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I havent been up to much after my hols, back to the daily grind at the big green shed, wish I could win tattslotto so I didnt have to go there any more :eek: Give two of the pooches a haircut today, so they are a lot skinnier and lighter now, they were getting rather woolly!! I have been to out regular off leash park a few times and no sign of any thing suspisious, the lawns have been mowed up there yesterday so all nice and short now.

Tanya, you sure have won a fan in Bert, every time I see him he talks about you and Bruno. I hear he did a pic for you, have you got it yet. The lady with the two little chi's her name is Narelle she wants to meet Bruno now, she was asking me about you today, your one popular girl and Bruno is a star ;)

Tez, how did Jane pull up after last weeks walk?? All good I hope??

Tenties, what you up to you've been very quite are you still about? All the pups gone to thier new homes??

Munchin, your quiet, what you been up to lately, you will have to try to get in for a walk sometime soon!!

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Hi all! Pretty flat-out week for me work-wise this week and, like you, TLC, I am hanging out to win tattslotto so I don't have to work full-time. There is sooo much to see and do and work just gets in the way! Damn morgages and bills and buying food ect!

Jane has had a good week...she seems much more settled of late. Dare I say that my little mental case might just be growing up??? She is walking really well on lead and during training she has performed spot on...of course that all goes out the window come training on Sundays! Took her down to the shops a few times and she even obeyed the 'Leave' command when there were a few people about! I wanted to jump in the air and shout WOO_HOO but managed to hold it in or risk total embarressment.

Really starting to think of getting a 2nd dog...most likely in the new year as I am going to Tassie for 2 weeks over Xmas. At the moment, I'm leaning towards a GAP Greyhound (depending on if they can match one to a house with 2 cats, chooks in a secure run and a still nutty Jane). I'm thinking that a placid low energy Grey might balance the high energy Jane but my sister and I are still discussing it. She wants a Goldern Retriever.....and I'm not too keen...we'll see how it goes!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and JJ, good luck with Amy. I hope she isn't too uncomfortable for too much longer as long as her pups don't come too early!

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Hey TLC, yeah got the pic off Bert he dropped it off at work when I was in Geelong for training. Yeah Bert said he had been talking to someone that wants to meet Bruno...

We were up there the other day, went between the trees just before cricket nets funny as Bruno got swooped by a Magpie so we had to get outta there...

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Hi Guys, whats everybody been up to on this extrodinarily lovely weekend?? I have a few pics from our walk today, Me and Tez went to the beach with another friend of mine, then later this arvo I met up with Maws at the park, so my lot have been to the doggy wash and are now recuperating from thier busy day!! Will post some pics after tea.

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Tlc, you are such a good mum to your dogs!. Poor Jane...no bath for her, I just took her collar off, rinsed all the sand off it and hung it on the line. I should be ashamed of myself!

She enjoyed her walk of course...such a top day finishing off with a swim at the beach. She looked like she was doing seal impressions as she swam, rolled over in the water and almost disappeared! Think I have got myself a water baby!

As for training....Well...not her finest day but she had fun. Seems my hard to train pup has entered her teenage period so her finest day at training may be many months dowwn the track. She had a great time playing with Cooper though and was quite gentle with a 7 week old dobe pup. So it wasn't all bad!

Hope everyone enjoyed the great weather and, JJ, hope everything is well with the expectant Mum!

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Yes, Jane was so funny in water, no trouble with her swimming ability!! And her seal impressions were a crack up, head under and all!! She was extremely good with the pup, they were so cute together. I thought she did great for her first day in classes, I have seen some shockers on thier first day believe me!! but they do all seem to get better with time. And how was Brandy she is trainied to about class 5 I think and she was even mucking up :laugh: maybe they thought it was too nice a day to be training but they made up for it at the beach!!

Heres some photos,





Jane made some new friends




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Tlc, you are such a good mum to your dogs!. Poor Jane...no bath for her, I just took her collar off, rinsed all the sand off it and hung it on the line. I should be ashamed of myself!

She enjoyed her walk of course...such a top day finishing off with a swim at the beach. She looked like she was doing seal impressions as she swam, rolled over in the water and almost disappeared! Think I have got myself a water baby!

As for training....Well...not her finest day but she had fun. Seems my hard to train pup has entered her teenage period so her finest day at training may be many months dowwn the track. She had a great time playing with Cooper though and was quite gentle with a 7 week old dobe pup. So it wasn't all bad!

Hope everyone enjoyed the great weather and, JJ, hope everything is well with the expectant Mum!

Nothing to be ashamed about tez - my girls have NEVER had a bath - and Belle is over 4yo!! I took all of them to my parents house yesterday and Mum said "Why don't they have a doggy smell?" I think half of it is the feeding.... :laugh:

As far as Amy and her babies are going, She is not due til Friday or Saturday but has been showing all the signs of going early; loss of appetite, drop in temperature, nesting, etc but tonight - INHALED her dinner, just checked temp (perfect) and NO interest in bedding down, so who's to know???

Will keep Y'all posted. Could be a loooooooong week. :laugh:

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Hi JJ, I just wondered if you could you refresh my memory on the where abouts of your brothers shop is, I was telling my friend today and she is super excited and asked me where it is and I couldnt remember and I have been back through a few posts about the time I thought it was we were talking about it and I couldnt find it. I also tried to find the face book page but I couldnt find that either, so I just thought it easier to ask you here!! Thanks I think my friend will be one of his biggest customers. She said today hope he has good reasonable fish food as she buys all her stuff on line as anywhere here in town is super expensive!! I told her by the sounds of it the shop will be a fish nuts dream come true, she was jumping out of her skin with excitment, she sure loves her fish!! :mad

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tlc it is in the Target/Coles car park, next door to the ANZ bank. He is in most of the time setting up and receiving supplies and she is welcome to go see him - many people do already, just for advice as there is no-one in town who *really* knows what they are talking about.

Re: fish food, he is stocking a huge range including frozen foods (blood worms, Daphnea, heart, shrimp etc) and all the freeze-dried and flake foods including "species specific" foods he's brought out from the US and unavailable outside the bigger city aquariums. He is amazed everyday by the interest, in particular by many full-on enthusiasts who have been going to Geelong & Melbourne for their equipment etc. Now it will all be available right here in town!

Maybe you should just print this out for your friend.... :mad

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I will definatley give her all the info, she told me today that the shop owner will be her new best friend, shhe is into fish in a ig way she breeds them and like a lot of others does go to ballarat and Geelong for her supplies or gets them on line, she is going to be in heaven in this shop. Is he looking for staff, it would be right up her alley big time, she is currently looking for other part time employment away from the big green shed. Can you give me any details or a link to the face book page?? Thanks for your help, much appreciated!!

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Just walked past the shop, its looking good.

I am just waiting too, I am going to get a fish tank, so will just have to wait a bit longer now.

Good for you, Munchin! Will be worth the wait - he will have the biggest range of aquariums around, ranging from budget tanks to beautiful pieces of furniture including curved-glass corner units and huge all-in-one systems that look simply awesome! He is also going to have the best range of equipment too, and a HUGE range of cold water, tropical & marine fish including lion fish and sting-rays! :thumbsup: His multi-level fighting-fish display cabinet arrived today and is going to look great! It seems he has good ethics too, as he told me today he will not be selling those tiny little display tanks so many people keep their fighting fish in. He thinks they're cruel. He has a heap of different information brochures available free on his counter for anyone to take which I think is a great idea for people to take home. I've never seen them in an aquarium before.

His display system (for fish) arrives in the last week of October, and as soon as that is installed he will open for trade, although the fish will be another week or two away as he has to have all the tanks operating without fish for about 10 days I'm told.

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Sorry to remain :thumbsup: but....

tlc - until the Aqua Life page is sorted out, enter aqua life in "find friends" and you will see a list with Tristan Duggan there.

Click on it for his personal page, then click on the "Pages" link on the left of screen.

That will take you to Aqua Life Warrnambool Aquariums. :mad

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While we are off topic, for all those intrested in garden mulch, the council tip has it for $11.00 a cubic meter, great price

a cubic meter was enough to do my whole front garden

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