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Yea Buzz has had the pleasure, and his Dad Bobby who im going to place has RUISS.....all my fur kids have done well for me but i cant keep them all and defintely cant take anymore on even if i find homes for this lot i'm NOT taking anymore on .....i want to know what its like to get in the car without having to load a dozen dogs up as well :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Ps.... thats Bobby in my Avatar winning RUISS

Edited by Tenties
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I'm not sure if someone mentioned this a while back but the butcher shop at the kmart complex (not lenards) has bags of chicken frames for $2. I got soem today there was 10 frames in a bag. I thought this was great all very fresh reasonably meaty and not just all bone and they weren't small they were huge. I do remember a discussion a while back but I was too lazy to go searching!! Anyway just thought I'd mention it incase someone wants some, they also had big bags of bone and brisket for $2 as well. I don't think I have ever seen it as cheap as they have it!!

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Thanks tlc - good to know!!

I've been getting the bags from the Meat Barn which were good the first few times but the last few times I've ended up throwing over half of them out because they were way too small, too sharp/dangerous or just lumps of fat. I gave up on La Familiglia in the Main St because I got two bags that were off.

I would rather pay more for a good bag of fresh, safe bones than $2 for a bag of crap that should've gone in the bin. :cool:

I still go to Meat Barn though because their $7.99 bulk round steak makes great dog treats :eek:

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Hey Tenties...very small world isn't it!!! Spun me out when I was talking to my sister this morning and put 2 and 2 together! Gotta admit that when we worked it out I thought well that probably means only one rooster gets to make some new girlfriends! Having the 'bros' going together is great!!!

Pandii...we have a sort of open plan kitchen living room so unless I lock the dogs outside I can't really stop them getting into the kitchen. Plan B is underway though where we push a large castored bench against the fridge as well as replacing the child lock on the other side of the vegi drawer. I going to experiment with vicks vapour rub on the vegi drawer this weekend as I don't think the aeroguard smell will last long enough for gutsface!!!

Bloody hell Tic...20cents per frame is a HUGE bargain!!! Is there much fat on the frames??? Bet your doggies are rapt! Hows the dry food going down?

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Yes Meat barn is awesome, they had massive lamb shanks a couple of weeks ago and I got some for the dogs and they just loved them, has anyone noticed how exxy lamb shanks have gotten, just dog food if you ask me but they seem to be the inn thing at the moment!

Im wondering if the butchers at kmart is la familiglia?? I thought they were could be wrong anyway I have got 4 bags from there so far and they have all been extremely fresh, and I was very suprised as like you jess have been caught out buying the big bags and most of it is either no good or rotten.

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Hey Tenties...very small world isn't it!!! Spun me out when I was talking to my sister this morning and put 2 and 2 together! Gotta admit that when we worked it out I thought well that probably means only one rooster gets to make some new girlfriends! Having the 'bros' going together is great!!!

Pandii...we have a sort of open plan kitchen living room so unless I lock the dogs outside I can't really stop them getting into the kitchen. Plan B is underway though where we push a large castored bench against the fridge as well as replacing the child lock on the other side of the vegi drawer. I going to experiment with vicks vapour rub on the vegi drawer this weekend as I don't think the aeroguard smell will last long enough for gutsface!!!

Bloody hell Tic...20cents per frame is a HUGE bargain!!! Is there much fat on the frames??? Bet your doggies are rapt! Hows the dry food going down?

All good so far with the dry not completely changed over yet still adding a bit of the supercoat to get rid of it. They probly don't need it but I can't bare not to give them chicken necks/frames/wings/bones etc so each night they have been having a small amount of something extra well it is not really extra as they are not getting the full quota of dry and I do also base how much they get on the activity they have done for the day.

To me the frames were just right, each one had a little skin around the neck area, that was in my opinion to much so I just cut that off I probley threw out half a kilo of skin out from the two bags.

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Thanks tlc - good to know!!

I've been getting the bags from the Meat Barn which were good the first few times but the last few times I've ended up throwing over half of them out because they were way too small, too sharp/dangerous or just lumps of fat. I gave up on La Familiglia in the Main St because I got two bags that were off.

I would rather pay more for a good bag of fresh, safe bones than $2 for a bag of crap that should've gone in the bin. :eek:

I still go to Meat Barn though because their $7.99 bulk round steak makes great dog treats :laugh:

Jess I know what you mean re; the Meat Barn. I buy 2 boxes of chicken necks a week (12 kilo per box) to feed my lot and a couple of weeks ago they told me they don't sell it buy the box any more and how many kilos would I like. I grabbed 7 kilos which was all they had at the time, and they were shit!

Twice in a row I got awful necks so I quizzed them about it as I was going to take my business elsewhere, and they told me they are now growing and boning their own chickens and that's why they don't get boxes of necks in anymore. The necks were huge, but tough as leather, full of very large and sharp bones which were very exposed as the necks were all split down one side! WTF??? Must be a different technique cleaning them or something.

Anyway I told them they can jam their chicken necks and went to leave, and they said they would special-order 2 boxes of necks a week for me, so maybe they would do the same for you? They DID put the price up though the buggers, now I'm paying $30.00 per box instead of $24.00, so it costs me an extra $12.00 a week. They are GREAT chicken necks though.... just don't buy them in there unless you special-order a box!!!!!

tlc - Isn't the butchers at Gateway also a La Famiglia store?

ETA - Yep I just looked it up. Gateway is also a La Famiglia store. I wouldn't feed their meat to my family but thats some darn cheap chook frames! :cool:

Edited by jerojath
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I don't feed a lot of chicken JJ, Darcy ends up looking like the side of a house!! They get wings for brekky on the way to a trial but that's about it.

I think what happened is the first few times I went in they had no bags ready so I asked for some, and the girls have picked me out some good bones from the boning bins. The past few times I've been in they've had heaps but of course you can't tell what they're like when they are double bagged.

IGA here often has good bones but you have to be bloody quick. They have the best dino bones :cool:

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Jj you are so right about the MB chick neck, the ones I got there yesterday were crud all split and little bone sticking out and sharp :cool: I won't be getting them from there again!

I am now feeding my lot the Eagle Pack natural. After much deliberation I decided to give a premium dry a try. I have had a lot of trouble with Cooper and food and he has been on Eagle Pack for a while. The other three were having meat (human grade) and veg with some extra such as omega 3 & 6 etc....Also a small amount of supercoat. All 4 have regular bones, chicken, beef, lamb and that still stands. I changed CJ over to EP when he would only eat dry as I didn't feel supercoat was sufficient for him on its own. I tried to work out the cost as to which way was more expensive but I think it will work out about the same.The cost doesn't really matter I was just curious as to the difference. OH is saying he doesn't think the dry is enough and they always seem hungry but i think once we have been at it for a while they will settle down. two of them need to lose a couple of kilos so it won't don them any harm!

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I will ONLY feed premium these days, have heard very good things about the EP. Can I ask how much it costs? or at least compared to some of the other mainstream premium foods? I feed Eukanuba but is costly at $115 p/bag and the bag is only 15 kilo as opposed to many brands which are 20 kilos. But I too find it works out pretty similar as I feed a LOT less Eukanuba than say Bonnie, which I have tried in the past when I couldn't get Eukanuba. Problem is that Euk has a lot of maize in it as a filler so I feel like I'm getting ripped-off, but my dogs seem to do really well on it so I'm reluctant to change.

I had a re-home here a few months ago who had eaten nothing but Advance, and she looked awful - skinny, dull coat, yuck skin, etc and switched her to Eukanuba and within a week she looked like a different dog! Then again I've heard breeders say they would NEVER feed Euk again! Whatever suits your own dogs I guess.

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Yes I guess it is true that you really need to do a bit of experimenting to see what your dog/s do best on. I will be really curious to see how my lot go once the change is totally complete the jury is still out so far. They seem to have a lot of energy and I am not sure if it is the fact that our walks have been less due to weather or they are slightly ratty because they are hungry? The cost is the same is around the same as Euk $115 a bag depending on where you get it. Best friends in Geelong have it a bit cheaper but if you get it from PS they have a loyalty program so after the tenth bag you get a bag for free. It is hard to tell with my guys coats as they are long but they are always very soft but with short haired dogs it is easier to tell coat wise how they are doing. RJ's Boof always has a shiney nice coat and he and Sniffle are on EP too. I did try CJ on advance and pro plan before we went to EP and wasn't impressed with either of them. And I wouldn't touch Bonnie with a $40 foot pole although I know a few people who use it and thier dogs love it! Like you said you have to figure out what your dog does well on. Im quite prapared to change if the EP isnt satifactory. There is a lot of talk here on DOL about Artiems, but I dont think anyone in town sells it??

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No one here sells Artemis.

Maybe they have a "breeders club" or similar you could join and have it sent to you? I am in the Eukanuba Club for this reason.


I use the Artemis grain free as training treats as well as having some on hand as a back up if I'm out of raw. Used to use the Innova Evo as a back up food but the last small bag I bought gave Darcy a belly ache, whereas neither dog has had issues with the Artemis.

I got it from K9Katzkitchen on the list.

Zee was reared on EP puppy and I was pretty happy with it, but I just prefer to feed raw. Darcy pretty much has to given she doesn't tolerate grain and the grain free products are way too calorie rich for potential fatties :)

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