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Hey guys, I haven't been in here for ages... Addicted to damn cafe world on facebook..

Barb can you PM me your mobile number, seem to have lost it somewhere...

I maybe keen for Sunday walk, just keep it updated in here and I'll make time to come and have a look...

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Hey Jj, I wanted to reply to your dodgy email in the other thread but it wouldn't let me. Wouldn't you think if they had owned a Vizsla they would know how to spell the actual breed? I say dodgy!

Tanya it would be great if you could bring the big fella out for a play on Sunday arvo. I am soooo hoping the weather is ok for the weekend.

Jj I reckon your house would be quiet minus 2 dogs, love the pic of Lilly on FB.

Tez, poor little Gus, Mine have had a few gutsas over the years, it is amazing how tough they are!

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Hey Jj, I wanted to reply to your dodgy email in the other thread but it wouldn't let me. Wouldn't you think if they had owned a Vizsla they would know how to spell the actual breed? I say dodgy!

Tanya it would be great if you could bring the big fella out for a play on Sunday arvo. I am soooo hoping the weather is ok for the weekend.

Jj I reckon your house would be quiet minus 2 dogs, love the pic of Lilly on FB.

Tez, poor little Gus, Mine have had a few gutsas over the years, it is amazing how tough they are!

I agree re: email.... off to the trash! Sorry but only registered breeders can reply to posts in the breeders thread, I believe. Bit silly really.

It really is quiet here without them. Besides my 4 rat-bag kids and all the other dogs, it really does seem quiet. For months I've been getting totally mobbed as I walk through a door! These girls *may* open one eye as I enter a room, I MIGHT even get a single wag of the tail as I approach them.

It's been so nice being jumped on and licked and squealed-over all the time. I know my dogs love me but I think maybe I go unappreciated a little! :laugh:

I'll have to start taking away their bedding and halving their food til they realize how good they've got it!

AND where's Mawson??? STILL waiting for Casey-news. :dancingelephant:

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I'm out too - Sunday's trial has been cancelled but I've got to redo my membership at Ballarat Sunday and I have a heap of housework to catch up on, not ideal but it's got to be done. :hug:

Enjoy your walk - hopefully the weather is ok for the weekend, a few sunny days and a nice breeze to dry stuff out would go down really well about right now. :)

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We're out too I'm afraid. Its weekend in Melbourne time. Been ages since I visited mum and dad and a few friends I have'nt seen forever so I thought I would bite the bullet and go down this weekend.

I hope the weather is great for the lucky ones going for a walk. This will be the first time I am away from Gus...got a feeling I will miss both Jane and Gus more than they will miss me though!

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Ok cool what time would suit you? I really have to come home and clip the girlies tomorow so I probly wont be set to go till a little later in the arvo if thats ok? Me and RJ went today there was so many people up there because footy was on but the dogs had a good run.

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Ok cool what time would suit you? I really have to come home and clip the girlies tomorow so I probly wont be set to go till a little later in the arvo if thats ok? Me and RJ went today there was so many people up there because footy was on but the dogs had a good run.

Shoot me a text when you are going up... I went up for a bit earlier, there were a couple of horses but left when I was on way back to the car...

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Bummer only just seen your message, I came on after obedience and seen no reply so I thought you must have been busy, I clipped the girls and then my friend form Koroit txt me to go with her to thunder point so that's where I have been, got back just in time as the rain started.

We might have more luck next weekend.

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Hi Tez, it was great down there aPart from a few unsavory looking characters, but you get that! It rained just as we finished the walk.

We really missed you training today, Chris and Ralph finally passed well behaved so that was good!! There was only 2 puppies but quite a few for general classes. And the weather was good.

How's your weekend been? How did Gus and Jane go with out you for the weekend? I bet you missed them heaps!

Just wondered if you got my pm last week with the link to the pics when we went to Bacchuss Marsh?

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Good on Chris and Ralph! Wouldn't you know we missed the best training day weather-wise!

Gotta say though that I saw THE BEST shoes at a nursery in Melbourne that would be ideal for training. They looked like short gum boots but were made of thick wet suit material with an overlay of rubber for water-proofness (if thats a word!). Did I get a pair? Hell no...they were $110.00 :laugh: Did I want them? Yep! They were even advertised as 'warm and waterproof'....heaven!

I missed the puppies heaps but it was good to catch up with everyone. Worst thing was, I left my run home abit late and it was standstill on the westgate freeway for 40 minutes so I missed the start of Masterchef And the doggies excitment about me being home turned into a really long drawn out play-time with each other that was sorta interrupting my ability to watch the Masterchef final. In the final minutes, Jane finally collaspsed in a heap with her head in my lap snoring loudly so it was good to be home!

And Tlc...no idea what happened to that PM but I didn't get it! Strange as they don't normally go missing!

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Yes well I hope the weather is the same for next weekend!

I thought it was weird you never MSG me back after my message. It was the day we went to BM, and all the time you probley thought I hadn't returned your MSG...lol I never saved a copy either so can't even resend it or even remember what I wrote for that matter.

Well sounds like the doggies were glad to see you home!!

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Tenties.... sorry I didn't stop on my way through from Melbourne; it was SOOOOO late by the time I hit your place it'd have been rude of me to stop.

Frankly I was keen to just get home too... it was a loooooooooooong day!!

We'll catch up somewhere outside of cyberspace! (eventually :laugh: )

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For those of you into cats, I noticed in The Extra the other day that there is a Cat Show

on at Brauer College on August 1st at 11:00am.

I will be there with my slug-gun :laugh: if anyone wishes to find me.

Apparently there are 107 cats entered as well as an area where visitors can handle the cats etc.

It would be a good place to see some uncommon and exotic varieties, for those of you who are interested.

Don't think it mentioned an admission, but usually these things are gold-coin entry?

A purrrrrrfect way to spend the day!



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Hi guys!!

Sorry for the lack of response... the puter at home had a virus (hopefully sorted now) and I have been flat out organising for a sudden trip up to the Kimberley next week!!! Haven't had time to scratch myself!

Casey went back to the shelter on Tuesday after almost two weeks with us and headed to Melb for her surgery that day. She has just returned to Warrnambool tonight and may well be heading back here until I leave next weekend and she can go into adoption!!! I need that like a hole in the head right now, but we love her dearly and don't want her at the shelter while she has stitches and the like! She is really sweet but if anyone knows how to deal with a deaf dog barking, please help!!!!!!!! We would absolutely love to keep her but it is a case of "two's company, three's a crowd" here with no yard at the moment and the dogs living inside full time. I am so busy with 2 jobs, PhD, voluntary work and house renos that I simply don't have time for another dog in my life anytime soon, especially one with special needs and it would not be fair on her, or Maws and Migs, if we kept her. Of course I am very worried about who might adopt her... I wish we could screen people better through the shelter, whoever decides to adopt her needs to be prepared to train her with hand signals, this takes a lot of patience, and be prepared to have her live inside full time as her skin and the sun do not match! Her eyes are particularly prone, she has just had surgery on her eyes for ectropian so she is more prone that normal but simply being a white boxer she is extremely prone to sun damage.

Hope you are all well and happy and hope to see you all soon (likely after I get back in mid-Sept) :laugh:

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