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If the patients don't want a visit we just skip that room.

We are notified of patients with any allergies.

We know which wards we are visiting and it is very structured, We also have a hospital volley who is familiar with the patients.

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What if you have a mixed room and a bed ridden paitent wahts a visit but the person in the next bed is allergic

How do they know if patients are allergic to dogs, its not something they routinely ask

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The hospital has a duty of care to it's patients that's why there is strict guide lines in place for visiting dogs. There is a protocol that has to be met for each patient that chooses to have a dog visit.

The hospital has procedures that have to be followed to the letter. I am not altogether sure of the procedure with patients with allergies but I'm sure we will find out tomorow and know more after the induction.

It is different in hospitals than it is in nursing homes as the patients in hospitals are generally not long term. We are also lucky to have a a non allergenic and low allergenic dogs to visit the patients which is always a plus in a hospital environment.

I would think if there was a highly allergic patient in a room with a patient who wanted a visit, that person would have to miss out. It would probably depend on the severity of the allergy.

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Hi Guys, hope everyone has had a good weekend, the weathers been ok, We are heading up to the hosptial tomorow for our induction so our visits with the newly recruited Delta dogs won't be far away now. Really looking forward to it!

Good luck for tomorrow tlc. :rofl:

Weather has been sensational, took the girls to the beach yesterday and the weather was beautiful. Seen the most awesome cloud formations over a lovely calm beach and as usual didn't have my camera. I don't think the blackberry camera will have done them any justice at all. I need to buy a little pocket job for those kind of opportunities. :mad

So the girls had a big run, copped a bath and finished the day with a 50c Hungry Jacks cone each. Spoilt much? :eek:

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Thanks for the info, when you find out how the hospital works it please let me know

would hate to see an already sick family member be made sicker due to alergies and the hospital has never asked if they are allergic to dogs

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TLC good luck with the induction I be it will all go great.


I was taking pics of clouds yesterday and thought to myself "who in there right mind would take pics of clouds"

So its good to see that someone else looks at clouds :rofl::eek::mad

Wonder if it was the same cloud formation???

Where you in Warrnambool?????

Lucky dogs getting icecream I wouldnt bother with mine as the monster dog would just swallow it whole LOL.

Tenties is it a date @ the show for a ringside showdown hahahaha.

I can find a chair and an esky if its warm :):) :p

Cheers Janet

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:rofl: love it Jess, my lot are ice-cream fiends too especially my white girl! sounds like you had a great weekend.

I went with some friends last night to a party at union station and on the way there I commented that the clouds were very bizarre, so prominent and boofy looking, they were awesome!

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Thanks for the info, when you find out how the hospital works it please let me know

would hate to see an already sick family member be made sicker due to alergies and the hospital has never asked if they are allergic to dogs

Friends in Geelong have been visiting the Hospitals as well as old folks homes for quite a few years and they dont have any poblems, perhaps you could ring up one of the hospitals or homes down there and ask them what they do ??? instead of rattling on about what you dont know and dont appear to understand.....the dogs that visit "inpatient's " do a service and have been a highlight of many an elderly patients day and in some cases the only visit they get..... instead of looking at the bad side of what "may " happen try and think of the many positives that come from these visits...

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Sorry Tenties was just trying to understand how it works, I thought TLC would be intrested in sharing her knowledge

Always good to knwo the information from both sides, if those that are doing the Delta dogs are willing to talk about whats the use of promoting it

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Thanks guys today is only an induction, so no dogs just humans. As Delta dogs are quite new to Warrnambool (only Mawson for 2 years) I'm sure I will be more informed with the hands on stuff once we have been visiting for a while.

I'm quite happy to share the knowledge and talk about it infact you will probly all be bored to tears with me banging on about it after the visits start. As far as photos, I can post pics of the dogs and we are allowed to take pics of patients with the dogs, with permission, but won't be able to post them on the forum. Some maybe used for the Delta website.

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Thanks TLC, was just trying to see it form the hospitals and patients view, the delta web side has their side

The hospital was not very forthcoming with info when I rang and asked them, why they dont ask patients if they are allergic or scared of dogs

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Hi all,

Just wanted to say thanks for your kind words about Dad. I was so glad Tenties got up to help me with the cloth thingy over the coffin :grouphug: I thought the service etc was excellent and I really enjoyed my milk and cake afterwards as I'm sure Tenties did too :cry:

Congratulations on your title Jess - may there be many more to come :cry:

Back to catching up on all the posts - jeez you lot can talk!!! :grouphug:


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It's a shame that Koolies are NOT recognized by the ANKC. Beautiful dogs. :cry:

Andisa, do you know a friend of mine that breeds Pugs? I think she calls herself PUGLVR on this forum, and she lives in Winchelsea?


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Sorry, didn't need the quote part.....!!!!! :cry:

Andisa, do you know a friend of mine that breeds Pugs? I think she calls herself PUGLVR on this forum, and she lives in Winchelsea?


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hope everything went O.K tlc.... :D

Can someone tell me when the show is on? Maybe if Terry is on days off and PUGLVR is heading down with her lot for the day (depending on her little 4? week old black pug puppy- a singleton from her last litter), I might be able to visit for the day and say G'day! Pity I have to drive.... some of those milk drinks and a nice piece of cake would hit the spot nicely :mad :D


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Gsd's, you could alway's stay the night ?? Mum has room so do i :D can Terry feed the rest of the clan for you ??? the show is in the latest mag if you want to know when ( cant be bothered looking for mine ) i think its in Feb so awhile yet..

I may have a singleton here next week, little Fidget is due and is not very big so my guess is one unless she sucks on the exhaust of the car between now and then :mad if its a girl someone has already got dibs on her....Gsd's, you know well that Milk and cake are fattening and if its hot fermenting will take place and make us feel all funny :D and dog only knows what will happen then :D

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The induction went well, the hospital staff are amazing and are all looking forward to us visiting which will start in 2 weeks. Keep an eye out in next weeks standard there might be some familiar faces human and dogs!

When we start our visits we report to the nurses station and they give us a list of who we can visit on that particular day.

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Great news tlc....keep us posted! :mad

Gsd's, you could alway's stay the night ?? Mum has room so do i :laugh: can Terry feed the rest of the clan for you ??? the show is in the latest mag if you want to know when ( cant be bothered looking for mine ) i think its in Feb so awhile yet..

I may have a singleton here next week, little Fidget is due and is not very big so my guess is one unless she sucks on the exhaust of the car between now and then :D if its a girl someone has already got dibs on her....Gsd's, you know well that Milk and cake are fattening and if its hot fermenting will take place and make us feel all funny :D and dog only knows what will happen then :)

Now that's an idea Tenties. I didn't realize it wasn't until Feb. Jut checked Terry's roster and it looks like he's got those days off, so looking good so far. :D I'm sure he'd look after the fur kids if I stay overnight.

As for the milk & cake...warm milk is only for night-time because it helps put me to sleep, and the ONLY reason I have milk during the day (which has to be COLD by the way - preferably with ice :D ) is because we need more calcium as we get older... with arthritis and all :rofl::o The cake.....well, that's to keep blood sugar at the right levels of course :o :D


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