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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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I pay $106 for a bag of eagle pack and I use the natural one as its the same as the giant breed only its cheaper.

I find Boof has a beautiful coat when on it.

I have tried the Euk and both my guys didnt like it (which I was amazed as Boof is the most amazing gutz I have ever seen eat food out of a bowl he doesnt eat it he inhales it)

And I aslo found they just didnt do near as well on it.

I would love to feed raw and infact I used to but I found the amount boof needed (and wanted) it was goping to cost a arm, leg and a small house so opted for the premium dry.

They do get bones every now and again but not too many as I find they also upset Boofs bowels somewhat :eek::eek::eek: he gets a very big pain in the belly and walked around huntched up and leaving a train of ummm well you know :eek::eek::eek:

At PS as well as the 10th bag free you also get loyaly points if you are a member. You get so many points for so much money spent and I save a fair bit this way as well as the 10th bag free deal :grouphug::):)

Oh and the bag size I get it 16 kg I think :confused::confused::confused:


;) :birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday:

Have fun tomorrow guys I will be thinking of you.

JJ happy for your lovely wife (to be) to call me any time if she has any more questions.

Cheers Janet

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Hey RJ, I'm sure the bag I just got was 15 kilo?? WIth the 10th bag free, is it the 10th or do you have to buy 10 then it is the 11th free, she explained it to me the other day maybe I missunderstood??

JJ your estimate is about right to Hawksdale. Hope you can make it, especially for the little dude to have a play with the rest of the doggies.

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:grouphug::):birthday: :birthday: :) ;) To Tully!!!!

She looks beautiful in her birthday photos...very very pretty and very very clean so I'm guessing she didn't get her hearts desire for a pressie...a large pile of fresh manure to roll in???? :birthday:

Well the two roosters went off to their new homes today. Heaps of fun tring to catch them in the rain...not! but all worth it as they have neighbouring pens in a lovely chicken run. Tenties...I hope your girls were a little more gentle on your rooster as Jenny's chook didn't seem to fall instantly in love with her new boyfriend! Now I really know what a 'hen pecked' husband looks like! BTW it was nice to meet you!

God what a shocking day its been weather wise. Hopefully all the rain will be gone tomorrow. Just about to google the directions!

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Hi Tez, glad the boys got off to thier new homes, hope the girls aren't too hard on them for long!!

Tully definatley did not get a big pile of "pooh" to roll in for her birthday! :grouphug: and she is lovely and clean but probly not for long tomorow, although I will be making every attempt that she doesn't get as filthy as she usually does, think it will cold in the morning so I will pack the doggy attire, in an attemp to keep her clean for at least part of the day! I have decided to bring Lacy and I'm hoping you are still bringing Allie so she can mind Lac for me when it's my turn. Im sure she will be ok tied up but Ill just tie her up somewhere close to where we are sitting so she should be fine! Did you take chairs last time? It has been ages since I went the first time so I can't remember what we did??

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Hi Tlc. Aliie is coming but is NOT happy with the early start. Just googled it and it will take us about an hour and a half so we will leave at around 7.30. Gus is coming too so we will all be busy either holding dogs or laying track so that should keep us warmish! Allie won't mind helping you at all as she told her mother that you were AWESOME!

We didn't take chairs last time. It might be a good idea if you have one. The golf course has a low log fence to sit on and I think we were all up and down with the bonfire and various dogs at Trish's to really need one.

Hope I don't forget anything as I am doing all the organising tomorrow morning.

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Me AWESOME!! :grouphug: thats funny!! Thanks Allie. OHHH a bonfire, hope we can have one tomorow that would be great! I do remember now about the log fence, but I will take my chair because if there is a few people there might be a bit of waiting around.

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Hi Tez, great to meet you too, and thanks for the boy's :rofl:

I went over last night and gave them all some bread and had a talk with the boy's about the girls picking on them, lol, lo and behold the next minute a chook was screeching and when i looked around the tree it was the boy in the other pen holding that pullet down going for it ......by the look on the boy's face he was saying.... cop that ya beatch lol anyway, i dont think he is game to stay around in there as he took off when finished.... with the pullet after him :laugh: this morning he has managed to get into the spare pen so i gave him some bread to pick at to keep him happy, my girls must be happy with my young bloke as they were all in the shed together this morning having a scratch and sharing the find around, i'm thinking of getting some more chooks for him as i want to raise my own chickens , i cant have eggs and raise chickens with 2 chooks :D my Mum buy's eggs every week as well so i think she would be happy to get a few

Anyway once again thankyou for the boy's they are much appreciated here, ( i need to name mine...how about Roy the Rooster ?? )

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By the way i have named Jenny and Rob's Rooster............ RANDY the Rooster.......... suits him well ;)

Glad to hear Randy is working out so well.

We all had a lovely time tracking this morning, especially Barb who found Track A was a lot of fun, but found track BEE was a real buzz!

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Hi Guys, Wow what a great day! Yes Jj you were right track Bee was a real Buzz. :laugh: Freaking Bees, I was just busy telling my OH about the killer bees that I fearlessly scared away with my manouvers ;)

It was great to see all the dogs having such a great time, My girls are sound asleep now and Tully especially is stuff which is unusual for her, it takes a lot to wear her out, so tracking must be a real exhausting sport for dogs mentally..and with skills such a s my girls well what can I say she is awesome :laugh: no seriously all the dogs did such a great job, I think it is an easy sport to teach and it is really beginners stuff but a good time was had by all.

I have uploaded to pics to face book so I will just post the link her for those that want to have a look.


Also uploading a little video or two so I will post the link for that later too, it is taking a while to upload.

JJ do you have face book??

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A big belated Happy Birthday for Tully for yesterday ;)

Hope you all had fun tracking and that the weather was a bit better today. We went to Broadmeadows for a single obedience trial, Darcy scored a pass and a 2nd place in Novice, so one more pass before we get to play with the big kids in Open. :laugh::laugh:

Edited by Jess.
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Well done to Darcy!!

The weather here was awesome for this time of the year, we couldn't have asked for a better day and after yesterday I thought we may have been doomed ;)

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:o :D That's him, I'd recognize that sword anywhere!! :laugh:

Yes they did sting a wee tad :laugh: tonight it is ok but every now and then I get a pinging sharp pain where they bit me? not sure what thats all about ;) My arm is a tiny bit swelled but to look at you can't even see it. Yes Maws you bad girl for scitching the bees on me, talk about trying to put the competition out of the running :laugh: :D

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Far out - that could've turned nasty, lucky you're not allergic to them :laugh:

A friend told me ages ago they don't like dark colours and dogs - dunno how true that is but it came from her Dad who had a few hives. ;)

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Well I did have a black vest on, but my doggie is white??

I have only been bitten once as a kid and that was when I stood one a half dead bee. I kept waiting for my lips to start tingling. ;) Someone must have been watching over me I think, it probly could have been a lot worse!

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It looks like everyone had a great weekend...except the bees who stung Barb and perhaps the chook who has to put up with a very quick first date WITHOUT being taken out to be wined and dined first!

Tenties...glad the boys have settled in. Roys a good name. Quite like 'Roger' myself cos not only is it a name but also what he wants to do most of the time :)

Jess...congrats on the Trial today. Open class here you come! :rofl:

Wasn't it great weather for tracking!!! My sister said it was really dank and horrible in Camperdown til 2pm today so I think we were even luckier then we thought! Sunny blue skies and a slight breeze...perfect!

Jane and Gus are cactus after their great day and I was rapt at how well they went but even more rapt at how much they enjoyed it. It was great watching them work to find the scent and you could really see the instant they had picked it up...must be such a buzz (sorry Barb!) for them!

As always it was lovely seeing such a bunch of georgous dogs all getting on so well together! Tully was the tracking queen in her lovely harness and even bought along her own cheerleader with Lacey dressed to impress! The 3 pups all coped very well with meeting and greeting everyone and Jane was besotted with Mawson as usual...handsome young man that he is!

It would be such a fantastic place to establish 'The South west Dog Park'. A few annoying neighbours may need to BEE evicted first though :rofl:

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