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Hey JJ, I seem to remember a while back that you were a vet nurse. In your travels as such did you ever see any dogs that had bladder crystals and is it possible that they can pass them?? Also if it is possible for them to pass them what would one or part of one look like??

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Hey Jess, Hows Darcy, still coughing?? Hoping Zee hasn't come down with it too?
Jess, bad luck about Darcy...I hope she is feeling better soon!

Seems fine, no sign of coughing since yesterday morning. She was a bit flat last night but that's about it. So dunno if she's got it or not. :laugh: Not taking any risks just in case so have scratched Darcy from Saturday's trial and Zee from training Sunday. :)

That's great about Gus tez - sounds like he's settling in beautifully! I hope he stays nice and mellow for you :thumbsup:

Gorgeous dog tlc, gotta love the big guys!

Good luck with the council JJ - are you finding it difficult to get the permits for extra dogs in town? I wonder what they are like here?

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A few shots of todays doggy play dates. My dogs have a better social life than I do. :thumbsup:

The gang with Roxy and Bullet, (Lauras two Staffords)


Bronson and Bullet



Lacy and Bullet



And in true Tully style, she finds a big pile of horse pooh, arghhhhh!! And she just had a bath yesterday!!



happy Bullet and Roxy




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Then we met up with Chad and Annabelle





I hope tomorow is as nice as today so we can do it all over again!! Gee I could get used to not working, might have to get a tattslotto ticket!! :thumbsup:

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Hey JJ, I seem to remember a while back that you were a vet nurse. In your travels as such did you ever see any dogs that had bladder crystals and is it possible that they can pass them?? Also if it is possible for them to pass them what would one or part of one look like??

tlc - I have never had anything to do with the ailment so anything I said would be uneducated assumptions.

You'd be better off doing a Google search on the topic, sorry! :thumbsup:

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Jess, RE: council dog permits.

I really don't know but I guess they could get pretty tough.

It all comes down to your neighbors... if they are happy for you to have your dogs and council receive no complaints,

then it seems like council don't care what you do.

They will step in and be authoritative if they start getting noise complaints I would imagine.

I am VERY lucky here in that I have great neighbors and we get on well with them all.

In fact, I found out today that one of our neighbors thought we only had TWO dogs and are apparently more than happy

for us to obtain a new permit.

I gather anonymous complaints are disregarded by council too. You have to make them aware of who you are and where you live

in regards to the property where the dogs are a nuisance.

It all seems very fair considering all the crap I'd heard about the council.

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I agree JJ, They were great when I applied for my permit, they door knocked the neighbours and asked that all the dogs be reg with them and it was all good!! They don't even charge for the permit.

Jess, sounds like Darcy is out of the woods as far a the cough goes, thats great. :dancingelephant:

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Oh dear....naughty Tully And in the new car :dancingelephant: She looks so pleased with herself too!

Tlc...has one of your doggies passed something suss??? I imagine a crystal would be very painful to pass depending on the size and edges. I know cats can get them and it can cause complete blockages as a friends cat did that recently!

Poor Bear...I hope he finds a nice home soon!

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Hi all, just dropped in to say the news on my car is not good....... :laugh: ...... sorry , JJ knows what happened, it broke down in Warrnambool on Wednesday and my Father towed it home to his place and my Mum and i drove home here in her car that night, Thursday i went to the Holden dealer about it but they just booked it in for today as it also was under recall from Holden for another problem the XC's were having ( mine didnt have it though ) my sons friend who works there rang me with the new's that its either the CPU ( $1500 ) or a cover of sorts on the Accelerator ?? ( $1100 ) i asked them when i picked it up , which thing would i replace ?? and they said " both " :heart::laugh::laugh: i then sat there and got the bloke so confused as to what happens if they dont fix it if i replace just one thing ??? :happydance2::cheers: they also said this could have happened when it got hit ??? will have to look into it a bit more anyway, so im sitting here wishing i had a bottle of something to drown my sorrows with,,,,oh and the idiot didnt put any money in my bank either so im around $300 out of pocket from that.... :laugh:

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Geez Linda it certainly is not your week!! You just get rid of one problem to have another one crop up. So are you stranded now with no wheels at all?? Did you ever get the car fixed from the crash? Hit them up for the the rest of the problems if you can, especially if the mechanic said it could be caused by the crash in the first place!!

I am just sitting at the pc escaping from the wrath of the bloody football. I don't know why I stay home the nights that Collingwood ar eon tv I really don't!! drives me spare. At least I have all the doggies to keep me company!! Lacy asleep under the desk, Cooper asleep behind my chair and Tully and Bron playing to the right of me!!

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I hate football Barb, i wont have it on my TV, you and the kids can alway's come out here on those nights :laugh:

I'm sitting here with the heater on and i'm freezing... wish i had the camera , i could show you all the bodies laying in front of it stopping me from getting any heat at all :D i even have one on the seat behind me, at least my bum is warm ;) :p Barb , i'm trying not to think of the car , its hard but i keep telling myself i cant do anything about it so no need getting in a flap ;) At least it is going again but they said it will keep happening until it goes completely :rofl: oh well its not the worst thing happening in the world at the moment so im lucky really ???

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Bugger about your car - can't believe those scummy buggers still haven't had it fixed, how long has it been and what's their hold up?? :rofl:

I can sympathise on the heater - I have the little foot heater on for a bit to warm the room up and I can feel the temperature drop when Darcy decides to effectively sit on it! That and not being able to move my feet or stretch my legs because both dogs jam themselves under the footwell of my desk where the heat concentrates.

What happened to our nice sunny day which was forecast? Getting more overcast here by the minute :rofl:

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Its been since the 20th November, Jess..... im going into see them about it on Monday again hopefully and to tell them about the "problem " i had with it the other night.....i am also telling them i am going to a solicitor about the whole thing as im sick to death of the excuses they come up with i think ive been lenient with them and as Callaghans said, there is a LOT of damage there and i will have to make them move on it . they even said its unroadworthy the way it is and i also only have one headlight.

We had nice sun so i went and got the pressure washer out and washed the carport out the back cos thats where the dogs toilet at the moment until the fences are done, i thought it would dry pretty quick seeing as its so nice and sunny then i could go on to do the lawns, but the sun has disappeared ?? Mum did say last night it was due to rain today ???

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Hi Guys, just wanted to post a few pics from Obedience today. Tez's Gus had his first lesson today and he was a little star, what a good little dog he is and soooo cute!! he was a little shy but then mixed with the other dogs and went and said hello to all the people. A very cruisy little dog, you got a good one there Tez, can't wait to see Jane and Gus together.

Tez, i reckon you look like you have lost lots of weight, and you look freezing in this picture :)


and Gus looks cold in this shot.


Here's Nana Nike in amongst it.


the look on Gus's face in this shot is funny he looks like he is saying What the?? :rofl:


Gus saying hello to Harvey the boxer pup


Sit Good boy!!



Im sure Cooper is telling Gus here that not to worry that he doesn't have Jane to look after him because he will :laugh:


Then Gus is telling Abby who was new too, not to worry as Cooper will look after us :laugh:


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Here is master Bullet being a good little Stafford too.


Shelly one of the SEDA dogs


What now mum??


Ready to work


Our drop stay was interesting


All good so far Shellys first time trying drop stay with a group


Ah dogs I just wanna play says Shelly :)


It was a cold start but it picked up through the day thank goodness. A great day was had by all!!

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Thanks for the photos Tlc...great to have a record of Gus's first time at training!

And yes...he does do the 'sad dog' look very well but I was pleased he went and socialised in his own quiet little way in the end! And yes...I was BLOODY FREEZING!!! Couldn't believe how icy cold it was when we got out of the car. It was hard listening to Trish when all I wanted to do was throw her to the ground and snaffle her gloves :) I'd forgotten how much standing around we do in puppy class!

Cooper was a real gentleman with the newbie and his coat(s) looked nice a warm too! It was a good group of pups for such a cold start. Gotta say that young Marley reminded me of Jane as a youngster...all enthusiastic excitement!

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:) I didn't really take any notice of Marley, I was too busy looking at your handsome boy!!

Trishs gloves did look lovely and warm, she said they were handspun wool or something or other.

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Well thank you for thinking Gus is handsome :thumbsup: He is abit of a surprise package in the looks department so its going to be really interesting to see how he looks in a few months. His coat looks longer even in the week that we have had him so I wouldn't be surprised if he has some feathering as he matures.

When I think back to Jane as a pup, I never would have thought she would have a beard!!!

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