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:laugh: Don't worry Barb...you'll never be as old as me!

Update on the Jane diet...I gave her a very lean chicken frame tonight and then while I was outside watching Gus eat his, she went and opened the bloody fridge again and scoffed the just opened pack of 'Four Legs" training treats I had bought today :rolleyes:

So its off to the hard ware tomorrow to get some electrical tape...not to tape her mouth up (although its tempting) but to tape the fridge door shut!!! And yes...the stool was infront of the fridge and Yep...she pulled it over and moved it away BEFORE opening the fridge :cry:

The only positive is that taping the fridge up means I won't be able to get in there either...don't know about anyone else but my appetite has exploded since the cold weather hit!

Just saw your post after I posted Tlc...yep we'll be at training tomorrow...just need to put some more air in my rear tyres to offset Jane's extra pounds per square inches in the back seat!

Edited by tez
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Ohhhh TLC is it your birthday on the 15th I would never have guessed it was yours :cry: :D :heart::laugh:


Dont go to the hardware store I have just the thing for you here its something I used to keep the feral child out of rooms when he was younger and its a little more user friendly (for you and any human in the house) than good old electrical tape.

If you want it I can either bring up to you at training or you can come here and get it, or stay and we can all go for a walk and I can give it to you then :cry: :rolleyes: :laugh::love:

Linda you are only as old you want to be me for instance I have just turned 21 again cose I refuse to go over the 30 number so I just count backwards till 20 then up again :laugh: :D ;)

Cheers Janet

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Come on RJ...are you going to tell us what it is or do we have to guess??? Is it a gun!

Oh Dear Tez you do watch far too much T.V dont you :cry: :rolleyes: :laugh::love:

OMG you crack me up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is just a piece of plasticy stuff that you stick to your fridge haha but now you made me feel like I have to make out like it is some weird thing hahahaha

Ok its a mind blowing, dog stopping magic dog stopper eater fromer the fridgera that magically reforms the said dog from stealing from the fridge by mind and thought power alone. But wait there is more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This product also magically fills your fridge up with all the mind blowing fatty goodies that we all want.

But it doesnt stop there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you purchase this magical thingy majig in the next 5 min you and only you will recieve FREE today only

A NEW FRIDGE REFRAINING DOG and if you order 2 we will include a third one for free

YES thats right 3 free fridge refaining dogs

And yes you guessed it you get to pick the color of each and every fridge refraining dog that you have had thrown in for free.

(warning you must not leave these dogs outside or they will self destruct taking the whole house with them)

Now the good thing about these dogs is that they DO NOT raid the fridge but will wait patiently by the oven for that yummy roast that you have cooked just for them (because they dont raid the fridge they must eat roasted meat every day)

And because today we are feeling generous we are throwing a set of steak knives so make sure you duck when your parcel gets delivered or you will get steak knived.

Tez now dont you wich it was just a gun :cry: :D :heart::laugh:

I think I have been packing too long and need to get a life hahahahahaha

Cheers Janet

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:rolleyes: Yes you do need to get a life you crazy packing fool!!!

Hey good idea about a walk after training, you up for it Tez? Might be good to get Gus amongst the ferrels :cry: providing it isn't too wet!!

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:cry: :rolleyes: :laugh: I think you have missed your calling RJ...ever thought of marketing as a career???

That 'thingy whatsit' sounds fantastic...almost want to get on the phone and order one from Danos Direct straight away!

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:rolleyes: Yes you do need to get a life you crazy packing fool!!!

Hey good idea about a walk after training, you up for it Tez? Might be good to get Gus amongst the ferrels :cry: providing it isn't too wet!!

A walk sounds good...lets see how Gus the Good goes. I won't tell Allie til we're at training though :laugh:

BTW she's keen to take Gus to Tracking...she thinks it sound interesting( got a feeling she's picturing Bloodhounds and dead bodies from some movie!).

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Funny Allie :cry:

Well RJ well let you know by about 10.30 then that way you can meet us at the park and personally deliver you super dooper special fridge doggy keeper outer!! Im sure Sniffy would love a run with the gang!!

Anyone else interested in a walk around 12 ish??

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Anyone else interested in a walk around 12 ish??

Well i would if RJ can send Boofalicious out here :rolleyes: i can fit him with the shetlands bridle and saddle and ride him in, little pip sitting on his croup looking her usual princess self :cry: other than that , there are so many trucks going past i might be able to wing a ride with one and hope he is a cutie so i can stare at him all the way in...maybe i wont go for that walk :love::laugh:

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Guest Pandii

TLC if its your birthday on the 15th July you share it with my oldest she will be 19

Mine is before that though.

I can second the calarmari at Logans it is to die for, we are there for lunch on thursdays about 1pm, if anyone wants to join us.

JJ, you will have to met my 2 new kitties, they are so silly and so cute, 2 black twins, Rhun and Leon. Mine arent allowed outside so as not to kill anything, I hate cats that are allowed loose

Cant make it for a walk have sick child who is going for surgery :thumbsup:

Have fun :o

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:D Don't worry Barb...you'll never be as old as me!

Update on the Jane diet...I gave her a very lean chicken frame tonight and then while I was outside watching Gus eat his, she went and opened the bloody fridge again and scoffed the just opened pack of 'Four Legs" training treats I had bought today :mad

So its off to the hard ware tomorrow to get some electrical tape...not to tape her mouth up (although its tempting) but to tape the fridge door shut!!! And yes...the stool was infront of the fridge and Yep...she pulled it over and moved it away BEFORE opening the fridge :thumbsup:

The only positive is that taping the fridge up means I won't be able to get in there either...don't know about anyone else but my appetite has exploded since the cold weather hit!

Just saw your post after I posted Tlc...yep we'll be at training tomorrow...just need to put some more air in my rear tyres to offset Jane's extra pounds per square inches in the back seat!

tez - a better idea is to buy a baby/child lock for the fridge. You can probably get them in Target/Kmart baby sections. We used to have one

and they are just a simple clip, but placed high enough out of Janes reach should just about do the trick! Better than using duct tape every time you go to the fridge! Bloody Jane! :o

ETA - just seen RJ has already suggested this. BUT hers sounds much more exciting! :cry:

Edited by jerojath
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I'm up for a walk at 12ish - might just bring the baby, though. Can't stay too long as I have some people coming to meet Lilly again today.

I think they might take her home..... :thumbsup: / :cry: .....(mixed emotions :o )

So where is everyone going for a walk?

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I'm up for a walk at 12ish - might just bring the baby, though. Can't stay too long as I have some people coming to meet Lilly again today.

I think they might take her home..... :thumbsup: / :mad .....(mixed emotions :cry: )

So where is everyone going for a walk?

Never mind - these folk are on their way so I'm not gonna get out with you all AGAIN! :o

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Well Kate definatley has her birthday on a great day, :(

Pandii, you cats sound cute, did you see all the cool kitty stuff at cheap as chips? I don't mind my 2 going outside, the old girl 18 sleeps on the back pergola and never goes out of the back yard and I mean never. And the young boy lives to hunts for mice and brings them home to me dead and alive!! They both sleep inside at night.

JJ, I never came back to check the thread this morning as I went to obedience early and I never took my phone with me as it was flat, not to worry as it all turned out good int he long run. It was great to meet the little guy, sorry about Tullys manners, she doesn't warm to newbies immediatley but Im sure in time she will be fine, Not to be making excuses for her but she was never like that till she got attacked a while ago and she hasn't quite been the same around new dogs since. Will be a good chance to work with her one on one next week at tracking.

Well we had a win today with My bub of the gang finally after a long haul passing the well behaved dog program at obedience... :(:) we have been doing upper level work as he just couldn't pass one particular thing and we hadn't bothered trying it for along time and today we gave it a go and he was perfect, so I was wrapped.

I have a few pics from the walk which came out ok so I will post them in a little while once I've resized them.

I have sold the gym any one interested in the cabinet, it is solid pine (baltic in color) with a video draw and two cupboards below with room for a tv and another space above that.

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I'm sure you would love it! Most tracking people do other stuff in the 'off season'....show/agility/obedience etc..but once tracking season starts, they drop everything and the tracking gear comes out of mothballs! Why not come to TCV Inverleigh trial later in the year :rofl:

Well if you do invest a few hundred into a fully equipped centre, can you also invest in lots and lots of spare land/bush for the tracking fraternity too :):(


Jess wrote:

I probably would :mad But my next "out there" goal is learning UD stuff :rofl: Scary given I don't know anyone remotely local who's trialled a dog at that level so it's a big one but I'm still going to give it a go.

Wish I could help you with the UD stuff, but I'm still plodding along with that myself. I've picked up a few tips from a friend that trials/instructs (her old dog passed away and she now has one of those damn Kelpies :) :D ), but being blonde does have its disadvantages. :) My limit is OPEN stuff. The dog is great -its the blonde that's the problem. :)

If Vegas would just be a good girl and give me some puppies I could get the OB out of the way, the tracking out of the way and get back into some agility again! Is that really asking too much? :rofl:

Jess wrote:

I have an agility mate who's a hard core tracker, she's always off doing tracking trials during the winter but she had gone as far as she could with both dogs, I think she was having a go at the new tracking title but I can't remember whether she got it or not.

That would be the TSD -track search dog trials. That's basically the same with me. Oki has his Tracking Champion and so does Pep. Vegas is my next challenge. Helen is trying to talk me into putting Oki in a TSD -1 later in the year. I know he would really love it. I guess I could if I pulled my finger out and did some training.

Jess wrote:

As for plenty of land around the indoor doggy centre - that's a given! I'm really not a fan of living in town. :rofl: A few acres on the outskirts I could handle but Zee has an order in for her own flock of sheep as part of the deal and I think they'll need more than a few acres ;)

Tell Zee I hope she gets her wish one day! We only have one pet sheep called 'Bart' or most times 'big butt'. If I can work out how to post a pic on here, I'll post one of Bart on lead with the dogs! :(


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I forgot to say Jj how can you not like cats, they are kittyliscious! I can't remember a time in my whole life when I haven't had a cat. My oldest girl is going to be 19 this year and my young PB Birman boy is 5.

tlc....I'm with you on this. We have 6 cats (rescues/strays that have adopted us) and we love them to bits. Most of the dogs accept them as part of the family and one or two even sleep with the house dogs on their beds at night. I can't imagine life without them.


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