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Thanks JJ.

I am a bit wary of the systems but I have to say if they/it works it would be perfect for our situation.

Have been thinking about posting in general!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I meant to tell you if you ever get stuck with no frog food give me a yell as I get my delivered every week and I always have lots left over in fact I really should drop the amount I get but I also hate running out.

I usually have a least a weeks supply extra. Have you tried the flies for your guys, they and you would love it they are so cool to watch jumping after the flies just have to be careful the flies dont escape the tank as that is really not much fun cose you cant use fly spray to get rid of them hahahaha.

I usually have some flies left over to and a great fly food recipe.

Linda how is the new house going???????

I bet its great (apart form housemate) and I am sure the dogs must be loving it :rofl::cry: ;) :eek:

Post us some pics so we can have a sticky lol

Next time I am heading your way I will drop in so we can have a catch up its been ages.

Cheers Janet

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Great news Jess. :rofl: Looks like you will be right for a crate with a few offers, mine is only a little Spoody sized one so no good for big Rotti.

Seems I'm not the only one not impressed with PS the service is not the best to say the least and I for one wold go there more often if the service was a little friendlier.

Does anyone know if PGD sell eagle pack??

Tez, I have been trying to send you a mms but for some reason it won't go through.

Are you gonna come in here and tel everyone your news. ;)

I have 4 very tired but now clean pups all asleep on the bed with me at the moment!!

RJ, Congrats on your news very exciting, you will have lots of hard decisions and no doubt dramas ahead but it will all be worth it in the end. In saying that I don't think I'd ever build again too stressful :cry:

So whos doing the walk on Sunday, so far I know Me, Tanya, possibly RJ anyone else?

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tlc - AFAIK PGD doesn't sell eagle pack. They do have some great food though, such as EVO & Innova etc...

I will not be doing the walk. I'll be out of town both days on the weekend. Have fun though!

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Hi all!

Jess, you must be relieved that the rottie is able to be rehomed. Best of luck with her and your friends! BTW I hope Zee is still getting better. Any more accidents?

RJ...Wo-hoo. Well done on selling and buying! Lots of exciting times ahead. Are you going to build and if so, what sort of house are you thinking of? Sorry to be a sticky beak but I love looking at real estate and house plans.

Tlc...what news??? Oh you mean the sweet little guy I adopted today! Finally after much and many trials and tribulations, I met and adopted a lovely 14 week Golden Retriever cross. He has a very sweet nature and got on very well with Jane in that they were both pretty low-key and comfortable with each other. I pick him up on Saturday so will post some piccies then. His name is Lochie and he is black and brindle.

So no Million Paws walk for us this year but to those that are going, I hope you all have a great time and the weather is kind to you!

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Tez, I can't wait to meet Lochie! He has definatley fallen on his feet getting you for his human and Jane for his big sis. I wish you guys many long and happy years together!! I feel a photo op coming on!!

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:( Photos are planned for Saturday after I get him home. I tried to get the photos off the phone today but no luck!

No doubt he will be abit stressed out with being desexed and then coming to a strange place so we will try and keep it pretty low key for the sweet little guy. I'm interested to know what he weighs as he looks tall but pretty light at the moment. Seems hes at that gangly puppy stage!

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Hi all....

Apologies again for not posting in here much, I try to get on at least once a month and catch up with all the news!!!

Tenties - I hope you are all moved in and settled, can't wait for the BBQ :cry:

RJ - congrats on the land and selling the house... again, waiting for a big celebraton there :(

Tez - congrats again on Lachie... I know how cute he is, I've hung out with him for the past 3 weeks!!! You deserve it, I wish you all a wonderful long life together :cry:

Tlc - sorry I didn't get back on again tonight on time.... will miss our walks while I'm away but have an awesome time at the MPW!!!

T&T - have sent you the delta stuff tonight... also have a great time at the MPW, think of my boy missing out :cry:

Jess - sorry for missing your posts about the Delta stuff, I forgot that you were interested! I have all the forms and information so if you want to PM me your email address, I will send them on to you. Was also gonna offer a large metal crate but I have lent it to my neighbour to try and crate train her dog while I am away. Hope the other offers work out :cry:

Everyone else - hope you are all well and happy and I hope to catch up with you soon. I am off to Scotland tomorrow for two weeks for my bro's wedding but I'll try to catch up with all the missed news when I get back :cry:

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Thanks for the offers of crates :hug: Still not sure whether I'll need one yet but will keep you posted...

JJ the offer of the trailer is incredibly generous, but I don't have a tow ball and I hate towing anything especially around the city. :rofl: You'd think I'd have gotten over it with towing the horses but I still avoid it at all costs. :)

Pandii, you haven't been ignored, I just don't live on this forum 24/7. JJ is 100% right, this is no place for a 3rd party. :rofl:

Tez - congrats on the new addition, how exciting!! :( Zee is all fine, had one accident early last week but no other issues.

Hey what time does the walk start on Sunday and where is it? Do they usually have any good stalls? I'll be down there Sunday morning so it might be a good training opportunity for Zee, not to participate in the walk but do some training in amongst the chaos and noise :hug:

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Mawson, We will definatley miss you at the walk, it's typical isn't it that the first year I do it in Warrnambool that your OS of all places and to mimic your words, how inconsiderate of your Bro to have his wedding when the walk is on :hug: All that aside Im sure you will have a great trip!!

Jess the walk starts from the carnival site on Pertobe Rd. Sign up is 9am so I'm thinking from then on that there will be a few people about. the walk begins at 10am Not sure on stalls etc as I have only been to the Melbourne one in the past and Sale last year. So I'll be looking forward to doing it hear this year.

Tez, Only one more sleep now you must be super excited to be bringing your georgous boy home tomorow!! can't wait for photos. I'll be back here tomorow night to check.

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Good news for us tonight...Lochie, now renamed Gus, is already home!!! My sister popped into the vets where he got desexed in the hope of meeting him, and got to bring him home! He is lovely...but pretty freaked out by his big scary day so Jane will meet him properly tomorrow. They have met through the baby gate set up between the two living rooms which has frustrated Jane no end. Gus, on the other hand has been relieved as I think he was feeling very vulnerable. My sister and my neice are in love with him and they have spent the most time with him while I have stayed with Jane. I didn't want to upset her routine too much as its all pretty new and exciting for all of us!

Shannon...no problems with him licking too much though he is a snuggle bunny. Loves to sit and lean on you and snuggle his long long nose under your chin. He is in with my sister tonight while Jane, as usual, is sleeping with me.

It will be interesting to see how they go tomorrow when the really meet eachother!

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:laugh: Thats awesome news Tez. Hope you can get the camera out tomorow and get some happy snaps. Have fun with your new addition, I'm sure he will be back to his normal self by soon. Boys bounce back pretty quick!!
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Hi Everyone, hope you have all had a good day! Ours was pretty full on getting to know Gus! He is a lovely guy but very emotionally needy at the moment ( day 1 of his brand new life !) so I have posted in the Puppy problems about an issue we need to address. any input would be appreciated.

Here Are some piccies from today.





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:hug: Tez, Gus is adorable!! I especially love the one of him and Allie, she looks smitten!!

He is very unusual looking, did they have any idea what he was crossed with? Wonder how big he will grow, maybe a little bit bigger than Jane but I think they will be a great match for each other, So good that they are getting along!!

We have only just got home from Timboon, so when I'm sorted I will PM you re: puppy problem post.

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Thanks Tlc...Allie is rapt in him! She is keen to train him next week at training. I'm hoping she will commit long term but hey...she is 12 so who knows. She was very disappointed this afternoon when I took him out for a very short walk but I wanted to check him out and start some sitting, heeling and coming and I thought it would be too distracting for him (and me!)if she came along for the first session. He's asleep on a doona on the trampoline bed at the moment. Bless him!

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Gus looks gorgeous Tez!! :cry: Great to hear he's starting to settle down into his new home - it'll take a bit. Can't wait to meet him! :hug:

Miss Darcy is currently wrapped up in my new (i.e used twice!) electric throw blanket because I can't find my heat pack. Dunno whether she's sore or a bit tight in the back or just the heavy going today caused her to tip a few bars that she usually wouldn't. Anyway she's about to get a good rub down and a gentle stretch but at the moment she looks like she's in her own version of doggy heaven - spoilt much??? :cry:

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Miss Darcy is currently wrapped up in my new (i.e used twice!) electric throw blanket because I can't find my heat pack. Dunno whether she's sore or a bit tight in the back or just the heavy going today caused her to tip a few bars that she usually wouldn't. Anyway she's about to get a good rub down and a gentle stretch but at the moment she looks like she's in her own version of doggy heaven - spoilt much??? :hug:

Nothing wrong with spoiling the doggies...looks like she earnt it anyway! How come it was more heavy going than usual Jess?

Jane is asleep on the couch next to me after her big day. I have to separate her from Gus as she won't settle with him around. I think she's worried that he will be going home soon as she is really only used to being with other dogs for 1 or 2 hours at a time!

As much as she is a ratbag, she is really a soft little soul when it comes to other dogs. I hope Gus dosen't give her too hard a time!

Tlc...what...no new car piccies with the doggies!

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:D Haven't had time to upload any but I will. We only took Cooper with us and left the 3 littlies at home. Check out face book as I did up load a couple to there from my iphone!!

The car is a little flash to be a Spoody mobile, with all the trimmings leather seats, climate control, electric windows, 6 stack CD player and more. Im a lucky girl!!

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