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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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Well thats great, I guess you will be happy and sad about Lillys departure. Glad it has all worked out ok.

Re: the bbq next week, it is byo meat and a salad to share I think, so between you, me Shan and Tez we can make sure we are not bringing the same thing and at least there will be 4 different types :laugh: The only cost involved it $5 and that is basically to cover insurance for where we are and they place want a small donation so the money will go to them.

Tanya I was hoping you might have come for a walk with us today, maybe you didn't see the post??

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Well thats great, I guess you will be happy and sad about Lillys departure. Glad it has all worked out ok.

Re: the bbq next week, it is byo meat and a salad to share I think, so between you, me Shan and Tez we can make sure we are not bringing the same thing and at least there will be 4 different types :laugh: The only cost involved it $5 and that is basically to cover insurance for where we are and they place want a small donation so the money will go to them.

Tanya I was hoping you might have come for a walk with us today, maybe you didn't see the post??

I shall bring an egg and bacon salad. :idea:

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Woo-hoo...great news about Lilly JJ! What a great life she is about to have!

"Junior" was a little charmer today! Nothing cuter than a little Viz and he did so well meeting and greeting all the other dogs! In fact it was a great walk as ALL the dogs were so relaxed and easy going. My two were happy tired puppies afterwards and I was very pleased at how well Gus did for his first 'group' walk. Jane also did really well off lead (thanks Barb!). Here I was worried she wouldn't recall well and she barely left my side...don't know what that was about but I'm happy she seemed content to hang around us.

RJ...thanks for the 'thingy'. It works well on the fridge, much to Jane's disgust, so the diet is off and running once again :idea: .

:) :) :laugh: to Bronson who did his Mum proud at training. Nothing like having a dog to keep the surprises coming. He was so relaxed about his milestone too...like he knew he could do it all along but just didn't want to until today :)

Tlc...the photos are great! They really capture the lovely day everyone seemed to have!

We will be staying for the bbq after Tracking next week. Its byo meat and salad to share isn't it? If so, we will bring a fruit salad if thats ok!

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Egg and bacon salad sounds yum and I love fruit salad! I'm guessing Shan will bring some kind of (no meat salad) and I will probably bring potato or coleslaw. Now we just have to talk RJ into getting her arse out of bed early and coming with us!!

Tez, I was so proud of my boy today. It was funny how it worked out, kind of a fluke in the way it happened just by accident. I had kind of given up hope on ever getting past although he is doing quite well at some of the class one stuff I was pretty impressed with his stays today. I think it has spurred me on to really apply myself to do some extra training especially with the younger two.

Jane and Gus were so great today, I know it probably feels like I am harrassing you about letting Jane off sorry about that, at least now you know she can be really really good!! Gotta love the pack sticking together. Also Gus being cruisy has probably made a bit of difference too! I know with Coop when I was constantly on guard so was he but when I relaxed he did too, it was amazing and I did feel you were a little more laid back today.

Jj yes your right, Junior is very cute!!

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Quiet in here tonight!!

:rofl: Lovely, isn't it?

We've got a baby screaming and a two-year-old that doesn't want to stay in bed. I came in here for some peace & quiet! :laugh:

;) All quiet here at the ranch tonight!!

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Quiet in here tonight!!

;) Lovely, isn't it?

We've got a baby screaming and a two-year-old that doesn't want to stay in bed. I came in here for some peace & quiet! :rofl:

:D All quiet here at the ranch tonight!!


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Hi all..... yay! I made it back here twice on one week!!!

Tlc, great shots from the weekend..... damn I wish I was here!!!! Giorgio didn't finish the skydive until 4pm, by the time we drove back to his folks palce, it was after 5 so we decided to stay for the night. When we woke up in the morning it was pouring rain so didn't get to take the dogs to the new off lead park near his folks house...... if only I knew what the weather was like back here!!!!!!

Can't wait for tracking this weekend..... Maws is pumped!!!! Yup, I'll bring along some snacks to share, prob something unhealthly like doritos if you are all bringing healthy salads!! I'll be bringing along some vegie burgers or something, prob a pack of 6 or something if any of you wanna have a vego barbie :laugh:

Pandii... sorry to hear about the surgery, hope all goes well....

Look forward to seeing the rest of you soon :rofl:

P.S. Can anyone give me info on applying for a permit from WCC for another dog?? Went to the council office today and the lady sounded like a prerecorded message, a very harsh prerecorded message...... obviously they have been told to tell people that you absolutely can't have a third dog under any circumstances and that if you did it would have to be a bloody good reason if they were to even consider it. Surely it is not that difficult? Its just for information at this stage in case you were wondering ;) .................

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Hey peoples,

When was the new rules in regards to no more permits for extra dogs coming in ????? could be the reason they are so smug in there, i had a feeling it was from April ??????????????????????????????????? not sure as i cant remember with my brain lol.... but i do remember them telling me to register what i want now ( last year ) as i wont be able to add any more next year ??????????????????????????????

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I thought the new laws didn't come into effect till 2011?? Shan you will have a lot better chance if you draft a letter to the relevant person ( I will email you his details) explaining why the dog needs to be be added to an already established doggy family and outline some of the good points about the other dogs in the household and what they contribute to the Thier family and the community and how they are cared for, reg, chipped, vet checked and vaccinated etc. Will be very interested to hear how it pans out, even if it is only an enqiry!! :laugh:

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Hey peoples,

When was the new rules in regards to no more permits for extra dogs coming in ????? could be the reason they are so smug in there, i had a feeling it was from April ??????????????????????????????????? not sure as i cant remember with my brain lol.... but i do remember them telling me to register what i want now ( last year ) as i wont be able to add any more next year ??????????????????????????????

Yep, this is right. I was told the same thing. Anything on my property and not registered by April 2011 will NOT be registered as a permit can't be granted. If you want another dog you need to do that and register it before then.

Mawson I found the same thing at council - they made it sound like there was NO WAY I could get a permit and to not bother trying. Maybe they are concerned there will be a huge influx of dogs in the town before 2011. I think it depends who you speak to though.... I strongly suggest having a chat to the rangers when they come in to work as they are "in the know" and are alot more honest and down to earth regarding your queries, at least that's what I found....

TLC's suggestion of presenting a "resume" *may* help, but I found it a good opportunity to discuss such things with the Rangers when they come to your property/neighbors etc. I think the Rangers thoughts/observations carry a LOT of weight during the decision making process by council :laugh:

I'm tossing up whether to increase permitted numbers now, just to cover myself, but then we are planning on moving out of town before long so wonder if it's worth doing.

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Maws, I have been thinking about this and the council may see the permit application in a different light if the dog was say a rescue in need of a home?? Rather than the regular person just wanting a new puppy?? A long shot but if this is the case it would definatley be worth a mention.

Now Im a bit confused are they saying if you want an extra dog do it before April 2011 and if that is the case why are they making it hard for permits to be issued? Isn't the limit now still 3?? And if so there would be no need for a permit for a third dog?? I'm guessing those who already have more than the allocated number such as myself would possibly not be issued another permit??

JJ are you allowed to have more being a breeder??

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Maws, I have been thinking about this and the council may see the permit application in a different light if the dog was say a rescue in need of a home?? Rather than the regular person just wanting a new puppy?? A long shot but if this is the case it would definatley be worth a mention.

Now Im a bit confused are they saying if you want an extra dog do it before April 2011 and if that is the case why are they making it hard for permits to be issued? Isn't the limit now still 3?? And if so there would be no need for a permit for a third dog?? I'm guessing those who already have more than the allocated number such as myself would possibly not be issued another permit??

JJ are you allowed to have more being a breeder??

because you already have 4 you don't need to worry. They just will not issue any NEW permits.

Also, I believe after April the number of dogs allowed at any address will be reduced to 2.

Hmmm, not sure, but I don't think being a breeder matters with our council like it does with some. Doesn't really matter, as I say, I am allowed the number I need and the fact I breed doesn't really matter as I can have a litter here regardless of numbers until they are of registrable age.

It IS all a bit confusing though isn't it? Everyone seems to tell you something a little different.

I guess as long as they know what dogs you've got now and are happy, then what happens after April is irrelevant (unless of course you want to increase numbers).

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I guess as long as they know what dogs you've got now and are happy, then what happens after April is irrelevant (unless of course you want to increase numbers).

My permit states that it is ongoing but they reserve the right to revoke it at any time. They told me this rarely happens and would only happen if the neighbours had a number of complains, or the dogs were kept in a manner not acceptable to them. I just had a look at the permit to see how it was worded but it clearly states that the permit is for 4 dogs! If I wanted to add one more I would have to reapply and I don't like my chances!!

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I guess as long as they know what dogs you've got now and are happy, then what happens after April is irrelevant (unless of course you want to increase numbers).

My permit states that it is ongoing but they reserve the right to revoke it at any time. They told me this rarely happens and would only happen if the neighbours had a number of complains, or the dogs were kept in a manner not acceptable to them. I just had a look at the permit to see how it was worded but it clearly states that the permit is for 4 dogs! If I wanted to add one more I would have to reapply and I don't like my chances!!

Yes that's right... a permit doesn't cover you for an undisclosed number of dogs - just the number applied for. Geez, otherwise I'd have dozens of dogs here! ;)

Pretty hard to have a permit revoked and they take that very seriously. Canceling your permit effectively forces you to surrender your dog/s and they really wouldn't like to have to enforce that.

Maybe it would be worth you applying for 5/6 now, even though you are in two-minds about having an extra dog, as After April the decision has been made for you. :grouphug:

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Just curious, JJ did the council give you your permit in writting??

Not yet. We've been waiting to see whether or not we were keeping Lilly or Vitasz before finalizing it.

They know Lilly is here but was always *probably* temporary, and Vitasz is still a baby, so there was no urgency.

I was told to hold off 'for now' until I knew exactly what I need. If I don't need it (as I say, we want to move out of town before long)

then I wont submit it. Council say as long as there are no complaints from neighbours then all is well.

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Maybe it would be worth you applying for 5/6 now, even though you are in two-minds about having an extra dog, as After April the decision has been made for you. :cry:

Very tempting due to the fact that the litter I want a pup from is planned for around Feb which means all going well the pups wouldn't be 8 weeks old till around April. But if Maws has approached the WCC over a 3rd dog and they say no what hope do I have. :cry: ;) :grouphug: My chances are reasonably slim anyway as I have to keep working on my OH but I figure I have till the pups are 8 weeks old once they are born so 10 months all up, BUT I still think my chances are slim to none!! :cry: But you just never know!!

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