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That was a lovely but sad story Jerojath. Poor Red - poor Rachel! :)

Was Rachel ill or old?

Your Rachel sounds like she was so much like our Bart. I don't think for one minute sheep are dumb....just very, very trusting. My friends down here (farmers etc) think we're a bit daft because we have a pet sheep, but we've never been ones for worrying about what other people think! :laugh:

Bart is such a character with his antics. I have bruises on my legs where he paws at us when he wants something. He also tries to mount the dogs when the chance arises - but he can't catch Vegas! :wave: We dare not kneel down or bend over when he's around because he's on your back in a flash :love:

Lately SOMEONE has been breaking into the feed shed and helping themselves to the luscern bales......I snuck out the side gate behind the shed and banged on the tin as hard as I could - Well I've never seen anything run so fast in my life as a sprung Bart! :love: So the other day we bought him a hay net for his kennel so he can graze on it throughout the day without it getting wet, and the chooks can't poo on it etc! He really needs to go on a diet!!!

We've also had cats that have had very strong bonds with certain dogs over the years. Our eldest cat 'Munchkin' was never the same when his best friend and the love of his life 'Emma' died. He lived to almost 20ish, but throughout that time he never bonded with another dog like he did with his 'Em'. :( It's funny, but just before one of the oldies (dogs) became ill (rainbow bridge ill), Munchkin would suddenly be with them 24/7 and their constant comfort/companion throughout their final days (almost like he knew but we didn't)....he was a fantastic cat with so many stories of his own.I still miss him and Gremlin even today. :laugh:

Tez, so sorry to hear about brooke the chook. It's lovely that you took her to the vets. We take ours to the vet as well. :cheer:

Pandii - hope all is well with your young one. There is nothing worse or more worrying than sick children and sick animals. :)


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Just a quick reminder for anyone going to the tracking workshop on Sunday, the time is 9 oclock start at Epiphany, ( I think Epihany is No 4) Church street Hawksdale, we leave from there and go to the golf links so for anyone who is going and doesn't get there on time head strait to the golf links and thats where we will be. The cost is $5 to cover insurance. Tea and coffee for morning tea. then to finish the morning a BBQ lunch at Epiphany byo meat and a salad to share.

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Just a quick reminder for anyone going to the tracking workshop on Sunday, the time is 9 oclock start at Epiphany, ( I think Epihany is No 4) Church street Hawksdale, we leave from there and go to the golf links so for anyone who is going and doesn't get there on time head strait to the golf links and thats where we will be. The cost is $5 to cover insurance. Tea and coffee for morning tea. then to finish the morning a BBQ lunch at Epiphany byo meat and a salad to share.

My bells are on!

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tez, do you still have the Whyndot Rooster ???( spelling is terrible sorry ) my Landlords and i are getting some chooks this week and i thought maybe get a Rooster for some babies ??? very good home, run around here all day scratching in the gardens, plenty of bugs etc.

Let me know what you think ??

Do you come past here on your way to Training on Sunday's ?? if so and you still have him maybe you could push him out the door on your way past ;) :D ;)

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tez, do you still have the Whyndot Rooster ???( spelling is terrible sorry ) my Landlords and i are getting some chooks this week and i thought maybe get a Rooster for some babies ??? very good home, run around here all day scratching in the gardens, plenty of bugs etc.

Let me know what you think ??

Do you come past here on your way to Training on Sunday's ?? if so and you still have him maybe you could push him out the door on your way past :D ;) :mad


What's an "Old Chook" going to do with a young Rooster? :eek:


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tez, do you still have the Whyndot Rooster ???( spelling is terrible sorry ) my Landlords and i are getting some chooks this week and i thought maybe get a Rooster for some babies ??? very good home, run around here all day scratching in the gardens, plenty of bugs etc.

Let me know what you think ??

Do you come past here on your way to Training on Sunday's ?? if so and you still have him maybe you could push him out the door on your way past :):provoke: ;)

Woo-hoo! I'm sure my Wyandotte Rooster would love a new home with you Tenties!!! One is going to a friend of my sisters in the big blue house near you so I would be happy to deliver the other one to you on the way through on Satday arvo if thats ok! Not exactly sure where you live so please PM me the details and he's all yours!!! That just leaves the black rooster which I think we will keep. At the moment all three don't do much crowing so I'm thinking the neighbours won't complain about one and apparantly a rooster is good to have in the hen house!

Well the saga continues with young Jane! The fridge is now secure BUT the separate vegi drawer at the bottom of the fridge is another matter! I saw her nudge the drawer open this arvo when I was home for lunch so smugly fitted another child proof lock on to that part of the fridge before I went back to work.

At 5pm when my sister came home, Jane had managed to distroy said lock and open the drawer. All the vegis are untouched but she managed to lift up the top of the vegi drawer that is the bottom tray of the fridge compartment and GORGE!!!! She looked like she had swallowed a basketball :o Very freaky looking but happy and playing with Gus. By the time I got home it was after hours but I rang the vets and met him down there. He took one look at her and very wisely announced that that stuff has gotta come out! 20 minutes after she got the injection there was mountain of spew everywhere and a very sorry but more svelte looking Jane.

I decided to walk her the four blocks home as she was still retching but it took ages as the morphine she was given also made her wobbly and tired so we spent a fair bit of time on the way home with Jane having a long lie down every few metres!!!!

Needless to say...she has fully recovered as I type and is making up for lost time but charging around the house with Gus as she was locked in my room while she recovered from the injection!

She has to have 10mls of parriffin tomorrow to move any residual bulk but should be fully recovered (if a little hungry) by tomorrow!

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Oh Tez what can I say but BLOODY HELL you dog is a nutter ROFL

Maybe the best solution is to not stop her getting to food but stop her being able to eat it LOL Maybe a muzzle ???????????????????????????????????

Or another child proof lock but one covered in aeroguard so it tastes like poop so she dont eat it?????????????????????

Have no idea LMAO she really is a character. Poor Gus must wonder what she is all about some times hahahaha

Hope the wallet isnt too much lighter after todays episode.

Hope you all have fun on Sunday and if you decide not to go I am sure I could find some packing for you all to do :o:o :p ;) ;) ;)

Only 2 weeks till we have to be out and I am starting to think we have been crazy to sell and move and build (and if it wasnt for it being acreage I would really think I was mental)

Not to mention living with the Inlaws for months :):provoke: ;)

Please some one give me strenght hahahahahaha

Cheers Janet

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Oh Tez what can I say but BLOODY HELL you dog is a nutter ROFL

Maybe the best solution is to not stop her getting to food but stop her being able to eat it LOL Maybe a muzzle ???????????????????????????????????

Or another child proof lock but one covered in aeroguard so it tastes like poop so she dont eat it?????????????????????

Have no idea LMAO she really is a character. Poor Gus must wonder what she is all about some times hahahaha

Hope the wallet isnt too much lighter after todays episode.

Hope you all have fun on Sunday and if you decide not to go I am sure I could find some packing for you all to do :o :p ;) ;) ;) ;)

Only 2 weeks till we have to be out and I am starting to think we have been crazy to sell and move and build (and if it wasnt for it being acreage I would really think I was mental)

Not to mention living with the Inlaws for months :provoke: ;) :o

Please some one give me strenght hahahahahaha

Cheers Janet

You poor thing but just think it will all be worth it in the end!! :)

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Packing up a whole house is the most horrible thing ever RJ but in 12 months time you will no doubt be kicking back in your brand new house on your beautiful acreage cooking a lovely bbq for all your envious doler friends :provoke:

Well Tlc...I know what Jane ate cos I saw it in its less attractive state on the concrete outside the vets this evening! Nothing too bad thank god but just lots of it! As far as I know 2 chicken frames, 600 or 700gms of premium mince and half a loaf of pumpkin bread. Don't think Gus got much of a look in although he was helping Jane shed a head of lettuce when she got home! Funnily enough, the vegi drawer was shut so at least she is energy conscious!

The worst thing is that now she is dozing under the doona next to me and her farts are making my eyes water! I'm too scared to lift the doona up :)

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tez, do you still have the Whyndot Rooster ???( spelling is terrible sorry ) my Landlords and i are getting some chooks this week and i thought maybe get a Rooster for some babies ??? very good home, run around here all day scratching in the gardens, plenty of bugs etc.

Let me know what you think ??

Do you come past here on your way to Training on Sunday's ?? if so and you still have him maybe you could push him out the door on your way past :thumbsup::confused: :D

Woo-hoo! I'm sure my Wyandotte Rooster would love a new home with you Tenties!!! One is going to a friend of my sisters in the big blue house near you so I would be happy to deliver the other one to you on the way through on Satday arvo if thats ok! Not exactly sure where you live so please PM me the details and he's all yours!!! That just leaves the black rooster which I think we will keep. At the moment all three don't do much crowing so I'm thinking the neighbours won't complain about one and apparantly a rooster is good to have in the hen house!

Um tez the big blue house.... it wouldnt happen to be the owners of the model barn would it ????? its next door to me, i have the white picket fence ??? on the highway....

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Guest Pandii

Tez, not sure of the design on your house but maybe stop her getting in the kitchen all together, i know some great dane people have security doors fitted to certain inside doors to stop the dogs entering rooms, maybe this is an option.

Good Luck with it all

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Hey tez, small world isnt it lol ??

Jenny came over at lunchtime and i asked her if she was getting a Rooster lol i'm pretty sure the boy's and girl's will end up together here, so how's that lol the 2 brothers ending up at the same place lol ...they have 7 girls between them, and if i see any girls with their bums against the wall i will know whats happening :D :D :mad

ps.... you may as well drop the 2 boy's off together at Jenny's save stopping twice, i have a gate into their place out the back....i still cant believe all this lol

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Well if it doesnt rain it poors....... I have another dog to find a home for ,no he is not here as i have refused to take anymore but i said i would try and find him a home ( along with the 5 im looking for homes for now ) for those who know Fidget it is her half brother, Buzz being their Dad.

As I hear it the Daughter who wanted him so bad has turned her attention to boy's so little Loui has been dumped in their favour, he is a beautiful cheeky little boy Microchipped and a natural bob tail, i'm so sick of people and their poor excuses for giving up their dog's :D ....

Dont forget people that is 5 Male Tenterfields and 1 Female Jack im now looking at finding homes for :mad ....i need a rest :D

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