you nearly turtle them!!) and gave them a quick swim but that's about our last swim in Bullen Merri for the summer. :cry: Back to regular weekday beach trips to keep them fit! :)

Hey tlc a quick ipad question - what else do you need to buy for it? I gather a case is a good idea, do they need antivirus or any other software. I don't mind the netbook but the screen is tiny. I got to play with a friend's ipad at Riverwood and it was great!! Screen was the same size but the entire of the screen can be used, as opposed to windows where you can really only see 5 inches of a 10 inch screen!

Pandii you'd better flick me your address via PM too - I should have some stuff for you this week. :cry:

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No computer for 3 days :laugh: Are you feeling Ok Tlc? :mad

All good I have iPad!! :o

Jess no virus protection necessary for the iPad, I have had a case and screen protector on mine since new. I got a couple pf cheap cases from bay under $10 and a ldi had them a while ago to for $9.95 they really are great, easy to use, quick to start. Great to lay in bed with watch tv on, use as iPod and so much more. I have used my net book only once since ive got my iPad.

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I loved that pic of Tully to I think I just snapped it at the right time!

RJ, hope your feeling better!

I'm off to the vets in the morning with CJ I'm pretty sure he has either a whole or part of a grass seed in his ear. I see it but it had disappeared before could get a hold of it. I was kicking myself, and he is so tetchy about his ears there is no way the vet will be able to look in without some sort of sedation. I'm so mad with myself for not being able to get it out and having to put him through the ordeal at the vets!

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I hope cj is ok tlc. grass seeds are a bugger but dont blame yourself for not getting it in time. if you rushed to get it you could have just made it worse any how.

let us know how he gets on ok

very nice pics of your wonderfull puppys tlc! :thumbsup: i am pleased to hear the trip at the hospital went really well.

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Thanks Lizzie!

Well the vet visit went as well as expected with CJ, the seed was way down in his ear and the vet got it out but not till after she had to sedate him which I knew would be on the cards. She thought she would try that first before doing a full GA. He was very good and she got it out and he had to stay there for half hour to wake up fully but when he did and I wasn't there he went really cranky. So when I got back I had to go get him out of his cage, needless to say he is not even looking at me now. We have been home for about and 1 1/2 hours and he is still asleep on my bed under the air con.

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Thanks Lizzie!

Well the vet visit went as well as expected with CJ, the seed was way down in his ear and the vet got it out but not till after she had to sedate him which I knew would be on the cards. She thought she would try that first before doing a full GA. He was very good and she got it out and he had to stay there for half hour to wake up fully but when he did and I wasn't there he went really cranky. So when I got back I had to go get him out of his cage, needless to say he is not even looking at me now. We have been home for about and 1 1/2 hours and he is still asleep on my bed under the air con.

oh poor cj! glad he is ok now.

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Poor Cooper...what an ordeal for you all but I'm sure he's feeling alot better now! Please give him a hug for me.

Well its raining here in Camperdown and its alot cooler so :rofl: its a better night for sleeping! With it so hot last night, I decided to sleep with my head at the bottom of the bed instead of the usual way as it was cooler under the ceiling fan that way but I was rudely woken up when I fell out of bed at about 3am :laugh: Hmmm don't think my brain realised I was topsy turvy so when I rolled over I hit the deck. Took me a few minutes to realise where the hell I was :laugh: Oh yes...and I also washed my mobile phone yeaterday too so not a great 24 hours!

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