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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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Oh Tez you really have named Gus well havent you Gus the great :rofl::rofl::rofl::mad

He really is adorable isnt he!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Jane is so much calmer with him around.

Oh and I almost forgot to say what a gorgeous girl your niece is and she looks so much like you :)

JJ your pup is just gorgeous (I almost wanted to steal him away ALMOST LOL) and was great to catch up again :(:(

TLC great about your mad untrained muttly lol ;) :rofl::) :D (Can you tell I am jealous of your well trained dogs) He is going ahead great guns. So now he is all trained up does that mean you gunna take on the Sniffly one and train him up to the level of your guys???????

Mind you I dont think there is enough time and patience in the world for that PMSL

Your guys where so good with that dog that came up. They are so well behaved :)

My cats go outside also but I have to say they usually much prefer staying inside and enjoying the nice soft bed.

Dexter is too busy getting cuddles to catch anything and poor Redcat is just plain TOO dumb to catch anything including his own tail (poor poor baby)

Forgot to add

Tenties has Boofulus turned up yet???? I sent him out but he aint the sharpest tool in the shed is likely to get very lost and sit down and cry so do keep your OLD OLD eyes out looking for him hahahaha But then you are so old you might need glasses by now or even a retirement home :)

Oh I know an old age dog like a seeing eye dog hahahahahahahaha Yes I know I am a female dog

Ok back to the packing and tax crap for me

Cheers Janet

Edited by Riley James
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Don't forget ladies and I have to keep reminding myself of this age is just a state of mine :(

My oldest cat is the queen of the house she rules the dogs they stay out of her face and she thiers and all is good!! She sleeps outside with them and is quite happy in thier company and them hers. But my birman he is hopeless, the dogs wanna play with him and he just lays there, they drag him around the tiles floor like he is a rag doll, so most of the time he is separated from the dogs, he is jsut so placid and I wish he would tel them off and put them in thier place just once they would leave him alone then. One on one he is ok especially with Cooper they play hide and seek and chasey through the house, they are very similar in age and just love each other!! I love to see dogs and cats living in harmony together, it is not always possible to achieve!

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Guest Pandii

I did see the cat stuff at cheap as chips, grabbed a couple of cat carriers incase I need them, and some cat igloos for them to sleep in.

Seb is great with the kitties, they all play together and sleep together, he checks ont hem when he comes inside and brings them his toys

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There was a lot of pics but no real stand outs so I will post a few now and a few later

The young fella did a great job out first time out with dogs other than his own kind :(





and Gus, what a legend, his first big outing with all the other dogs and it was like he had been doing it all his short life!!

This next pic cracked me it looks like Allie is going one way and Gus the other :(




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My hard core tracking mate Deb says to say hello ;) :rofl:

Wish I could help you with the UD stuff, but I'm still plodding along with that myself.

You'd be a lot further along with UD than me :rofl: I didn't even think we'd ever get a Novice pass given how much damage I did in Darcy's early days of boring the beejezus out of her with endless paddock bashing at clubs. I did a full Open round with her last weekend and she did the lot, not scraping through but did it well, so now I'm thinking we might actually go further :rofl: But I've just remembered someone who is trialling at UD now so I'm going to pick her brain next time I see her :)

I've picked up a few tips from a friend that trials/instructs (her old dog passed away and she now has one of those damn Kelpies :(:) ), but being blonde does have its disadvantages. :( My limit is OPEN stuff. The dog is great -its the blonde that's the problem. :)

Hey isn't it always the handler!! And not one of those damn kelpies - man I only have two half bred kelpies and they are bad enough :D :laugh:

If Vegas would just be a good girl and give me some puppies I could get the OB out of the way, the tracking out of the way and get back into some agility again! Is that really asking too much? :)

Wouldn't think so - come on Vegas get your butt into gear girl and get yourself up the duff!!!! Your Mum wants to come out and play!!! :mad

Looks like it was a beautiful day in W'bool today - I went to Ballarat and ended up cold and very damp. :rofl:

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Jess, it was quite ok here today, I even had short sleeves on at training and on our walk this arvo.

Some more pics


He is so cute!! :laugh:






He has got the pointing thing happening!



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My big Beautiful boy! ;)


How funny are Gus and his ears int his shot :laugh:


Me thinks Tez is turning into the dog whisperer :(



Good girl Jane


Tez and the girls



Good girls!


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Lovely pics - so jealous of the weather!!

Where were you walking and how long is that walking track? I'm always looking for different places to take the girls out on the bike and that looks perfect as long as it's long enough to make it worthwhile bringing the bike.

Hope all goes well with the surgery Pandii :laugh:

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Jess, the track there is great for bike riding I occasionally take the bike in winter to give the dogs a quick work out before work, they love it, me not so much :laugh: and it gets my two tubby ones running!!

The only thing is the track is just a big loop but you can ride for as long as you like only round and round in a circle. there is some flat spots and a few hills but a very good work out for the pooches!

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JJ I hope you like pics of yourself :laugh:

Hey JJ and Tez are you guys staying for the BBQ next week after tracking??

Gee thanks tlc! :) If I'd known you'd be taking all those shot's I'd have worn my "good dog-clothes". :idea:

But great pics regardless of my ugly mug in them all....

How cute is my little man? :)

Yes I think I will stay for the BBQ - I'm sure it will be a much more appropriate time to ask lots of stupid questions!

Is there a cost for that or just BYO everything?

Well Lilly melted some hearts today...

A couple came to meet her today with a view of adopting her. They already own her brother Ollie and really want another Vizsla from us.

They are on a waiting list for our next litter which is 18 months away out of Tarni (also Ollies sister) as they want one "just like Ollie!", but when they heard they could have his litter-sister they were very excited. We have put in a lot of effort training her while she's been here and they were most impressed, and were even inspired to join their obedience club with Ollie. After spending some time with her at my place, we all went to the 'cage' in town so she and Ollie could run free and interact on neutral ground. All went well and they got along famously. So it seems Lilly is off to reside on a 7000 acre wheat farm where she can run all day and swim in the dams. They have some preparations to make and will be back for her.

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